[:1]I'm only level 9, but, I don't like production skills! I did engineering, tailoring, leatherworking, they just aren't fun for me! Should I have one though? I have herbalism and fishing, and I'm happy with those. But do I really need to get a production skill?|||strickly speaking, no you don't. all the things that the crafting professions make (with the exception of engineering) can be bought off the AH and used by players without that profession. just to define things a little here. a profession is different to a skill. you can only have 2 professions on a single character at a time, but you can learn all the secondary skills.
professions - mining, blacksmithing, jewlcrafting, engineering, herbalism, inscription, alchemy, enchanting, tailoring, skinning, leatherworking
secondary skills - first aid, fishing, cooking, riding,|||Quote:
all the things that the crafting professions make (with the exception of engineering) can be bought off the AH and used by players without that profession
Not true. All crafting professions have BOE items that only the creator of those items can use (and they're usually pretty good gear/enchants/gems etc).|||Quote:
I'm only level 9, but, I don't like production skills! I did engineering, tailoring, leatherworking, they just aren't fun for me! Should I have one though? I have herbalism and fishing, and I'm happy with those. But do I really need to get a production skill?
You can get away with gathering only (I'd add mining to your repetroire) but at end game, I'd suggest going with a crafting skill that complements your class. But you've got plenty of time before it becomes necessary.|||Quote:
I'm only level 9, but, I don't like production skills! I did engineering, tailoring, leatherworking, they just aren't fun for me! Should I have one though? I have herbalism and fishing, and I'm happy with those. But do I really need to get a production skill?
What I suggest is that you take up two of the 'gathering' professions until you level up. Gathering professions are mining, herbalism and skinning. You can sell what you gather on the Auction House to make gold and you'll need gold for things you'll want to buy along the way.
Think again about a 'crafting' profession (one of the ones that actually makes things) at about level 40. By that time you can gather fairly good materials to use and you'll be able to sell some of what you make on the AH. When you choose your crafting profession, drop whichever of the gathering ones you'll no longer need and learn the new crafting one.
Don't forget the 'secondary' professions. You've got one already in fishing, but think about cooking and for sure, take up first aid. You can sell your fish or cook them and sell them cooked or use them to feed your character. First aid will make you bandages that will heal your character and save you a lot of potions. You can also sell extra bandages on the AH.|||I have a slightly different approach to what the others have already stated. I'd suggest taking up Mining and Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing will allow you not only to craft items you will need while leveling (assuming you will be a plate or mail wearer), but also give you some really good armor and weapon options as you near endgame that you may not be able to afford otherwise. You'll be able to add sockets to your gloves, belt and bracers to gem them with bonus stat gems. In addition to the reason stated, you will be able to start making armor to sell that will add to your personal wealth. My advice would be to grind it out, you'll be happy come level 80 that you did.|||Just to disagree slightly with Semi.
As you already have Herbalism, I would suggest Skinning as your second gathering Profession - you cannot track both mining nodes and flowers at the same time, whereas you can skin a lot of creatures that you kill.
Disclaimer: It's been a while since I've done any professions (just returned from a break), so things may have changed with tracking only one type of resource.
Disclaimer 2: As you are only level 9, you wont have progressed far in your profession levels, so you don't necessarily have to keep Herbalism...|||I think that doing skinning along with either herbalism or mining is the best way to make gold while you are new to the game. The other professions can cost A LOT and are usually better to try out once you can afford to dump some gold into them.
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