Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Organized Crime": A Guide to Making Gold.

Before I get started, I first like to say that this is may not be the best or fastest way to make gold on Wow, but in my experience this is a very efficient way to pad one's character's pockets. Some may consider this an underhanded way to make gold, but I disagree. It's 100% legitimate, uses no bots, hacks, or cracks, and the gold is NOT used for trade for real money.

This guide is intended for characters of any level, any class, any faction, any server. It is my goal to show people the power of organizing group effort into one well-oiled money making machine. Forgive my lack of an enthralling introduction, but I am eager to get into it.

I call it Organized Crime, even though it's not crime.

Another Side Note, this guide focuses on Mining, but I am certain it can be done with other gathered materials.

How it works:

A few months ago I lost my account to a gold farmer and, because my mother had moved to Florida and the account was in her name, it would have been difficult for me to retrieve it with the arduous account recovery process, so I gave up on the game. 16 days ago I registered a new account, in my name, and put my plan into effect. I have a room-mate who also plays on my account and he helps the process a whole lot.

What you will need to get started: A Character.

Other requirements: Mining.

That's it. You don't need to be level 70, you don't even need a gold. You need about 2 silver to get a mining pick and learn mining, and then you can begin making gold. This guide is not simply a "LEARN MINING GET TO IT NOOB" guide, so please do not dismiss it yet. There is much more to be discussed.

Once you have your lvl 5 character with mining, you can technically begin mining copper ore, but I would personally recommend being at least level 10, because the most bountiful copper areas are located near mobs of around lvl 8-10, and being lvl 5, you'll die pretty often. I personally use a level 12 Blood Elf Paladin, I haven't died yet while mining.

Ok, before you get started in mining, you'll want to check the Auction House and see what Copper Ore is generally being sold for. It doesn't really matter, honestly, because once you get into the strategy behind Organized Crime, you'll find that you will probably be the only one selling copper ore. if copper ore is cheap (I.E. less than 1g per stack), then you may want to buy as much of it as you can, if you can. it will increase in value when the time is right. if it is more than 1g 30s a stack, then you are in for a very easy ride.

Buy low, and Sell high. It's the core concept of capitalism, and Wow is driven by it. With this guide, you can avoid the buy low, and go straight to the sell high.

Here is the kicker to this strategy: Manpower. I have a few people "working" for me on my server. They are all in the teen levels right now, and when I told them that for each stack of copper they sent me, I would send them 1 gold, they were very eager to participate. 1g at level 10 is a pretty good chunk of money, and with the system I use for mining, One can acquire about 5 stacks an hour, which to my "employees" translates to 5g an hour.

It was kind of difficult to get started. Acquiring people wasn't hard at all, it was gaining control of the copper market that presented a challenge. Originally, Copper Ore was going for about 45s a stack, which can't be undercut and still warrant a sufficient collective profit to justify the mining time.

My Room-mate and I stockpiled about 100 copper ore (5 stacks) onto a Bank character. I then checked the AH every few hours until there was only a few stacks of Copper Ore being sold. I bought one of them, which was all I could afford, and then put it and the other 5 stacks on the AH for 1g 30s. Then I spammed the trade channel that Copper Ore was on the AH for cheap. An hour later, mine was the only ore listed.

This created a new average price for Copper Ore on my server. People undercut me from time to time with a few stacks, but one is INSANE to sell Copper for less than a gold on my server now, and if they do, Now I'll just buy it and relist it for more, because I have the funds to do so.

Anyway, once the average price is set to where you want it, you can move onto phase 2, which is acquiring help. My guys were a little skeptical at first of my plan. They asked me why they should send the Ore to me, when they could just sell it direct and undercut me. I told them the truth, if they were to try that, I'd simply undercut them back with my larger inventory of Ore, forcing them to undercut me back. I'd do this until they were selling in the silver, and then I'd buy them out, cancel my auctions, and relist for 1g 30s.

(You may think I'd lose money on deposits doing this, but I dont. It's a few copper deposit on each stack, my profit is much higher than that.)

I guaranteed them a gold per stack, the extra silver I get per stack stays on the Banker for the most part, and if one of my guys is in a pinch, I can send them some gold to help them out. They benefit from sending me their materials, and, judging by the going price for Tin on my server, As the level, they will make even more gold.

So, to break it down into a step by step Formula, this is how I make gold, and how I've accumulated over 40 gold on MY characters (not including the gold sent to other people) in 16 days while not playing very often. Probably about 4 hours a day, most of which has been spent neither mining nor playing the AH.

Step 1: Create a Character and level it to 10. If you want to be more efficient in your mining, make a hunter or shaman and level them to 20 to get their increased movement speed buffs. This lets you cover ground faster, even though I find it completely unnecessary.

Step 2: Create an Alternate character to be the global resource bank.

Step 3: Learn Mining and get a few stacks of copper.

Step 4: Take over the copper market in the manner I discussed.

Step 5: Acquire more manpower and have them mail the Bank character full stacks of copper ore.

Step 6: Put the ore on the AH for more than a gold, spam the Trade channel that Copper Ore is on the AH for cheap, even if it isnt, just to get people looking.

Step 7: When the Copper sells, retrieve the earnings and mail 1 gold to your helpers for each stack of copper they sent you. (I.E. if they sent you 4 stacks and you sold them, send them 4g)

Step 8: Profit.

(Notice there is no step: ????, the Underpants gnomes had it all wrong)

The best places to mine Copper Ore in my opinion are Dun Morough and Elwynn Forest. Durotar is abundant in copper ore, but a lot of it is located down in Thunder Ridge, and a lot around the upper ring of Thunder Ridge, in my opinion, this complicates the process.

I play horde. I still mine in Dun Morough and Elwynn Forest. I play on a Normal server, so it's easy for me to do so. Elwynn Forest is the easier of the two places to get to. Hitch the Zepplin to STV and jump into the water when you zone in, you'll be safe in water at the northern end of STV. Swim to Westfall, Run to Elwynn. It's cake. If you play horde on a PVP server, I'd stick to Durotar.

I like Mining on Alliance soil, makes me feel like I'm stealing from them to take over my own factions economy.

Well there you have it guys, the way I make gold. It's easy, lazy, and can help you make friends :-) It also yields fast results... a lot of times I'll put the ore on the AH, spam the channel, and it almost immediately sells.

I've only had Copper ore not sell one time, and it was 2 stacks out of 8 on an 8 hour timer. I relisted them, and they sold.

I think the reason Copper is so popular is because Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, and Engineering all require it to get started, and people love making alts... I sure do.

I hope you've found this to be informative, if you have any questions or comments, I'd love to respond.

Thanks for reading!|||A very unusual suggestion but truthfully, I would sell my copper to you for a gold a stack. I think the real winner is your employees.|||In truth, it's advantageous to everyone involved.|||Actually i wouldnt mind paying 1g a stack and selling it on...because at the moment finding enough mines can be a problem, so i usually mine early hours of the morning when no one is online. On my server im selling a 20 stack for 1g50s, however demand is low. What i do is split them in 10 stacks and sell them for just under 80s. And the demand is VERY VERY high. I will sell out 20 stacks in a day (if i have mined that many)

The problem is mining. If i bought a stack for 1g, i could split it in 2 & still make 60s profit. Not as high as the 1g60s, but alot less time consuming. I may have to find some "employees" lol, its a good idea.|||Quote:

A very unusual suggestion but truthfully, I would sell my copper to you for a gold a stack. I think the real winner is your employees.

I have to agree. If they are making 5 gold an hour and you are making 40 gold in 16 days. I see what you are trying to do, but I think you are wasting time on one item, playing the ah game. You should look at different items and just do the buy low sell high on them. By doing so, you will slowly drive the price up anyway and by watching many items you can take advantage of trends. At least thats my thought.|||Interesting guide, but using the Auctioneer mod will earn you more money over less time, and with less effort. No will you need to have other people helping you. YOu don't even have to check prices on anything, Auctioneer does it for you.|||I see one major flaw to your whole thing here . . .


Here is the kicker to this strategy: Manpower. I have a few people "working" for me on my server. They are all in the teen levels right now, and when I told them that for each stack of copper they sent me, I would send them 1 gold, they were very eager to participate. 1g at level 10 is a pretty good chunk of money, and with the system I use for mining, One can acquire about 5 stacks an hour, which to my "employees" translates to 5g an hour.

Your "employees" only need to be smart enough to check the AH, notice that you are selling it all, and undercut you for 5S thus increasing their profit by 25S a stack - (if you're selling 1G30S) you'd probably end up buying it anyways (b/c they're undercutting you) and they win earning not "5G" an hour but 6G 25S for the same product (5 stacks of copper) - (even with AH fee's they still come out on top selling it themselves instead of to you.)|||Quote:

I see one major flaw to your whole thing here . . .

Your "employees" only need to be smart enough to check the AH, notice that you are selling it all, and undercut you for 5S thus increasing their profit by 25S a stack - (if you're selling 1G30S) you'd probably end up buying it anyways (b/c they're undercutting you) and they win earning not "5G" an hour but 6G 25S for the same product (5 stacks of copper) - (even with AH fee's they still come out on top selling it themselves instead of to you.)

If you read, you'd notice that if they were to do this, I can simply re-undercut them and vice versa until they are selling in the silvers, then my gold seems pretty tempting.

Also, Auctioneer is pretty interesting and I have used it pretty effectively in the past, but this is more fun... and honestly, I originally played the warcraft series for the strategy. While doing this I make gold, I have fun (I really don't play that seriously... my last account was my baby, this one is more for fun and games at the moment), and to top it off I get to meet other people who play the game and show them how to use their brains to beat the system :-P

I suppose I'll get auctioneer, but I'm keeping with the organized crime as well to keep a constant flow of money coming in. At this point I probably dont need to mine myself anymore, I get between 4-7 stacks usually when a buddy is on for a solid amount of time, and even though I only make silver, 30x5 for say three people is 4.5g to me just for keeping the copper market at a stable 1g 30s price, and having the volume to shift the market when necessary.|||Quote:

I see one major flaw to your whole thing here . . .

Your "employees" only need to be smart enough to check the AH, notice that you are selling it all, and undercut you for 5S thus increasing their profit by 25S a stack - (if you're selling 1G30S) you'd probably end up buying it anyways (b/c they're undercutting you) and they win earning not "5G" an hour but 6G 25S for the same product (5 stacks of copper) - (even with AH fee's they still come out on top selling it themselves instead of to you.)

read the whole post he coverd that by saying he would then undercut them. until there auctions expired and they would not sell any. Now if they really really wanted to thwart him they could just by making his proces very difficult. But its guarunteed money for them to work for him which is why they probably do it.|||You can undercut them, but they've likely made their sale already. (Unless you spend 24 hours a day at the Auction House?) And with that undercutting you come dangerously close to losing your suppliers.

It's an interesting idea and I loved reading it, but the kcma technique is much more profitable and as reliable once you get into the swing of things. So good luck, I hope you keep control over your server's economy!

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