Saturday, April 21, 2012

Need lockpicking help!

I give up. I've been googling and browsing forums for a while and can't find a decent lockpicking guide. Everything out there is pre BC. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.|||Quote:

I give up. I've been googling and browsing forums for a while and can't find a decent lockpicking guide. Everything out there is pre BC. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Ok, I'm going to assume you're looking for help on where to skill lockpicking in Outlands. (based on the fact that you say you can only find pre-BC guides, and as far as I know skilling lockpicking is pretty straight forward) is a quick, and profitable guide to lockpicking in Outlands.

Step 1: Stealth

Step 2: Pickpocket every humanoid you find

Step 3: (optional) after picking their pockets, kill them and take the rest of the loot (apparently they hide coins in their boots or something )

Step 4: hone lockpicking skill on all the junk boxes you will get from pocket picking

And you really don't have to do this consistently. I usually dedicated 1 night of the week to this when I was approaching my next level.

That's really all their is to it. Half the quests in outlands will have you killing humanoids. I literally was running out of bank space storing junk boxes until I could get my next level and use up 5 more boxes. In addition, you would be surprised how much you profit from pickpocketing (especially if the mobs haven't been killed in a while)

There's a place in Blade's Edge...can't remember the name but you access the pit area through 1 of 2 tunnels, or by flying mount (which apparently is the preferred method). On my way out of there one night I went through the tunnel and I was getting between 90s and 1g from each mob by pickpocketing and then looting after I killed them.|||Quote:

I give up. I've been googling and browsing forums for a while and can't find a decent lockpicking guide. Everything out there is pre BC. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Pre-BC is still very valid. Your lockpick skill level is determined by character level, not like regular professions.

Search for the "pickpocket + cheapshot" or "pickpocket+ambush/garrote/whatever" macro, this will yield enough junkboxes to level your lockpicking to max in no time.

Also, check the Rogue forum, I know the macro's are listed in Osiris' Rogue Guide.|||

Remember that certain doors can be used to increase your lockpicking skill but when I was leveling my Rogue I got sick of waiting and ended up going back to pickpocketing.

Setting up your keys for easy access pickpocketing and quickloot in teh options menu will make life easier.

I had "MOUSE4" (side of my mouse) bound to it and I'd simply stealth past mob tapping MOUSE4 when close enough.

(Distract Shot if needed.)

Yes it can be annoying... but at least you aren't mining :)

(It took me 4 hours to get from 271 mining to 300 mining. I was level 60 and on a nice fast mount doing it.)|||Thanks alot people!|||Quote:

Thanks alot people!

Not really sure what your question is here honestly. But On my rogue, I leveled my LP post BC in Zangermarsh on the chests there.|||Quote:

I give up. I've been googling and browsing forums for a while and can't find a decent lockpicking guide. Everything out there is pre BC. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

I took my Rogue first to Alther's Mill, just up the road from Lakeshire, where there is an array of practice boxes. A little time and patience and I got to lvl 110. Then I went up the coast from Auberdine in Ashenvale to Blackfathom Deep (at least, the ruins that lie above it) and found numerous boxes lying about there to practice on. Got up to 125 that way. I haven't played this char much since, but I'm told that there are many boxes to be pickpocketed from Centaurs in Desolace using the suggested methods. I've also started opening low-level locked boxes for alts and people in Stormwind and that too is raising my level. The other thing is that once you gain the skill, you gain five points in lockpicking every time you level up (I think - have to admit I haven't played this guy for a while).|||Quote:

...The other thing is that once you gain the skill, you gain five points in lockpicking every time you level up (I think - have to admit I haven't played this guy for a while).

That's partly correct. Each time you level, you gain access to skill up 5 more points in lockpicking. (Or another way to say it, is that you can only skill up 5 points in LP per character level.) So if your LP skill is 100/100, you need to gain a level and then you will have 100/105. You still will have to earn the 5 skill points, but that is pretty easy to do.

Abeezil, there are also practice boxes in the Pirate Cove (fort) in lower Tanaris.

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