Saturday, April 21, 2012

When Herbalism Goes Bad - An Economic Failure

Basically I was 375 herb 375 alch elixir mastery. Alchemy wasn't making much gold, and the herbs were selling for more than the actual elixirs. I did discover elixir of shadow fortification which was later turned into "Flask of Pure Death" which would've been awesome as a warlock, but I still feel tailoring is better.

With tailoring i'm able to sell my cloth (x2 due to shadow tailoring) and get some awesome gear (shadowweave) whilst making more than I did before by selling the herbs raw.

Problem? The herb market has crashed. Terocone used to sell for 20-24g a stack, consistently. It would undercut ato 19-20g at worst. I sign on to see it as low as 12g a stack, that's right, 12 gold. Felweed dropped to 9-10g a stack from 17-18...and dreaming glory 8-9g. Herbing still makes money, but for the time spent herbing plus factoring in others flying around grabbing them too, i'd make more by simply farming primals.

So what do I do? Drop Herbalism and pickup mining? Drop herbalism for engineering to get the cool mount and helmet (lawl). Or just wait it out? Is anyone else having this problem?|||if you ONLY have herbalism for the money, and it isn't doing what you need, let it go.

I have herbalism, but its more because I like my pots to be free...So, my herbalist picks weeds my alch makes into pots...

Money comes from many other places...daily quests, etc.|||Quote:

if you ONLY have herbalism for the money, and it isn't doing what you need, let it go.

I have herbalism, but its more because I like my pots to be free...So, my herbalist picks weeds my alch makes into pots...

Money comes from many other places...daily quests, etc.

Daily quests are good, but I don't think I could stomach a single netherwing rep quest. I did thousands to get my netherdrake, lol.|||Hmm - was this sudden? with the advent of 2.3? Seems odd that the entire market would change that much that fast.

If it's a few items at the reduced rate, buy them out, relist them|||It's also important to realize that a market crashing is very server specific. On my server and faction, herbalism is still very lucrative.

Also, don't panic because there is a drop in the market. If it's been lucrative in the past, it probably will be so again. Markets go through temporary downturns. Usually it's because someone has entered the market who's consistently lowballing just to move a product, but the good news is that these people generally get tired of doing that after a short time and leave the market. It should readjust. Just give it a couple weeks.

...Ren|||Alchemy has never been a money making profession. Heck, most professions aren't unless you can do/make something special.

I used to make money with greater fire protection pots before TBC. Buy Hearts of Fire, transmute them, make fire pots. That was serious money. I haven't seen anything yet in the game now that makes money that easy.|||Quote:

Alchemy has never been a money making profession. Heck, most professions aren't unless you can do/make something special.

I used to make money with greater fire protection pots before TBC. Buy Hearts of Fire, transmute them, make fire pots. That was serious money. I haven't seen anything yet in the game now that makes money that easy.

The reason herbs aren't worth as much is because pots are worth as much.

A lot of guilds are in gruuls lair, you can flask for that with the flasks you get from the vendors there. Blue ogre brew for mana pots.

If you are in the eye you can use the cheap mana pots/health pots there as well. If you get a mark of illidari you get a flask from that. Flasks work in ssc too.

If you get armaments from cfr instances you turn those in for pots to use.

You can turn in shards in ogrila for pots that can be used anywhere.

Frankly, i'm glad. The herbalists held the economy for so long after tbc because of the dependancy of pots.

As far as alchemy goes, get yourself the primal earth to primal water xmute from sporegar rep. on my server primal earth sells for 2g, and primal water sells for 18g.

Make 16g a day in 4 minutes, easy money. I also posted in another thread how to make money with alchemy. You can, and its pretty easy.|||Quote:

The reason herbs aren't worth as much is because pots are worth as much.

A lot of guilds are in gruuls lair, you can flask for that with the flasks you get from the vendors there. Blue ogre brew for mana pots.

If you are in the eye you can use the cheap mana pots/health pots there as well. If you get a mark of illidari you get a flask from that. Flasks work in ssc too.

If you get armaments from cfr instances you turn those in for pots to use.

You can turn in shards in ogrila for pots that can be used anywhere.

Frankly, i'm glad. The herbalists held the economy for so long after tbc because of the dependancy of pots.

As far as alchemy goes, get yourself the primal earth to primal water xmute from sporegar rep. on my server primal earth sells for 2g, and primal water sells for 18g.

Make 16g a day in 4 minutes, easy money. I also posted in another thread how to make money with alchemy. You can, and its pretty easy.

I've played every profession in the game practically to full. I was an elixir master back in the day and i've studied this. Making money with Alchemy is not practical when you need two professions to do it when you can make more money from two independent professions. Besides, as a warlock, tailoring is essential when it comes to the Shadowweave set vs. alchemy, and cloth cooldowns sell pretty good too.

I don't know why you would be glad this has happened....but can you now level my mining from 1-375 for me? lol, jk :p|||personally herbalism hasnt gone down on our server, its enchanting...

greater eternal when i first started on the server were selling for 9g each, i managed to monopolize the economy for a long time bringing it up slowly to 18g each. it dipped down and steadied at 15g for a long time, and i was satisfied with that, but started leveling its back down to 10g after a month and its a pain in the rear to bring back up since people started farming DM for disenchanting chest drops again... :( im a very sad tomato|||Yeah, on our server enchanting mats have also dropped drastically in price.

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