Thursday, April 12, 2012

Best professions for Hunter class -- ???

[:1]Hi guys, im a Troll Hunter. I was wondering what 2 professions are good for me to train in. Please leave a reply :)|||As a Hunter, you basically can't go wrong with skinning and leatherworking. Or two gathering professions if you are into getting money fast - although money usually isn't a problem if you don't spend it too lightly. If you're going with crafting professions, Blacksmithing and Tailoring aren't really viable.|||What Snowie said is very true, but I tend to go a slightly different route :-)

With new chars, I always take mining and herbing - there are several professions that need the mats and you have the added bonus of getting semi-decent experience for gathering (this isn't the case with skinning)

Depending on the final professions that I want the char to have, I might keep some of the mats in the bank to speed level the profession, otherwise just sell stuff as I get it. If you don't have a gathering profession that can be used like that, you will have more than enough gold to buy whatever you need at the time.|||i think skinning until 40 then if u want to make a lot of gold do herbalism

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