Saturday, April 21, 2012


Lo all

i just hit 300 tailoring

learnt master tailoring i followed the guide on wowwiki

now it says "As noted above, these recipes can only be bought by someone Neutral or Friendly with Scryer, but a Scryer friend can buy them for you."

how do i get freindly with Scryer? where is Scryer?

Also it said at 375 i can choose 1 of 3 clases? i think it was Spellcloth,Shadowcloth,Mooncloth im atm a Fire based mage but once i hit 60 im switched to frost and staying frost based so which do i choose if any?

Lo all

i just hit 300 tailoring

learnt master tailoring i followed the guide on wowwiki

now it says "As noted above, these recipes can only be bought by someone Neutral or Friendly with Scryer, but a Scryer friend can buy them for you."

how do i get freindly with Scryer? where is Scryer?

Also it said at 375 i can choose 1 of 3 clases? i think it was Spellcloth,Shadowcloth,Mooncloth im atm a Fire based mage but once i hit 60 im switched to frost and staying frost based so which do i choose if any?

Well, I can only help with a part of this sadly. To get Scryer (or for that matter, Aldor) rep, you need to do quests and turn in various items for rep for whichever faction you choose (which by the way you won't even choose until 60 anyway, you can't). By the way, you are neutral with both factions as soon as you go to Shatt I believe, you probably have already ended up in both the Aldor and Scryer sections already and just didn't know it by meandering around the city.

I found as soon as I chose an Inn to use on either side, that side became neutral, so, perhaps visit both Inns and bind yourself to them one at a time and get neutral that way? I'm not sure what items to turn in for Scryer, for Aldor, a guildie saved a ton of Bog Lord Tendrils and something else so I could get a head start on rep when it came time for me to actually choose my faction. Hope I've helped somewhat.|||Aldor and Scryers are two factions in shattrath. You choose allegiance to one given in a quest in the Terrace of Light, and then hand in items (for scryer its sunfury signets,arcane tomes and firewing signets) /do quests etc to get rep with them. Getting rep with scryers decreases it with aldoe and vice versa.

When you get to 350+ tailing and are level 70 you can choose a specialisation - spellfire tailoring, shadowweave or mooncloth.

If you are going to be frost specced - choose shadoweave, it gives you +frost dmg and the 3 piece set is very nice for PVE.

Hope that helps as a brief overview - there is more info on wowwiki if you type in any of the things i mentioned.

Also, I just made it to 375 spellfire tailoring :D

+make sure you have someone who can disenchant all the stuff you make. You will need tons of arcane dust, and from the imbued netherweave stuff you can get large prismatic shrads which somewhat negate the cost of making them.|||I was able to choose specialization at lvl 68. 350 tailoring.|||If I remember correctly, the minimum level to get the specialization quest is level 62 (and 350 tailoring).

You can pick up the recipes from the Scryer camp in SMV.

Basically, if you decide you want to go Aldor, you should pick up the recipes before you actually do any quests for the Aldor. The only real issue there is that is can be a bit of a challenge to get through SMV at the level you would be at before you chose a side. It's easiest to just have a Scryer friend with the flightpath pick up the recipes for you.|||thnx for the replys :)

so Aldor and Scryers which do i choose? im guessing Scryers but why?

do i need to go to Aldor other than to pick up the recipes? are the recipes available on the AH?|||For a comparison of both check this link:

It shows quest rewards, rep rewards, and the patterns for various professions.|||You have to be 60. My priest was 60 when she made her primal mooncloth belt.

Aldor tends to lean towards "defense" and scryer towards "offense". Aldor tailors can make the healing spellthread for legs and Scryer can make the dps caster spellthread. It is more a matter of preference then anything.|||Aside from the spellthread there is also the shoulder enchant and scryer has a nice ring at exalted. The honored aldor enchant is dmg, the scryer is spell crit. The exalted Aldor has more dmg, while the scryer splits it between dmg and crit.

Pick your faction based on which enchant you want and which items they have. Visit the quartermasters in both banks to see. (i don't think aldor has any good dps caster gear). You'll probably only make 5 or 6 spellthread for yourself in your career ever and you can get them made for 50g +mats, so that's moot. You can make money crafting either one. If someone in your guild can already craft one, you might consider getting the other, if no one has it yet.

As for your other question about spec. Shadow tailoring if you intend to play as a frost mage, spellstrike for fire.|||There is the aldor robe at honored which is not bad but will be replaced by several in the 5-man instances - my warlock wore it for a while. I agree with XCompanion and it is what I tell guildies and friends who ask me....look at what is available from the quartermasters (or better yet get Atlas and AtlasLoot Enhanced) and see what they have...make your decision there based on your professions or which shoulder enchants seem more appealing to you.

Swapping from LW/Skinning to Eng/Mining?

I'm considering switching from leatherworking and skinning on my hunter to mining and engineering. What are people's opinions on this, particularly when comparing the end LW and engineering recipes that you can only make for yourself?


I really think that it's class specific. The mail you can make as a max level LW for a hunter is very good. Are there engineering things you can make that *for a hunter* is better than the mail you can make? Is the mail easily replaceable with drops that are easily obtainable? What level is your LW? it cost me about 1500g to skill to 375 from zero.

For my rogue, LW was a great crafting profession - I could make 3 T4 level armor pieces, Engineering would have given me.. one, the Deathblow Goggles. Simple decision, esp since the "of Second Sight" helms are very good.

One thing to consider is keeping skinning (if you've skilled it up) since you can make money with that. Yes, you can make money with mining... but you need to skill it up first. What money could you make playing those same hours and killing/skinning Clefthoof Bulls in Nagrand, etc.? Too often you find people taking the gathering profession that complements their crafting profession - but that's the purpose of money. It's a way to translate value from one skill to another. Put more simply - skin, sell and use the money to buy what you need for Engineeering if you go that way.|||Engineering does go very well with hunters for example a combination of FD and XL jumper cables can often save a raid/dungeon from a wipe if you are on the ball. Also if you are into raiding the repair bots are useful (if somewhat expensive to craft).

I have just dropped BS for eng even though i was 375 BS simply as i didnt see it going anywhere and engineering although it has some annoying features (when the device you are using blows up in your face) it is probably the most fun profession imho.

The other great thing about Eng is in effect 2 more hearthstones with the ultra safe transporters available (for gnome its Gadgetzan & tooleys station) no sure about Goblin.|||Quote:

no sure about Goblin.

Everlook and area 52. You'll find engineering has alot of fun/helpful features, but dont start without a money maker. I dropped skinning/LW for mining/engi and am enjoying it to the fullest, BUT(!) I'm running short on money for the simple fact that I either use my ore for engi or dont mine it at all cause I dont have "find minerals" activated. So just a little heads up. You could (without another source of gold) run into serious trouble. I know I did...|||I am trying out skinning and mining and mailing everything to my bank alts. I now have a crapload of bars and skins and eventually will switch over to eng./lw. Best of both worlds!

AH profession - mild rant

I've been playing AH for the last month because I got tired of grinding.

It isn't like it was 18 months ago when I was playing my priest and the money was REALLY easy, but i've made ~1800g in the last 4-5 weeks mostly by controlling markets. Thats starting with ~200g seed money...its going much faster now.

What is increasingly irritating is the undercutters. I don't understand them. I can understand wanting to sell quickly and undercutting someone by a bit, maybe 20 or 50s on a 20g item. Thats enough to make the difference to a buyer. What gets me is seeing my price - then 1g lower, then 2g lower than that, then 3g lower than that. It makes no sense. I don't mind in part because it just means more cheap stuff for me, but sometimes the volume of stuff I have to buy is HUGE. Don't these people value their time at all? When I was out farming for hours at a time, I wanted every last copper I could get...

The other thing killing me lately is Xmute products (mostly because I bought up 2k worth of primal might at a great price, but i want a premium). On my server people are selling primal might for 10-20g less than the raw mats recently...I don't get it...same for cloth's|||That's the risk of playing with AH, you might find your market completely becomes a mess. But it's their item. They can do whatever they want to.

for Primal Mights, you might know that transmuting alchemists sometimes get multiple items out of a transmutation. They can afford selling at a price that is lower than the raw mats. I see that as a great idea. You work hard to get to the top. You shall get something in return. Same goes for high-end clothes. You get two out of one set of mats if you're specialised in those type of clothes. I'm a shadow-spec'd myself and I can say after all the set and pieces, those clothes are money maker!|||I have had the same experience with undercutters. It makes no sense at all. And it's exactly like real life.

In my business, I have competition who does work for 20% of what I charge. I just don't get it. If you know that the market will bear such a higher price, why would you do it for so little? If people are willing to undercut so badly in RL, with real money, you know they'll do it for WoW gold.|||I undercut people all the time (by many Gold) because they have put the items up at a ridiculously high price trying to control the market. I've been on my server for about a year and a half so there's certain prices that really kind of stay the same, seeing some dude putting ton's of items up for several more gold then standard prices, just makes his items the most expensive and least likely to sell b/c the rest of us are posting at the new middle point that has been created.

Item ASDF usually sells for 2G a piece

AH player #1 buys out all the ASDF's on the AH and posts them all for 4G a piece in an attempt to make some money and slightly control the market.

Now the rest of us AH players see this, and we go get the ASDF's that we have in the bank and post those for 2.5-3G a piece. Now ours sell (we make more than what we thought) and AH player #1 just helped us do it. His do not sell and he is forced to lower his price thus resetting the market, and we're the ones making the profit (even if our buyer is AH player #1 buying out our items to resell for higher amounts). We still make the money we wanted and then some and his items will go un-purchased for a week b/c everyone knows the standard price.|||I am a tailor and use all my CD's whenever they're up. I always sell all 4 for as much as possible.

Our market has been really crazy lately, but I don't put things up for insane prices.

Ex. Primal water sells from 15-22g. So i will buy out whatever i can under 17 and list at 20. The next day i'll check and some guy listed 18 singles for 13g when the lowest price was still 18.|||I hear you. I often make flasks and sell them for profit. Usually flask of relentless assault sells the best for around 40g. Lately someone keeps putting them up at 30g. As you said I could understand if he undercut by a few silvers but 10g? These things sell all the time for 40g+ why list it at 30? I know I could just buy the cheap flasks but I prefer to make my own since I get the chance for an extra proc.

I haven't gotten into controlling the markets much - if you don't mind sharing what items do you find to be the best? Enchanting mats, tailoring cloth, and primals? I guess I know the theory just afraid it will backfire on me. I'm worried about people like xDark I guess - of course the enchanting mats have no deposit unlike the flasks.|||Quote:

I undercut people all the time (by many Gold) because they have put the items up at a ridiculously high price trying to control the market.

That's different than what XCompanion is complaining about, though. Lots of players seem to put stuff up at much less than the standard price, just to sell quickly. On my server, for instance, copper bars used to sell for 3g for about a year (when the expansion and jewelcrafting was introduced) and having 3 low level alts with mining I made some insane money... until some numbnuts kept putting it up for 1g. Now you're lucky if you can get more than 1g50s for a stack of copper bars.|||Theres a misunderstanding here , the whole undercutting principal grows from 3 beliefs:

- what the origional seller wants to sell the item for

- what you think you can sell the item for

- what the item is actually worth

Most people belief that what they sell it for, is what the item is worth.

Just becouse an item is on the AH for 4g, doesnt mean its allways way overpriced.

I love controlling the market, and thus i buy up the undercutters amass. They get the money they want, but in the end i make profit of their items.

Dont ever undercut yourself, instead buy up the bunch and put them back up.

And dont forget, theres never just 1 person looking for an item.

Someone will go to the AH, buy a stack of copper ore at the cheapest price on there. Hey looksyloo, the undercutters item has been bought, your items are the cheapest now!

So the next 50 people will see your items, and if they are in need of it, will buy it.|||I've been working on the markets I know which are primals, cloth and gems. I also make netherweave bags everyday and a mooncloth or ebon shadow if i can get enough mats cheap. I look for epic patterns that are relatively cheap too.

I always list my mats at the high end of the "accepted" price range

You can exploit the cloth markets when there are big differences in price. Ex: 10 spellcloth for 300g while mooncloth is selling for 45g a pop. Buy the spellcloth and trade it for moon.

Wesje - what you just described is usually exactly what I do. I just overinvested this round... This was my first time buying that many primal mights and i just ran out of cash.

The good news is the market is rebounding and i bought up 20 primal mights for an average price of 65g each. I anticipate it should be back up to 100 by the weekend, so I guess the name of the game is patience.|||Also keep in mind that from what I read most of you have been on a server for more than a year. Over a year the community of a sever grows quite a bit. As its growing more people need more mats to craft, quest, whatever. All the early comers to that server reap rewards in easy selling of mats at good prices. But a year and a half later your sever gets less and less new people crafting. Plus now you have a mid-high pop sever which means a ton of people farming, getting tons of mats and not as many low to mid range crafters to buy it up. Its a supply and demand thing IMO.


Ok, just a quick thing.

Firstly, Where do all the really good elixirs (the 2 hour stuff etc) drop? are they from instances or raids?

And Secondly, Anyone know what the most valuable alchemy specialisation is? elixirs, potions or transmute?

Jammel|||ok forget my first question. I've just realised that they are discoveries :)|||I think i can bump now cant i?

*bump*|||No bumping, but I'll answer yer question anyway.

They're all about equally valuable.

Transmuting is more bang for your buck if you hit the jackpot, but Elixirs is just as good in the long term.

I think it mostly depends on what you yourself actually need.|||what about Potions?|||People will always need mana and healing potions, before you go down that route I would check the AH though. If theres 47862435125 pages of super mana/healing pot listings then I wouldn't bother...|||Quote:

People will always need mana and healing potions, before you go down that route I would check the AH though. If theres 47862435125 pages of super mana/healing pot listings then I wouldn't bother...

Yup, and since you get quite a few of 'em when grinding/questing etc, I didn't find it as interesting. Especially not since none of my characters are likely to use a lot of 'em.

It's not bad though, if you can get a few of the more interesting recipes.

On a sidenote, if you do go take the Transmute mastery... Don't do the quest. Get potion mastery instead and then ditch it and get Transmute Mastery for 120g. Far cheaper than shelling out 5 Primal Mights.|||oh righto

dont you think its a biit stupid that you have to go to a level 70 instance but you can get the quests at level 68?|||Quote:

oh righto

dont you think its a biit stupid that you have to go to a level 70 instance but you can get the quests at level 68?

Druids can enter Botanica at level 68. Everyone else can other the BM at 68.|||Quote:

Yup, and since you get quite a few of 'em when grinding/questing etc, I didn't find it as interesting. Especially not since none of my characters are likely to use a lot of 'em.

It's not bad though, if you can get a few of the more interesting recipes.

On a sidenote, if you do go take the Transmute mastery... Don't do the quest. Get potion mastery instead and then ditch it and get Transmute Mastery for 120g. Far cheaper than shelling out 5 Primal Mights.

IMHO, I think doing TK (Master of Potions) or BM (Master of Elixirs) is more tedious than just handing in 4 primal might (Master of Transmutation). When the transmute proc, you will get your 4 primal might back....

Selling Fish?

So, quick guidelines - how much does Golden fish sticks sell for on your servers :)

Im EU-Scarshield Legion for ref.

I was thinking about 15 gold for 20?


Any other fish i should sell (spicy crawdads?)

If so - cost......

Only asking as Im now 375 fishing and, pardon the pun, the world is my oyster ;)

Kev|||Have you checked the AH to see what other are selling the same thing for? Do you use Auctioneer to scan the auction house?|||Quote:

Have you checked the AH to see what other are selling the same thing for? Do you use Auctioneer to scan the auction house?

Occassionally ;)

I wanted a feel from other people.

I dont scan everything ;)

Kev|||The problem is that the economies can be very different across servers. It would be interesting to start a tracking system for specific items across severs just to see how wildly things fluctuate. If I remember, I'll check my AH tonight.|||Quote:

So, quick guidelines - how much does Golden fish sticks sell for on your servers :)

Im EU-Scarshield Legion for ref.

I was thinking about 15 gold for 20?


Any other fish i should sell (spicy crawdads?)

If so - cost......

Only asking as Im now 375 fishing and, pardon the pun, the world is my oyster ;)


When I was just able to make Golden fish sticks a month ago, they were like 5 for 8g. Now, it depends on how many ppl are selling them on AH. If not many are listed, I would list 5 for 9.95 g. If there are too many listed or someone undercut to below 20g, I would just wait.

spicy crawdads is about 20 for 20g - 30g.

I would advise to list 5 a stack not 20.

PVP servers' (mine) AH price are usually higher than PVE servers.

|||i list them for 1g bid 2g buyout (stacks 20g bid / 40g BO)

ether they don't sell or someone pays buyout. my server must be full of "right now" ppl, because 99% of my auctions are buyouts... nobody bids on any of my other auctions either.

A question about Gatherer (addon)

I wish to know the locations of all the herbs and mines throughout azeroth and outlands--

is there anywhere that has this data readily downloadable which can be applied to gatherer?

thx|||The addon itself can provide you with a database of readily available locations. In-game, type /gatherer options - the list on the lefthand side should have a word like 'download' or 'database' at the top - click it and you'll get the option to import a databse from the Gatherer site. It takes a short while, and then you'll have a lot of information to start with.

BC First-Aid Trainer

Anyone found him yet?!?!

Thought there was meant to be one in Honor Hold but I cant find him anywhere?!?!|||To get First Aid above 300 in TBC you need to:

Alliance - Buy the First Aid manual from Burko in Temple of Telhamut, Hellfire Peninsula

Horde - Buy the First Aid manual from Aresella in Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula|||Nice one....

Thanks for that...
|||Also, make sure you got a couple of Runecloth stacks (6-8) to get your skill to 330, which is the skill needed to train netherweave bandage.|||Quote:

Also, make sure you got a couple of Runecloth stacks (6-8) to get your skill to 330, which is the skill needed to train netherweave bandage.

I did three toons up to 330 FA skill in the beta, and it took around 100 runecloth for each.|||Where do you learn 'Heavy Runecloth bandages' from?

I'm at first aid lvl 307 and the highest recipe I have is for the regular runecloth bandage (which is green and I'm barely getting any skillups anymore).

I already bought the books for Neatherweave and Heavy Neatherweave. but the vendor I bought those from didn't have anything else (other the the first book 'doctor in the house' or something which I already 'know')

Maybe there's another book before the Neatherweave books for the heavy runecloth bandages and the vendor was all out?


nidanone|||You can learn the Heavy Runecloth Bandage (290) from the person you learned everything else from and who gave you the Triage quest - Dr. Gustav in Theramore for the Alliance, Dr. Victor in Hammerfall for the Horde.

profession for lvls 40-70 that makes money?

I am currently herbalism/mining but was thinking of dropping one of them because I am tired of switching my search button back and forth. I am a lvl 43 priest right now. At 70 I plan to pick up tailoring to make a craftable set.

My question is, are any of the non gathering professions decent money makers for this lvl range? I had tailoring before, but I think I wasted more money on mats than I ever gained.

I could also go back and pick up skinning but I'm not sure it pays as well as the other gathering prof's. Plus I'd have to waste a few hours killing low lvl mobs to up my skill.


John|||Keep mining, go skinning/mining until level 65~ish, then switch to tailoring and start doing xmutes.|||Quote:

I am currently herbalism/mining but was thinking of dropping one of them because I am tired of switching my search button back and forth. I am a lvl 43 priest right now. At 70 I plan to pick up tailoring to make a craftable set.

My question is, are any of the non gathering professions decent money makers for this lvl range? I had tailoring before, but I think I wasted more money on mats than I ever gained.

I could also go back and pick up skinning but I'm not sure it pays as well as the other gathering prof's. Plus I'd have to waste a few hours killing low lvl mobs to up my skill.



All of 'em are if you know what to sell or craft.|||OK, I picked up skinning. Thanks for your help.|||I do herbalism and skinning, and make plenty of money that way. I prefer skinning over mining because you have so many more places to gather, and you can skin corpses that other people have left behind.

Plus, if you feel like grinding, you pick a grinding place with Yeti's or something like that which will give you exp and skins to sell...double bonus.

Need lockpicking help!

I give up. I've been googling and browsing forums for a while and can't find a decent lockpicking guide. Everything out there is pre BC. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.|||Quote:

I give up. I've been googling and browsing forums for a while and can't find a decent lockpicking guide. Everything out there is pre BC. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Ok, I'm going to assume you're looking for help on where to skill lockpicking in Outlands. (based on the fact that you say you can only find pre-BC guides, and as far as I know skilling lockpicking is pretty straight forward) is a quick, and profitable guide to lockpicking in Outlands.

Step 1: Stealth

Step 2: Pickpocket every humanoid you find

Step 3: (optional) after picking their pockets, kill them and take the rest of the loot (apparently they hide coins in their boots or something )

Step 4: hone lockpicking skill on all the junk boxes you will get from pocket picking

And you really don't have to do this consistently. I usually dedicated 1 night of the week to this when I was approaching my next level.

That's really all their is to it. Half the quests in outlands will have you killing humanoids. I literally was running out of bank space storing junk boxes until I could get my next level and use up 5 more boxes. In addition, you would be surprised how much you profit from pickpocketing (especially if the mobs haven't been killed in a while)

There's a place in Blade's Edge...can't remember the name but you access the pit area through 1 of 2 tunnels, or by flying mount (which apparently is the preferred method). On my way out of there one night I went through the tunnel and I was getting between 90s and 1g from each mob by pickpocketing and then looting after I killed them.|||Quote:

I give up. I've been googling and browsing forums for a while and can't find a decent lockpicking guide. Everything out there is pre BC. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Pre-BC is still very valid. Your lockpick skill level is determined by character level, not like regular professions.

Search for the "pickpocket + cheapshot" or "pickpocket+ambush/garrote/whatever" macro, this will yield enough junkboxes to level your lockpicking to max in no time.

Also, check the Rogue forum, I know the macro's are listed in Osiris' Rogue Guide.|||

Remember that certain doors can be used to increase your lockpicking skill but when I was leveling my Rogue I got sick of waiting and ended up going back to pickpocketing.

Setting up your keys for easy access pickpocketing and quickloot in teh options menu will make life easier.

I had "MOUSE4" (side of my mouse) bound to it and I'd simply stealth past mob tapping MOUSE4 when close enough.

(Distract Shot if needed.)

Yes it can be annoying... but at least you aren't mining :)

(It took me 4 hours to get from 271 mining to 300 mining. I was level 60 and on a nice fast mount doing it.)|||Thanks alot people!|||Quote:

Thanks alot people!

Not really sure what your question is here honestly. But On my rogue, I leveled my LP post BC in Zangermarsh on the chests there.|||Quote:

I give up. I've been googling and browsing forums for a while and can't find a decent lockpicking guide. Everything out there is pre BC. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

I took my Rogue first to Alther's Mill, just up the road from Lakeshire, where there is an array of practice boxes. A little time and patience and I got to lvl 110. Then I went up the coast from Auberdine in Ashenvale to Blackfathom Deep (at least, the ruins that lie above it) and found numerous boxes lying about there to practice on. Got up to 125 that way. I haven't played this char much since, but I'm told that there are many boxes to be pickpocketed from Centaurs in Desolace using the suggested methods. I've also started opening low-level locked boxes for alts and people in Stormwind and that too is raising my level. The other thing is that once you gain the skill, you gain five points in lockpicking every time you level up (I think - have to admit I haven't played this guy for a while).|||Quote:

...The other thing is that once you gain the skill, you gain five points in lockpicking every time you level up (I think - have to admit I haven't played this guy for a while).

That's partly correct. Each time you level, you gain access to skill up 5 more points in lockpicking. (Or another way to say it, is that you can only skill up 5 points in LP per character level.) So if your LP skill is 100/100, you need to gain a level and then you will have 100/105. You still will have to earn the 5 skill points, but that is pretty easy to do.

Abeezil, there are also practice boxes in the Pirate Cove (fort) in lower Tanaris.


was wondering how long it was till you all got your first discovery. ive made a crap ton of pots elixers and have not got one yet. i know its random and all but i figured i would get one by now. is there something im not doing right. i do all the high lvl pots and elixers. i have 3 of the major resist pot and make those as often as i can. dose it matter which pot im crafting or not. can it be gray. just looking for some info.|||I made like 150 Elixir of Major agility without getting one - then one night I sold a Primal Might transmute, and I discovered Transmute: Primal Mana to Fire.

*Yay me*|||From what I understand discoverys are completely random and doesn't matter what level pots you are making as long as they are post BC pots. I've personally made 1000's of potions/elixir of all different levels and still have not made a discover. oh well, gues I will get lucky eventually.|||I've only discovered one - flask of relentless assault and I discovered that in the Bone Wastes while I was making a stack of volatile healing potion (grey at alch lvl 375) and my rogue is a Master of elixirs. Haven't discovered any more yet.|||I had 3 discoveries in my first 30 pots made. None since, about 300 pots.|||I've made easily over 1000 pots of all different types and still have yet to get a discover. It is completely random from what I have heard.|||There have been nights when I have made hunderds of pots and discovered nothing... and then there was one hnight where I made one elixir of Mastery and procced a discovery.

Totally random like they said above.|||wanted to add that since the previous posting, I have discovered 3 more recipes, and one of them was while I was making volitile healing potion.|||*feels nubbish* What's a discovery? I'm not an alchemist.|||Quote:

*feels nubbish* What's a discovery? I'm not an alchemist.

it is when you are making a high level potion/elixir in the Outlands anywhere and 'discover' another one (for some reason I haven't figured out yet, only Alchemists have this discovery, not any other profession). You can discover any potion or elixir - don't have to be one of the masters of anything to get that discovery. I went for weeks & months and now have a few.

Do not have any insight for the transmute discovery because I've never had one process yet, however, I do think that transmute discoveries are limited to happening while you are transmuting, and do not proc while making potions or elixirs (from reading other posts about this).

Tracking Herbs/Nodes

I've read in a couple of places that you can now track herbs and nodes at the same time. Naturally now that I want to look up that info again I obviously cannot find it.. :S

Can anyone confirm/deny this?|||I can confirm that you cannot have herbalism and mining trackers up at the same time.|||I can deny that you can have herbalism and mining trackers up at the same time.|||I can confirm this denial of dual simultaneous tracking surveillance modes.|||I deny everything. *shifty eyes*|||Just get the gatherer mod, and you'll know where nodes and herbs are typically located...Then, go from there.

Most people don't mine and herb at the same time.|||Ummm...nope, it is true, you can track both herbs and mines at the same time. I asked on the official boards if there was a way to do it and was told no, but use a macro you could click to change back and forth as you fly along. I made the macro, clicked it one time and since then both yellow blips are on my mini-map. I have a feeling it is a bug that will be fixed.

Cooking - clamlette surprise quick question

i know we get this as a quest reward along with artisan cooking.

but is there a recipe for it??? if so where/how can i get it? thanks a lot!|||Quote:

i know we get this as a quest reward along with artisan cooking.

but is there a recipe for it??? if so where/how can i get it? thanks a lot!

Nope, you get taught the recipe, when you do the quest as far as I recall. No separate reciple scroll involved. It's been a while since I've done that quest.|||The food reward is only that: food, and you don't get to learn how to make it. The major reward of this quest is the ability to get Cooking to 300 (which is normally also the reason for doing the quest).

There are more quests which give food but not a recipe to make it, one that springs to mind is the Cactus Apple Surprise quest in Durotar, but there are more.|||ahhh i see. i was a bit confused because most of the quests that i have done where i'd get food would also give me the recipe too. easy strider stew, murloc fin soup, goretusk liver pie, blood sausage, soothing turtle bisque.... etc.

First Aid after Triage Training?

I got the Triage Training at Theremore but have not got the Heavy Mageweave Bandage or Runecloth bandage skill--do I have to go back to Arathi Highlands to get another book from that fellow?|||no, you have to skill up. he'll teach you heavy mageweave at around 240 skill. so stick around and get your skill up. you'll get the next one at 280 or so. he'll teach you that too. again, im estimating the skill levels. but its around those numbers.|||The next three things are all from the trama surgeon in Theremore.

240 - Heavy mageweave

260 - Runecloth

290 - Heavy runecloth

After that, FA goes back to BoE books, this time available in Hellfire Peninsula.

300 - Next level of first aid skill

330 - Netherweave bandages

360(?) - Heavy Netherweave bandages|||lol thanks for clarifying. i totally forgot about the skill at 260. hehe.

Do any crafting professions earn good gold?

Hi guys

I'm lvl 61, currently have 2 gathering professions, skinning and mining.

Skinning is at 316/375, but I'm a bit behind in the mining 184/225, and wondering if I should drop it and get a crafting profession or take some time and level it up (I quest in Outland now, and can't mine anything there, so I'd have to go find Mithril to mine to lvl up my mining)

This is my first toon, so I'm wondering if maybe first I should keep both gathering professions and save up for my epic flying mount (how much is that by the way?) and only after that choose a profession (?)

Or, do any professions earn good money? From what I've seen in many professions most don't really make much. Many items sell at or below the cost of the mats.

I'd be interested in Swordsmithing for example (even though I'd drop mining I would just get mats on AH when they are cheap), but that apparently is a losing profession too,

I'm thinking about Leatherworking, since I want to keep skinning. But I'd want to make Elemental gear, and just one Recipe for one piece is selling at AH right now on my server for like 300g so that would not make sense either.

Do any crafting profession earn a decent amount of gold?

Or are they just for fun?|||Flying mounts are 900G for training and mount, epic Flying mounts are 5200G for training and mount.

You can make some money with most any profession, but unless you find a market that few other people on your server are working on, you won't get sure money with any of them. Once you're lvl 70, it's easy enough to knock out a few daily quests in under an hour for about 60-70G a day. Not the fastest way to make money, but good enough for most people, I've paid for 5 epic fliers that way.|||Thanks

I guess what I'll do for now, is keep mining and skinning and save for my epic flying mount, and once I have enough gold I'll drop mining for Leatherworking

In the meantime, I'm keeping my eye on the auction house for any good deals on rare leatherworking recipes so I'll have them for when I do switch over.|||Pretty much all professions can you make you money if yer smart about it.

I've made money through leatherworking, engineering, enchanting, tailoring (though I haven't hit the gold mine there yet) and alchemy. Jewelcrafting would've made me money if my li'l priest had been a higher level so she could get over the 300 bump. I even found a few interesting recipes in Blacksmithing that do well.

Every single profession can earn you good, solid money.|||Is the smart way getting your hands on rare recipes? (so that you aren't competing with all the other people in your profession)|||For the average player gathering professions will always make more than crafting.

For the more hardcore player who has access to the more rare expensive patterns and low % drop patterns a crafting profession can be more profitable.

I would only advise things like tailoring or leatherworking that you can produce great gear for yourself that you'll actually use.

At 61 you need a lot of gold for the future, keep your gathering professions at least until your flying... my 2cp anyway.|||Thanks

Yes exactly what I was thinking. Save for epic flying first.

Just have to lvl up my mining now as I can't mine anything in Outland yet :(|||Quote:

Is the smart way getting your hands on rare recipes? (so that you aren't competing with all the other people in your profession)

No. It's selling stuff that people need (e.g. leg enchants, enchanting rods, quest items), combining mats for profit (e.g. transmutes/flasks) or making cheap stuff that disenchants into something more valuable than its original materials.

Most of my money comes from quite simply being handy with a calculator and comparing prices.

I'll give you an example. If Clefthide Leg Armour sells for 50g, and the combined mats cost 40g to purchase on the AH... there's a profit to be had.

There's nothing more to it really - just what will sell well or disenchant well is highly variable from server to server.|||Quote:

I'll give you an example. If Clefthide Leg Armour sells for 50g, and the combined mats cost 40g to purchase on the AH... there's a profit to be had.

And if you can gather some of those mats you will be even further ahead...

Supplement that with buying and reselling things off of the AH (anything that is cheaper than it should be) and you will be ahead of the game.|||Quote:

And if you can gather some of those mats you will be even further ahead....


That's a common misconception.

Buying things off the AH takes about 2 minutes. Taking the time to farm it might be about half an hour. In half an hour I can make far more killing something profitable than the mats for a single leg armour (or whatever) would cost.

Grinding for mats costs you money. If you happen to run into them whilst doing other stuff - that's all good. E.g. - yer killing thousands of clefthoofs for Nesingwary in Nagrand and get leather that way ? Sure.

But killing those cows for a low drop rate on skinning thingy ? No.

As the goblins are apt to remind one: "Time is money, friend."

//edit: to put a bit more nuance in my previous reply:

Rare patterns *can* be worth it, but most times they're quite simply not all that rare. And while there's money to be had in being able to craft something fancy that not everyone can... those are generally once-off big shots. You might make 100g with one of those patterns once a week. But, if you can make 25g/day with the more common patterns, it's still a higher profit overall.

Will I regret ONLY gathering?

My main is a lvl 44 gnome mage, an alchemist currently at 245. This has been fun BUT.. it kills me having to make soooo many potions and elixirs that are both useless to me and sell for zilch in order to get my alchemy levels up. So often the materials used for these things are worth FAR more than the creations themselves.. my particular hate is Catseye Elixir which no one wants and doesn't seem to work at all. How much more I would have made selling the materials.

Now that I have my mount <looks fondly at the tin bird> I am working on my other to-be-serious toon, a Blood Elf Warlock. I'm thinking this time I will only do skinning and mining (I need a break from herbs). I seriously think with the money I could have made selling materials used for alchemy I could have bought the handful of potions I actually use and twinked myself out happily with my profits if I so wished. So I'm thinking I will forgo all that and just gather and sell, gather and sell with my warlock.

Will I regret this later? Will I be handicapped at lvl 60 by not being at the pinnacle of a crafting profession? Please give me your feedback on this one folks!|||You can always powerlevel the profession you want once you hit 70. There's not too much worth having until then anyway. It's what I did with tailoring and didn't regret it.

If you're going to do it with tailoring you can always save enough cloth on another character then use it when you get to 70.|||Tailoring does have a few nice items along the way.

Same with Jewelcrafting.

It's not needed to have a crafting profession - far from. Pure gathering probably makes more money even. But personally, I liked having a crafting profession and wearing items I made myself.|||as a mage pick up tailoring speciality as early you can (if you want to be a tailor that is) to start make the cloth you will need at 70 , think its lvl 62 you can choose speciality.

And for me that went tailring from the start....the netherweave set is quiet nice between 60-70|||generaly speaking, all crafting professions just cost you. pick up tiloring when you hit outlands and power level it.|||My first ever toon (druid) is skinning/mining.

My second toon (hunter) engineering/enchanter.

My druid farms ore for my hunter to make all the bullets I use.

I've paid for my epic flight on the druid and almost there for my hunter.

I think it's imperative that you have one toon that can farm money for your other toons.

Repair bills, consumables, and other items for raiding add up.

I just started a lock that is herb/alchy.|||Other than Jewelcrafting, very few crafting professions have things that you can only craft for yourself prior to lvl 70. There are, what, two tailoring recipes that make bind-on-pickup items. On the other hand, there's a lot of stuff in most professions that are BoP when you hit lvl 70, so I strongly recommend looking into what you get from them at about lvl 65 then starting to work on them so you can make yourself some nice goodies when you hit lvl 70.|||Quote:

Will I regret this later? Will I be handicapped at lvl 60 by not being at the pinnacle of a crafting profession? Please give me your feedback on this one folks!

You will NOT regret this....and, think about it as 70, not 60.

You will occasionally need money for things (mainly mounts), and that money is gotten through mining and other things...(herbs is likely the best second choice).

Drops and quest rewards will provide you plenty of equipment and you won't need money for those.

Leveling up ANYTHING is easier as a 70....Do gathering while you are lower levels, since you run into the items as you level up.

If you want to provide herbs to a guild alchemist to make you some things along the way, that will cost you nothing, and you won't have to be the alch yourself.|||Thanks, this and the thread about gold and gathering professions was very helpful. As people pointed out, you can change. I will have my second toon a gatherer only, she will aim for wealth.|||Quote:

generaly speaking, all crafting professions just cost you. pick up tiloring when you hit outlands and power level it.

Totally agree with that one. Gather, gather, sell, sell.

Tailoring is a gold sink..a huge one until you get to Outlands.

Skinning/LW Gold per Hour

I'm 375 LW/Skinning and I've never sold many mats or items, as a result I'm very poor.

But I'd like that to change, I really want that epic mount!

So my question is, where is the best place to get the most gold per hour of grinding? I'm all epiced out so I can kill anything, but I'm unsure if I should kill a bunch of easy guys and collect light leather quickly or get Knothide leather at a slower rate? Should I go for something special like Dragon Scales with a slow drop rate?

Or, should I use the mats to make something? And sell the product?

Thanks in advance for the advise.|||what level are you?|||Quote:

what level are you?

At 375 for both skills, my guess is 70, or very near so.

IMO, kill things that give you knothide and clefthoof.....Sell the leather.

If you want a broader goldmaking perspective, play the AH and do dailies....|||I'm lv70 with S1 armor ret paladin.

What makes me think Knothide isn't as good is that everyone farms it. Kinda like Netherweave. It's cheaper for me to vendor Nether bandages than to sell a stack of cloth.

I can see the Clefthoof selling well. I've spent soooooooo much time in Nagrand killing those damn things to level up.

*edit* I may time myself and try a few expirements to see what the best G per H would be. Nagrand seems like a good place to start.|||Quote:

Nagrand seems like a good place to start.

For clefthoof, there is no better place, IMO.|||I'm not sure what to tell you regarding LW, but for the skinning, I would definitely focus on the clefthoof leather. On my server it goes for about 50G per stack.|||as a pala id drop l/w and take up herbs or mining and then just sell sell and sell again. it will only take a few hours to get your herbs up but mining could take a long time due to thorium mines being hard to find and having low yield|||Cleft Hoof sells 80g a stack of 20 on my realm, Aslo the Cobra, Wind and Fel scales are also good sellers.

Best place for Cobra Scales is the cave by the Narga in SMV, Fel Scales the Ravagers in Hellfire as you enter Zanger and Wind Scales from the Netherdrakes in BEM.

Another good way to make gold is to buy a stack of 20 knothide leather in ah for around 7g, make 4 heavy Knothide leather with it and split it into 2 stacks of 2, then put them back in ah for 10g a stack. 12g profit every time.|||Quote:

Another good way to make gold is to buy a stack of 20 knothide leather in ah for around 7g, make 4 heavy Knothide leather with it and split it into 2 stacks of 2, then put them back in ah for 10g a stack. 12g profit every time.

Often noticed people selling that, but I expected noone to fall for that ;) I'll give it a try.

To the original poster, in my opinion nothing beats daily quests for money. So make sure you can do the bombing runs for Shatari Skyguard atleast.|||I farmed and sold a stack of Clefthide for 34G the lowest bidder I undercut was 35G I won't know till later today if it sold or if I was undercut.

On Draka the Clefthide market is pretty saturated. I always see a lot of farmers out there with me. The plus side is that sometimes I'll find a quester killing them and i'll just tag along to get the free skin.

I'd say it took about an hour to get a stack. I'll do some official times later.

I'll try some scales next.

Comfortable Insoles

Comfortable Insloes. WTH are they good for? I've asked and some have said it helps reduce armor damage. I'm not so sure.


For those who don't know it's a LW crafted item.|||The best answer I've seen is that it reduces damage to your equipment for the 30 minutes its active. So apply it before an instance or whatever to save on repair costs...|||For leveling Leatherworking cheaply for the first couple points.

You can vendor 'em.|||lol cheaply you say, the pattern cost 35+ gold on my server.. never seen this in the shops..|||its on my server for 7g, 3 or 4 of them... maybe a blip.|||It is rumoured to give -30% durability damage on your gear - the damage taken upon death not included. But some say it's not true, and people haven't proven yet that it really does work. I guess we'll never find out, lol.

Man, I can't decide on the engineering specialty

Obviously I can buy the XL Jumper cables (or can I?) so I guess the main decision is between the gnome goggles and the goblin helmet. The helmet seems better than the goggles for surv. (I lose crit but gain agi bonus and stun resist...) but will I end up using either one when I get there? All the bombs and chicken stuff I don't really care about...|||Mostly comes down to where you want to be able to teleport to with the unsafe transporter.|||Quote:

Mostly comes down to where you want to be able to teleport to with the unsafe transporter.

Yup. That. My druid could teleport to Moonglade, so I really didn't need a portal to Everlook.

My rogue loved bombs, so she went goblin. Not much to it really.

Should I get a profession... And which one?

Ok so i'm level 48 with no professions.

I Know i'm stupid.

What should I pick up?

Cheers guys :)|||OMG YES!!!! pick up a gathering skill. how much gold do you have in the bank?|||Quote:

OMG YES!!!! pick up a gathering skill. how much gold do you have in the bank?

Just over 1000 now.|||lol if you can do that without a profession, than maybe you dont need a gathering profession. do something that interests you. honestly, all of my professions are useless (you can buy crafted items or powerlevel later on in game for a BoP set). i make things and most sell for a small amount, other things i take a loss on it... just to level it up because its one of those things i'd like to acheive.

if you must have a profession, i'd say get fishing/cooking/first aid.

first aid is great for when you're outta mana and someone needs a quick heal. or if you're full on mana and low on health, instead of sitting there eating, i'd bandage. this profession doesnt really sell anything to the community though.

fishing and cooking allows you go get your own food buffs in the later levels. i've been living off of cooked meats for a while. but in the end fish will be more valuable than meat. golden fishsticks, etc. they cost a lot at the AH but they offer a good buff above your many other buffs. and you need to level fishing/cooking to get the many buff-giving fish.

other than this, i'd say you're pretty self-sufficient and do not need a profession. if you really want a gathering profession, i'd say do mining or herb gathering. i dont know if you have issues with changing into human form and then skin, but you'll have to do that if you want to skin something. so skinning is another. if you had started with these professions even in your early teen levels, i'd say you would have about double your money now.|||:O

Oh well, I generally get my money from weapon drops and driving hard deals :)

Lol, I might do enchanting, I heard you can level that easy with 100g or so.|||Quote:


Oh well, I generally get my money from weapon drops and driving hard deals :)

Lol, I might do enchanting, I heard you can level that easy with 100g or so.

you can do that. i cant really comment on it since i dont know too much about enchanting. it does take a big investment up front, but in the end you'll make some money. you cant use the AH like others though, unless all you want to do is disenchant your greens for gold. if you want to enchant something, then you'll definitely need to advertise in the /1 channel.|||For a leather wearing druid do leather working and skinning.

Would be the obvious choice.

Enchanting is easy to level with an alt. I have a lowbie loc that has it and I use my main to run through deadmines for greens that I pass on to my loc to DE.

But everyone does enchanting. It's a money pit. At least on my server it is.|||1000g at level 48, with no gathering? Thats pretty good, even if you did gather.|||Choosing professions in WoW really depends on what you want out of those professions. Most druids take skinning and leatherworking as their main professions.

These are the benefits you get from each professions:

Gathering professions such as mining,herbalism and skinning can give you a very lucrative income if you're diligent on farming their nodes. Most lvl70s got their epic flying mounts this way. Very boring work. Very boring. Watch out for ninjas.

Crafting professions:

Leatherworking - if your character wears leathers. Can sell on AH depends on demands. The devilsaur set can fetch a good price in AH.:)

Engineering - the funnest prof in WoW, really. The prof doesnt sell much(or doesn't sell at all) because most of its items can only be used by engineers. You can still make an income out of selling rifles in AH depending on how many melee classes are rolled each day. With all the recent nerfs(gee, thx for QQing, gatherers...) eng was given, a lot of fun was taken from WoW because non-eng considers them as exploitation. Eg. using rocket boots extreme to get flags, universal remote thingy to control powerful mobs in Outlands and terrorise the other faction. Btw, did you know you can make your own roflcopter as an epic mount? It comes with a hula gnome doll too!

Tailoring - mainly for clothies like priests, mages and locks. you can make a profit out of bags.Pretty easy to lvl considering that most humanoids drops cloths.

Alchemy - if you want the extra buffs. Sells a lot in AH, especially the pots. Took it before, but I find it boring because Im the type that wants to have a lot of fun in WoW.

Blacksmithing - for the melee classes, like pallies and warriors. Same as leather working.

Enchanting - gives extra buffs on you gears. Useful for pvp, especially the twinks:(. Can make a profit.

Extra professions:

You can take cooking, fishing and first aid together because its no included in the 2 main profs.

Cooking - you need it if you're not a mage. You can make really nice treats for your pets. Later in the game, the food gives you better buffs.

Fishing provides mats for cooking(and alchemy). Just find a place with water(the moonwell works too!) to fish. Lvling it is easy for the 1st 100, but it requires more fishing for each skill up later. I use my younger brother to fish, so that I can watch tv while he does all the work.

First aid - is for everyone. It doesn't sell because everybody took it. Can be useful for priests when out of mana.

For me, I took mining because it complements my engineering needs. I took engineering for the lulz. :P|||for me first aid makes me a fair bit on money on my hunter. netherweave cloth is about 2g50 for a stack of 20 and 20 heavy bandages sell for 6g. i grind upto 200 cloth a day without actually trying to.

Best please to skin/mine

Looking to make a bit of cash as i've not got much, so where's the best places to get skins or mine? I can mine up to silver so far.


Dunc|||Hm, I'm not sure if mining silver means that you can also mine iron, but if you can then you should go to Stranglethorn Vale. There are numerous beasts there to skin, and a large number of Iron Deposits. I'm there now with my warrior who also has mining and skinning, and he's having a field day. ^^|||hillsbrad, just north of southshore. all beasts, including the yetis in the yeti cave. mines all over the place up and down those funny looking hills.

I'm stuck in cooking!


My cooking skill is stuck at 266. Tender wolf steak is green and I have yet to find a trainer that can teach me anything new. So do you guys know anything that might help me?

lvl 65 Horde Druid btw..|||There's a guide on the official forums on how to level all professions:

Sounds like the point you are at now is a bit of a bottleneck for cooking:


225 to 275

Monster Omelet (1 x Giant Egg, 2 x Soothing Spices) x 80


Tender Wolf Steaks (1 x Tender Wolf Meat, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 80

For some reason, Blizzard decided it was too easy to get from 250 to 285, so therefore they stopped players being able to cook Omelets and Steaks for skill ups beyond 275. So your going to have to go to Dire Maul and kill a boss for Runn Tum Tuber Surprise recipe.


Runn Tum Tuber Surprise (1 x Runn Tum Tuber, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 10

You will have to go to Dire Maul East and kill the little Imp boss, Pusillin to get the recipe for these. It's a 100% drop rate (ignore Thottbot) if you haven't got the recipe, but he will only drop one copy. So if there are more than one of you that needs it, you will have to kill him again for it each time.

At level 70, all classes can do this boss and can avoid nearly all mobs on the chase towards the final confrontation. Just take some health/mana pots with you.

285 to 300

Smoked Desert Dumplings (1 x Sandworm Meat, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 20.

Go to Cenarion Hold in Silithus and speak to Calandrath for the Desert Recipe chain of quests. When you get to the third quest you'll get the recipe for Smoked Desert Dumplings. Kill Dredge Crushers and Strikers for the Sandworm Meat (low drop rate). You'll only need about 10 more than the quest needs plus the soothing spices (about 20 in total).|||Thank you! xD|||i think there are some new recipies in th enext patch to fix that dire streak. or were they in 2.3 ?

anyway, there is some new stuff coming for that area.|||Yes you're right 2F - its 2.4:


It sounds like you need either some Charred Bear Kabobs or Juicy Bear Burgers! oh so yummy mmmm...

Oh, right, details, they'll be purchasable from either Bale (Horde) or Malygen (Alliance) in Felwood in patch 2.4, they'll use meat added to level 48-56 bears, and they will require 250 skill to learn so you won't require fishing to get to 300 cooking.

Source (official forum blue)|||I leveled my cooking and fishing together.

Fishing 250 � 260 & Cooking 250 � 275: Poached Sunscale Salmon (Raw Sunscale Salmon ) or Filet of Redgill (Raw Redgill)

Fishing 261 � 300 & Cooking 276 � 300: Mightfish Steak (Large Raw Mightfish) or Lobster Stew (Darkclaw Lobster)

If you have not leveled you fishing skills, buy them from AH or asked your friends to fish for you.|||On a side note, I have put those guides Highlander compiled together as a sticky on this forum.|||at 275 you can pick up three or four recipes in steamwedle port. mostly fish recipes, but there's a clam recipe to make undermine clam chowder. i think. its a limited recipe so check back often. get it from the goblin merchant inside the building where the troll is.

edit: i think those recipes are 225... maybe. my mistake if it is. the tubers would be your best bet.|||I got to 285-290 from a mixture of Monster Omelet, Tender Wolf Steak and Undermine Clam Chowder. They were green, but the mats are very easy to farm as they drop from multiple mobs. At 285 I got me the Smoked Desert Dumpling recipe in Silithus.

EDIT: Yay 5000!

Leatherworking Specialty for Hunters. Help!

I've read through a lot of the threads and have visited wowwiki but i still have some questions.

I have a hunter at appropriate level to go into either dragonscale, elemental, or tribal leatherworking. I've read many threads that have said that hunters should take up dragonscale leatherworking. However, i've also read in many places that +agi is the stat to get always. so looking through the dragonscale specific recipes, i see no +agi stats. however, tribal leatherworkers have that stat. im now a little confused and im thinking maybe getting attack power instead of agility is a good substitute considering the armor is mail armor and can hold up to a lot more damage than the other two specialty armors.

how is the added attack power compared to the agility bonuses? and would less armor (leather vs. mail) be a good enough benefit to wear agility gear? or is it better to drop agility, add attack power and get more armor to boot?

also, wowwiki showed a bunch of bind on pickup items i can make in the various specialties. are there more items that i am able to make that are specialty-specific? i wonder this because my guild leader asked me to do tribal since we dont have a tribal leatherworker in the guild. but, what the hell for if the stuff i make are BoP? please tell me they're not all BoP. what items are useful for my guildies as a tribal leatherworker? will i miss out on some really good gear if i choose tribal over dragonscale? and are there other gear out there that are just as good or better that does not require leatherworking?

i know the old world specialty recipes can be learned by all specialties, but tbc recipes are specialty specific. ok, lots of questions. thanks in advanced!|||Dragonscale, you're welcome.


To be a bit more long-winded about it...

Agi improved crit and AP. If you get crit and AP in another way, yer still fine. The exact cut-off depends a bit on class and I can't remember what it was for hunters. Think one agi = 1 ap and you need something silly like 40-50 agi for 1% crit, so...

There's very few BoP items, but the ones there are you'll want dragonscale for. Elemental is tailored towards rogues (and maybe Enh Shamans/Feral Druids), Tribal towards Balance/Resto druids.

Most recipes don't require a speciality anymore. But... with the ones that do, the items are BoP, so to your guild it wouldn't make a lick of difference if your Tribal, Elemental or Dragon.|||Quote:

Dragonscale, you're welcome.


To be a bit more long-winded about it...

Agi improved crit and AP. If you get crit and AP in another way, yer still fine. The exact cut-off depends a bit on class and I can't remember what it was for hunters. Think one agi = 1 ap and you need something silly like 40-50 agi for 1% crit, so...

There's very few BoP items, but the ones there are you'll want dragonscale for. Elemental is tailored towards rogues (and maybe Enh Shamans/Feral Druids), Tribal towards Balance/Resto druids.

Most recipes don't require a speciality anymore. But... with the ones that do, the items are BoP, so to your guild it wouldn't make a lick of difference if your Tribal, Elemental or Dragon.

lol thanks for the longwinded answer. its much appreciated.

now i see how AP relates to Agi. lets be hypothetical and say i have similar level gear, one leather with +15 agi, and the other mail with +25 ap (thats what i remembered from wowwiki). the mail gear would be much better, i assume, since crit rate will increase by a marginal amount if i chose the leather gear. correct?|||It would be 'better' - much better is up for debate.

Blizzard has a couple of values. They feel that out of the total budget of points for an item, it costs the same to make it have 2 ap or one Str/Agi. So generally, you're better off going for AP.

But, if it's close, Agi does add crit which AP doesn't. There's conversions for each class, so you can easily compare items.

They're generally compared by putting everything in AEP (AP equivalent points).

You'll need to check in the hunter forums, or in the huge hunter thread over at the theorycrafters of Elitistjerks, maybe even wowwiki what those numbers would be for a hunter, because I don't know.

A complete random example to clarify a bit (and these numbers are grabbed from thin air, so don't put too much in this), let's just say you find a nice item:

(item1) 15 stam // 20 agi // 30 AP

And you want to compare it to your old item, which has (item 2) 15 stam // 10 crit // 40 AP

Let's just say that (completely random, mind you !!)

1 AP = 1 AP

1 AGI = 1.5 AP

1 Crit = 0.5 AP

You can now easily compare these items in how good they are.

Ignoring the stamina, cos it's the same, item1 has 30 (agi) + 30 (ap) = 60 points

item2 has 5 (crit) + 40 (ap) = 45 points

So, item1 would be better for you using the above (completely made up, I can't stress this enough) formula.

Go find the proper formula and you can easily see which items are best for you =)|||thats awesome! thanks again. i'll look them up when i get home. work blocks that site for some reason. =/

im also thinking mail > leather if im able to get mail gear, which adds about 100 extra points in defense per item already. that's a lot of useful defense for a MM hunter that pulls aggro off his pet a lot. haha.|||hmmm.. i cant seem to edit my previous post. maybe its a timed-out thing. anyway...

found this:


Rogues: Melee ATP = (Level * 2) + (Strength + Agility) - 20

Hunters: Melee ATP = (Level * 2) + (Strength + Agility) - 20

Druids (Cat Form): Melee ATP = (Level * 2) + Agility + ((Strength * 2) - 20)

Druids (Cat Form w/ Talent): Melee ATP = (Level * 2) + Agility + ((Strength * 2.4) - 20)

Others: Melee ATP = (Level * 3) + (Strength * 2) - 20

Rogues, Warriors: Ranged ATP = (Level) + (Agility * 2) - 20

Hunters: Ranged ATP = (Level * 2) + (Agility * 2) - 20

if i keep level at 0, then Ranged ATP = (Agility * 2) - 20.

let me plug in numbers....

1 Atp = 10.5 agi

2 atp = 11 agi

3 atp = 11.5 agi

4 atp = 12 agi

so starting with 10 agi, each 1/2 agi will add 1 more attack power.

so 1 agi = 2 atp ranged, roughly.

someone please check my math!! thanks!|||Seems old - think it was changed to be 1 (ranged) AP for 1 Agi a while ago.|||Quote:

Seems old - think it was changed to be 1 (ranged) AP for 1 Agi a while ago.

ok... so if its 1 ranged atp = 1 agi, then it makes it a lot easier.

i picked up two weapons earlier this week, and sold one.

one was a +15 agi and another was a +25 atp.

i kept the +25 atp. both had comparable damage, dps, and speed.

now if the +atp is on my sword, will it add to my overall attack power? or would that just be for melee attack power?


now if the +atp is on my sword, will it add to my overall attack power?

Yes, it's like enchants. That would be like saying because you have attack power on your helm, it's only good for head butting people|||Quote:

Yes, it's like enchants. That would be like saying because you have attack power on your helm, it's only good for head butting people

thanks a lot. it makes sense.

of all the races that would make headbutts useful, i'd say taurens and gnomes should have this racial ability. taurens have horns, and gnomes are positioned perfectly to hit the groin of most players.

Farrming cloth

As a mage I took up tailoring! I need a ton of Mageweave for this and firstaid Where are the farming hot spots?


Runecloth: as well

Thank you!|||For runecloth check out the furblogs in northern felwood, winterspring as well. I farmed that for about 20 min for rep and had close to 4 stacks.

For mageweave, check out the ogres in tanaris. They drop it quite a bit.|||Also Ogres in Ferelas are good for mageweave|||The Trolls in the Hinterlands also carry Mageweave. And since there are plenty of Trolls in the Hinterlands, you could have a field day there.|||Mageweave - Ogres and Pirates in Tanaris

Runecloth (lower level) - Undead in Western Plaguelands. Sorrow Hill is a good spot if its not overfarmed.

Runecloth (higher level) - "Unyielding" soldiers in Hellfire Peninsula. Those undead respawn extremely fast, and drop a lot of greens and vendortrash as well in order that you can buy even more runecloth at the AH.|||I found that Jintha'alor was a good place for mageweave, but go at a higher level, for faster kills. I was there at lvl 70 and left with 5 stacks after about 30 minutes. Then again, I've never been to tanaris to level or anything, so I wouldn't know droprate there.|||Quote:

I found that Jintha'alor was a good place for mageweave, but go at a higher level, for faster kills. I was there at lvl 70 and left with 5 stacks after about 30 minutes. Then again, I've never been to tanaris to level or anything, so I wouldn't know droprate there.

the trolls are better. there are more of them, not as spread out but in a good structured area. trolls at the bottom of the ruins are level 49ish. trolls at the top and inside the cave at the top are about level 51-52. casters who need a lot of room might not like this place as much, but i dont see too much of a problem with it. solo-ing the place, going up the ruins, then into the cave, i ended up with 4 stacks. i didnt kill everyone though. so im guessing if i killed everyone on my way to the top of the ruins, i'd have at least 5 stacks. the ogres in taranis were stingy.|||its all based on the level of the mob

what kind of cloth is dropped and how much. make sure they use the normal humanoid or undead loot tables. If you are lucky enough to find a mob type that's easy for your mage to AOE and drops a lot of it then that would be the way to go.

Deleted a sentence, as we don't take kindly to jabs being made against our link policy, because we happen to have a firm anti gold-selling stance. It's most likely unintentional, but nevertheless, mentioning it in the way you did was clearly not necessary.

-snowieken|||I don't know what your level is, but if you are high enough to solo Sunken Temple, you can get stacks and stacks of Mageweave and a whole bunch of stuff that can earn you money. If you are not high enough to solo the place, the trash mobs in front of the instance (which are no longer elite) can drop up to 4 pieces of Mageweave each.

What's been your worst night ever?

I've used all the guides and maps on the net, talked to guild and talked to people in channels and in 2 hours haven't found a single Mithril node :(|||there's some in arathi highlands.

what level are you?

most mith nodes are in level 40+ areas. Tanaris, Hinterlands, Feralas... to name a few. there are some in the 30+ areas too. Arathi, Desolace, STV, etc.|||do you have Find Minerals turned on? this used to not be an issue for me, but now that likes to magically turn itself off and Ill wonder why I havent tapped a node in awhile|||Tanaris, Searing Gorge, northern Azshara.|||Are you mining with your char that has herbalism?|||The Charred Vale in Stonetalon Mountains is also always mentioned in posts searching for Mithril. The mobs there are by far the lowest of all the area's where Mithril can be found, so it's probably the most aggro friendly place if you are of a decent level.

Check out the Mining post in the Profession leveling guides sticky for routes you can take in search of Mithril.|||You can also get an addon that puts the various possible places for nodes on the minimap for you. I like the gathermate/routes combo over on wowace. I also use chinchilla and mapster. Gathermate comes with a file that will let you load all the nodes that are listed on a database site and routes will even plan a path between them for you.|||i went and killed jadefury demons in northwest felwood. arg. not a single piece of felcloth.

then later on that night, found a camp of demons in southwest felwood and got four felcloth in 10 minutes. wtf?? finished the impsy quest and made a felcloth hood. =]

Leather Armor Kits

Ok i have just started and i have chose Leatherwork as one of my professions and when i create the armor kits how do i put them onto an item? I try dragging them but that dont work i know im doing something wrong lol so can anyone tell me what i have to do.

Thanks.|||Right click kit, select target armor piece.|||ok thanks a lot

Tailors: What made you money as you leveled your tailoring skill?

I just want to know what made you money in the past. it doesnt have to be high level stuff, but stuff that you've made while at the appropriate level and have made some gold from it. or silver, or copper. and please do not tell me that selling the mats would make more gold than making the products. i know this. but for those who need to level up tailoring, this is a good resource as to what to make while they level their tailoring to recoup the losses.

for those who powerlevel tailoring, i dont think this thread pertains to you that much, unless you've thought out of what to make, disenchant the ones with the best return, and made money that way. so if you level'd tailoring that way, please tell us what you made and what you disenchated for best profitability.

as for me, here are some things i've made that actually sold well while i leveled my tailoring:

1. all types of bags. yes, even the linen bags. everyone needs bags.

a further note on bags, i've only made up to mageweave bags, and i find that mageweave bags are the lease profitable of all the bags. silk bags have given me the highest profit margin... at about 25 silvers, on avarage, if we factor in the cost of the mats. remember i've only gone up to mageweave!

2. white bandit mask. this requires very little mageweave, but gives a nice bonus in Int. I can usually sell this for the cost of the mats. the pattern might be hard to get, as i've seen some in my server being sold for 10 gold. if you can buy it cheap, that would rock. i've walked around with my white bandit mask and have been asked by several people if its a scarf. i would then gather that they would also buy it for the look.

3. enchanted mageweave pouch. this is an enchanting bag that requires vision dust, iirc. i've stated this in another thread but i'll repeat it here. sometimes you might be able to make more than the cost of the materials. if i buy all the mats myself, i usually make about 1 gold a bag on my server.

4. shirts. surprisingly, many people buy shirts. i remember selling blue linen shirts for 75 silvers and people would buy it. of course, it was slow going, and i can average about 5 shirts a week, but that's ok with me. i level my tailoring, make 10 shirts, then sell it two at a time in the AH. people buy them. other shirts sell too. i've made red shirts, orange shirts, the swashbuckler shirts, etc., and those have sold well too.

5. what surprised me most is that you can sell bolts of cloth. i make bolts to level up my skill, but when it grays and i cant make bolts for the next level cloths, i sometimes buy bolts. if you've made bolts to level up and no longer need them, sell it back as bolts. they'll sell to tailors and other professions. honestly i dont see why we'll ever have to sell bolts unless we made a calculation error and made too many bolts. instead of making another bag to use up the bolts, just sell the bolt. its better that way.

so tailors.... please add to this list so other tailors can make "useful" things. i hate to make something and have to vendor it because no one wants to buy it. thanks a bunch and good luck!|||DE the greens you dont need and sell the enchanting mats..

If your a high level tailor, bolt of imbued netherweave can make you some decent money, if you dont need it for spellcloth/shadowcloth etc..|||Also, don't forget Robes of Arcana. Not really a levelling recipie, but sells rather well due to being needed for the warlock quest for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe.

Seems that most tailors doesn't have it, and if you can get the spider silks for a decent price or have a few laying around you can make a pretty buck from selling these. Usually sold around 2 per day for 7-8g each on my last tailor.|||Except for the Arcana Robes (you have to farm the the recipe first, I got mine from Duskwood) and perhaps some other recipes I don't think tailoring (or crafting professions in general) are really making any money like skinning/herb/mining.|||Quote:

Except for the Arcana Robes (you have to farm the the recipe first, I got mine from Duskwood) and perhaps some other recipes I don't think tailoring (or crafting professions in general) are really making any money like skinning/herb/mining.

you obviously did not read the first post.

or actually... the first paragraph. thanks!|||Imbued netherweave bags sold for a couple of gold higher than the cost of the mats when I was making them.|||do Enchanted Runecloth Bags sell well? Its the 20-slot enchanting bag. i dont really care about how much profit i make, as long as i break even thats fine. i dont want to take a loss though.|||Netherweave bags, i sell 10-15 a day everyday since I obtained the skill to make them.|||Runecloth belt might make money. (DEing it, that is.)

Star Belt.

Robes of Arcana.

Various begs.

Bolt of Woolen Cloth (alliance).

White Bandit Mask.

Dreamweave stuff (depends a *lot* on your server prices).

Tuxedo / Wedding Dress.|||what made me money during leveling tailoring ?

disenchanting green drops. speculating in the AH. questing. farming.


Ok, I'd like some opinions, as I can't decide..

I have some gold kicking about, enough to spend on an epic flyer, and a couple of different characters for whom it would be useful. However, I'd like to be able to use it to make enough money to buy an epic flyer for the other toon.

One of the characters is a herbalist/enchanter. Herbalism is a good solid money maker, if you can get around quickly- we all know that. However, the other character is a miner/engineer. Mining is profitable, if you can get to the nodes- and engineering means that you can harvest gas clouds to gather primals at a surprising speed (generally faster than killing mobs for the motes).

So, my dilemma is this.. Do I get the herbalist or the miner/engineer the epic flyer? Which do you think would make money fastest, to equip the other?

Answers on a postcard :)|||give it to the miner.|||Does any of your characters sport fishing ? Fishing + Cooking + Riding 300 = I.W.I.N.|||Quote:

Does any of your characters sport fishing ? Fishing + Cooking + Riding 300 = I.W.I.N.

I've been looking to make money for my epic flyer too, and my fishing is 350 and cooking is around that lvl too, how is fishing faster than farming primals?

Also: Go mining, and get those goggles that make gas clouds show up on your map with map zoomed out as far as possible, works wonders. I farmed 4 primals airs in nagrand yesterday just passing through.|||On my server it's hard to farm primals by hunting. The areas are camped with farmers.

For fishing most people go Terokkar. Doing dailies, circling to wait for one fishing node to pop. Nagrand on the other hand is quite empty. Partially because there's no good reason to go here but fishing.

On my server Nagrand fishes sell less than Terokkar fishes. The sheer quantity makes up for it. Also Nagrand nodes can spawn as pure water anywhere. Fishing worth 5 baubles makes average 80 fishes, 40 water motes and a bag of assorted stuff. Some scrolls do sell gold in AH, some gray fishes vendor 6 gold =).|||Quote:

I've been looking to make money for my epic flyer too, and my fishing is 350 and cooking is around that lvl too, how is fishing faster than farming primals?

Also: Go mining, and get those goggles that make gas clouds show up on your map with map zoomed out as far as possible, works wonders. I farmed 4 primals airs in nagrand yesterday just passing through.

The miner/engineer has the epic engineering goggles (it's a hunter, so the goggles are a no-brainer) which makes spotting motes easy.

As for the fishing/cooking- I didn't ask about this as I have been too lazy to level these on any of my toons- way too lazy. Maybe I will, I dunno. That would be additional. The question is whether the miner/engineer or the herbalist should get the flyer- either can learn to fish. Herbs, ore and primals all sell like crazy, hence my dilemma.

A point to note is that herbalists can make out like bandits in skettis anyway, killing and herbing those big trees- an hour there can net five primal life and several stacks of herbs with no real effort, for example.|||Miner/engineer, easily.|||It does not matter. You will get your next epic flyer in a few days so either one is good.

My first epic flyer is 13 days played (herb/alch/fishing/cooking) and the 2nd one (enchant/tailor) is 15 days played. It would be about 2 weeks in RL time.

I would suggest to buy the epic flyer for the mining toon though.|||Thanks for your thoughts, ladies, gentlemen and the cheerfully gender ambiguous- much appreciated :)|||IMO opinion it all depends on which is more common on your server. For example, on my server, the number of miners greatly outweighs the number of herbalists. So much, that as a max miner, I find it difficult to mine ore without going out of my way. There are herbalists in my guild, however, that make a killing just becuase there is not a lot of competition for the herbs. They still sell really well on the AH tho. So, if it were me, I would go with the herbalist on my server b/c of the lack of competition, which means an easier way of me to make money.

Which Engineering branch for a PvP Pally?

Any advice please? Just did the grind to 210 - not easy mining it all yourself because you are a broke newb - only to find I would need to go Gnomish to make the net-o-matic. Any advice? I'm asking around to get one made to save me from deciding yet but no luck so far :(|||I don't think making goblin bombs would help you that much since they take time to throw. Time better spent droppin the hammer. So I'd pick gnome.

I'm in no way an expert at engineering though.|||Most of the advice I received was that you should base your decision mostly on which place you want the extra hearth location to be. I went gnome, because the bombs were not as useful to me as the net-omatic, deathray, and shrinker... both trees do have the trinket that gives you +45 stam however.

Dark Iron Stuff

Does anyone have and is willing to post the Requirements for learning the "Smelt Dark Iron" talent form the dwarf in BRD?|||to copy/paste entry on thottbot about it:

in order to learn Smelt Dark Iron, you'll need to talk to Gloom'rel (one of the seven ghost) at the summoner's tomb in BRD before you start the event. you'll need:

230 skill in mining, 20 x Gold Bar, 10 x Truesilver Bar, 2 x Star Ruby

talk to him and he'll spawn a bowl. click on it and give him the mats. talk to him again and he'll teach you the skill.|||I couldn't remember the mats to bring except the 2 Star rubies.|||That has to be one of the worst phishing posts ever in the history of ever.|||


This skill is learned in Blackrock Depths at the 7 ghosts.

Bring 20 Gold Bars, 10 Truesilver bars, and 2 Star Rubys to Gloom'rel there before you start the fight, and he will learn the skill to you.|||What? Why phishing?|||unless a ink has been tanken out, there was no phishing|||Quote:

What? Why phishing?

Don't worry about it. Just something that got hard deleted.

Aerath isn't one to cry wolf for no reason afterall.|||furrymuff...

When Herbalism Goes Bad - An Economic Failure

Basically I was 375 herb 375 alch elixir mastery. Alchemy wasn't making much gold, and the herbs were selling for more than the actual elixirs. I did discover elixir of shadow fortification which was later turned into "Flask of Pure Death" which would've been awesome as a warlock, but I still feel tailoring is better.

With tailoring i'm able to sell my cloth (x2 due to shadow tailoring) and get some awesome gear (shadowweave) whilst making more than I did before by selling the herbs raw.

Problem? The herb market has crashed. Terocone used to sell for 20-24g a stack, consistently. It would undercut ato 19-20g at worst. I sign on to see it as low as 12g a stack, that's right, 12 gold. Felweed dropped to 9-10g a stack from 17-18...and dreaming glory 8-9g. Herbing still makes money, but for the time spent herbing plus factoring in others flying around grabbing them too, i'd make more by simply farming primals.

So what do I do? Drop Herbalism and pickup mining? Drop herbalism for engineering to get the cool mount and helmet (lawl). Or just wait it out? Is anyone else having this problem?|||if you ONLY have herbalism for the money, and it isn't doing what you need, let it go.

I have herbalism, but its more because I like my pots to be free...So, my herbalist picks weeds my alch makes into pots...

Money comes from many other places...daily quests, etc.|||Quote:

if you ONLY have herbalism for the money, and it isn't doing what you need, let it go.

I have herbalism, but its more because I like my pots to be free...So, my herbalist picks weeds my alch makes into pots...

Money comes from many other places...daily quests, etc.

Daily quests are good, but I don't think I could stomach a single netherwing rep quest. I did thousands to get my netherdrake, lol.|||Hmm - was this sudden? with the advent of 2.3? Seems odd that the entire market would change that much that fast.

If it's a few items at the reduced rate, buy them out, relist them|||It's also important to realize that a market crashing is very server specific. On my server and faction, herbalism is still very lucrative.

Also, don't panic because there is a drop in the market. If it's been lucrative in the past, it probably will be so again. Markets go through temporary downturns. Usually it's because someone has entered the market who's consistently lowballing just to move a product, but the good news is that these people generally get tired of doing that after a short time and leave the market. It should readjust. Just give it a couple weeks.

...Ren|||Alchemy has never been a money making profession. Heck, most professions aren't unless you can do/make something special.

I used to make money with greater fire protection pots before TBC. Buy Hearts of Fire, transmute them, make fire pots. That was serious money. I haven't seen anything yet in the game now that makes money that easy.|||Quote:

Alchemy has never been a money making profession. Heck, most professions aren't unless you can do/make something special.

I used to make money with greater fire protection pots before TBC. Buy Hearts of Fire, transmute them, make fire pots. That was serious money. I haven't seen anything yet in the game now that makes money that easy.

The reason herbs aren't worth as much is because pots are worth as much.

A lot of guilds are in gruuls lair, you can flask for that with the flasks you get from the vendors there. Blue ogre brew for mana pots.

If you are in the eye you can use the cheap mana pots/health pots there as well. If you get a mark of illidari you get a flask from that. Flasks work in ssc too.

If you get armaments from cfr instances you turn those in for pots to use.

You can turn in shards in ogrila for pots that can be used anywhere.

Frankly, i'm glad. The herbalists held the economy for so long after tbc because of the dependancy of pots.

As far as alchemy goes, get yourself the primal earth to primal water xmute from sporegar rep. on my server primal earth sells for 2g, and primal water sells for 18g.

Make 16g a day in 4 minutes, easy money. I also posted in another thread how to make money with alchemy. You can, and its pretty easy.|||Quote:

The reason herbs aren't worth as much is because pots are worth as much.

A lot of guilds are in gruuls lair, you can flask for that with the flasks you get from the vendors there. Blue ogre brew for mana pots.

If you are in the eye you can use the cheap mana pots/health pots there as well. If you get a mark of illidari you get a flask from that. Flasks work in ssc too.

If you get armaments from cfr instances you turn those in for pots to use.

You can turn in shards in ogrila for pots that can be used anywhere.

Frankly, i'm glad. The herbalists held the economy for so long after tbc because of the dependancy of pots.

As far as alchemy goes, get yourself the primal earth to primal water xmute from sporegar rep. on my server primal earth sells for 2g, and primal water sells for 18g.

Make 16g a day in 4 minutes, easy money. I also posted in another thread how to make money with alchemy. You can, and its pretty easy.

I've played every profession in the game practically to full. I was an elixir master back in the day and i've studied this. Making money with Alchemy is not practical when you need two professions to do it when you can make more money from two independent professions. Besides, as a warlock, tailoring is essential when it comes to the Shadowweave set vs. alchemy, and cloth cooldowns sell pretty good too.

I don't know why you would be glad this has happened....but can you now level my mining from 1-375 for me? lol, jk :p|||personally herbalism hasnt gone down on our server, its enchanting...

greater eternal when i first started on the server were selling for 9g each, i managed to monopolize the economy for a long time bringing it up slowly to 18g each. it dipped down and steadied at 15g for a long time, and i was satisfied with that, but started leveling its back down to 10g after a month and its a pain in the rear to bring back up since people started farming DM for disenchanting chest drops again... :( im a very sad tomato|||Yeah, on our server enchanting mats have also dropped drastically in price.

Alchemy Specs the great debate: Transmute vs. Elixir

I've seen people swear by transmute saying its procced for 5 and that they've made a ton. But i've had a different experience.

First off, the two quests:

For transmute you need 4 primal mights, on my server they sell for 90-100g each, so thats 400g, just to get the spec. Either 400g, or ALOT of farming (4 of each primal).

The Elixir quest requires you to make about 3 stacks of different elixirs, usually involving terocone, and it asks you to go to the black morass and grab "rift essences" off the portal dragons (10).

Now heres how I see it. I'm a warlock so I like farming and doing quests, I would never sit around town for the purpous of spamming my transmute message, I do it when i'm in town but would never go out of my way to just sit there.

Noone ever buys a transmute anymore, it's always transmuters farming the mats and transmuting for themselves. But lets compare the profit. You farm the mats, convert it to a primal might, and sell it for 100g with each primal selling roughly at 20g.

At this point, you're not doing anything special, you're not making a profit. All you're doing is farming primals which you could have sold at 20g each for the same profit you make of wasting your cooldown and selling the primal might.

Heres where your spec comes in, you get the % factor to proc more primal mights, but thats only once a day, or should I say, once every 24 hours.

Now for the elixir mastery, it has the chance to proc flasks, some of the flasks i've seen sell for even MORE than primals and transmute items. It has the chance to proc 4 or 5 elixirs at once. This doesn't just give me a profit by saving herbs, but it's creating a whole new vial (correct me if im wrong, but I believe if you proc an elixir for x2/x3/x4/x5 etc. you don't use extra vials, thus saving you an extra 2g 70 or 3g that you pay per 5 vials).

24 hour transmute proc vs. anytime elixir proc:

The transmute can only proc every 24 hours, within those 24 hours, the elixir alchemist can keep on pumping out elixirs and giving it a chance to proc on the creation of EACH elixir, thus in my opinion, making Elixir Mastery alot more profitable than Transmute Mastery.

I thought transmute mastery looked cool, with the ethereals and everything. But even the idea of getting someone to pay you 5-10g to transmute their mats and then walking away with extra primals is becoming less and less. I had a guy who actually asked me if I was transmute mastery and if I had "gotten an extra" after I did his transmute. More and more people will want you in a group to see if it procs, and might possibly demand that extra 2/3/4 transmuted item from you for additional gold (say 5g per extra, which is nothing really compared to the cost of the transmute item).

So in my opinion, i'm leaning towards elixirs, as it looks more profitable, what are your thoughts?|||I actually chosed Potion mastery 8-() My reasoning is that sooner or later Blizzard will realise that potion mastery sucks, will buff it beyond our wildest dreams and then I will wtfpwn...;-)

Seriously, both elixir and transmute are more profitable and better in every way. But, I usually am quite careless with my own potion consumption and can at least for now actually sell healing/mana pots for a descent profit on my AH.|||Well let me say for the record... they can kiss my rear end. If I was transmute mastery and was doing a transmute for someone they are welcome to be in my group and see if it procs all they want. They paid for one transmute, they are getting what they paid for. If they see x5 next to the result they could be unhappy all they want but I'm keeping 4. They didn't take alchemy and choose to master in transmutes. I did... and I'm gonna reap the benefit. You don't like it? Find someone else to transmute your primals... I could care less because there is a lot more gold to be made from grinding than a puny 5g tip for transmuting your crap every 24 hours.

That being said... I chose elixir master because I find myself using a lot more elixirs these days.|||Quote:

That being said... I chose elixir master because I find myself using a lot more elixirs these days.

+1, and with how many people are doing transmutes for free (or next to nothing) lately -- elixers are making way more profit, especially flasks... in my opinion, it isn't even comparible. Maybe at first i woulda taken up transmute, but now its elixer mastery hands down.|||Quote:

+1, and with how many people are doing transmutes for free (or next to nothing) lately -- elixers are making way more profit, especially flasks... in my opinion, it isn't even comparible. Maybe at first i woulda taken up transmute, but now its elixer mastery hands down.

I actually have two alchemists....The first is transmute mastery, and I intend to keep a primal might on hand at all times...When someone wants a primal might xmute, they give me the mats and 10g, and I give them a primal might in the same single trade....I'll do the transmute later, and will keep any extra primal mights that result, selling them later.

Not sure what the second alch will be yet...She's 310 alch.|||On one hand if you keep making potions potion/elixir is better. On the other hand you need to have the money and time to buy the mats to make the potions and sell them to buy more mats (or farm the mats but that's even worse). So if you're lazy, transmute wins because you only need to spam trade chat for a bit, or better, spend a couple minutes a week on the ah looking for reasonably priced primals and buy those to use in the transmute as soon as it's up (and keep a stack so you never have to buy overpriced). Then again if you're not lazy potions/elixirs can make a good profit.

But also you can look at it that everyone that want elixirs will give it to elixir specialists to make thus reducing the actual value of the items. Say if on average you get 12 elixirs instead of 10 for 10g worth of mats, each will sell for 10/12=0.83g, because everyone will let specialists make their potions/elixirs because of no cooldown. Transmutes, on the other hand, have a cooldown so the potion/elixir specs will still do the transmutes, just like tailors keep making all 3 kinds of cloth even though the cloth of your spec is much cheaper to make because you get double (to take advantage of the cooldown which is very valuable even if you're not specced for it).

IMO that's all the info that can help you that can be posted in a forum... the rest of the info you need to choose is 1. How you play and 2. How it works on YOUR server.|||Quote:

On one hand if you keep making potions potion/elixir is better. On the other hand you need to have the money and time to buy the mats to make the potions and sell them to buy more mats (or farm the mats but that's even worse). So if you're lazy, transmute wins because you only need to spam trade chat for a bit, or better, spend a couple minutes a week on the ah looking for reasonably priced primals and buy those to use in the transmute as soon as it's up (and keep a stack so you never have to buy overpriced). Then again if you're not lazy potions/elixirs can make a good profit.

But also you can look at it that everyone that want elixirs will give it to elixir specialists to make thus reducing the actual value of the items. Say if on average you get 12 elixirs instead of 10 for 10g worth of mats, each will sell for 10/12=0.83g, because everyone will let specialists make their potions/elixirs because of no cooldown. Transmutes, on the other hand, have a cooldown so the potion/elixir specs will still do the transmutes, just like tailors keep making all 3 kinds of cloth even though the cloth of your spec is much cheaper to make because you get double (to take advantage of the cooldown which is very valuable even if you're not specced for it).

IMO that's all the info that can help you that can be posted in a forum... the rest of the info you need to choose is 1. How you play and 2. How it works on YOUR server.

True, but on my server noone wants a transmute, they just buy the primals off the AH, so I think farming mats for transmutes is harder than herbing.

You brought up a good point though, people will bring their mats to elixir specialists, but thats good, because it gives me more of a chance to get those "discovery" things hehe. Then again, the mats are often times more expensive than the actual potions, since they factor the price of desperate people trying to level their alchemy, so buying herbs to have them made by an elixir specialist wouldn't save gold, on my server atleast.

Also check out the thread on the WoW forum, some people have done 20 transmutes without it proccing once. I looked at atleast 30-40 "transmute logs", not impressive in my opinion. I saw very few people getting 4-5 procs, it looked awesome but imo, not worth it, even if it procs like that, thats basically the cost it took to complete the quest.

They even have a 30 page petition to let them spec out of transmute mastery. As I look into this, elixir is looking better and better heh.|||Quote:

True, but on my server noone wants a transmute, they just buy the primals off the AH, so I think farming mats for transmutes is harder than herbing.

so? You buy the "from" primal, transmute it, then put the "to" primal on the AH, then someone buys it. The trick is buying cheap ones and selling the expensive ones, and as Galz said, you keep an eye on the AH so you're always ready to snag deals. Obviously half the the transmutes will be worthless to make money, and the others will make different amounts of money at different times depending on your server age and population.

Back when 60 was the cap, i made my mount money this way. Early on I could transmute life to earth (essences not primals) and make 15-20 gold a day. This was way better than arcanite (which i only did for friends because it was so ridiculously low priced). Later that one became popular and the price of earth fell, so I switched to transmute undeath to water, and make 5 gold a day doing that. I always watched the AH, and had several stacks of the "from" essence at all times. WHen i was bored or not playing, i logged in, did a transmute, then logged off. 5 gold for 5 minutes isn't bad.

Now is a good time when people are skilling up their craft skills and desperately want primals and are willing to overpay, at least on my server.|||yeah I need to find a primal life to primal anything transmute. Motes of life are dirt cheap on my server and all the rest are expensive.|||Only one I've heard of yet is Primal Life to Earth. I've looked high and low for a vendor for it, but it seems it's one of these "hidden" recipes.