Monday, April 16, 2012

Can we get banned for playing AH?

Hello guys,

I was wondering if it was possible to get banned for playing AH... By this I mean, for exemple, keep focused at the prices of the items in AH, catch the items sold under their usual price, buy them and sell them more expensively.

Any1 knows?


Hello guys,

I was wondering if it was possible to get banned for playing AH... By this I mean, for exemple, keep focused at the prices of the items in AH, catch the items sold under their usual price, buy them and sell them more expensively.

Any1 knows?


I know of someone that got a 3 day ban because he was constantly buying out all the wool cloth on the AH and posting it at ridiculous prices. Any time sum1 posted any under his price, he would buy it and relist it.. this went on for about a month or so. He couldn't log into WoW one day and he had received an email from Blizz. Turns out Blizzard had received a number of complaints about him 'monopolising' the market and subsequently banned him. This was the only time I have known of this, a lot of ppl buy low and sell high, I don't think that's a major problem, i believe Blizz only got involved because my (now ex) friend was cornering the market completely.

So as long as your not planning on buying up all types of one material and shutting out competitors completely, I shouldn't see it being a problem and you shouldnt get banned for doing so.|||IMO Blizzard has no right to decide whether or not we can monopolize the market. They have said it themselves, they're NOT like the government, they're not about free speech or anything, they're just there to stop exploits. That is not an exploit. That's spending your hard earned gold to own ONE certain item in the AH. If people want Wool Cloth, they can farm it, IMO. It's like 4g on our server and I'll still buy it.

No, you cannot get banned for playing the AH, as in, low prices bought, set back on the AH for a slightly higher price, because it's your gold and you're deciding what you do with it, if you want to spend it increasing the price of a few items, it's not wrong. There's literally millions of "bank alts" that do this.|||A friend of mine does this with the Clefthide Leg Armor.

If yours is listed for cheaper than his, he buys it and relists it at his set price.

He's been doing it for months and has made thousands.|||I suppose it depends on how flagrant the monopolization is. If the guy is buying any wool cheaper than, say, 2g a stack and relisting it at 3g, that's one thing. But if he's buying wool and then reposting all of it at, say, 200g a stack, that's another matter entirely. That's really, really irritating for the people who live on that server -- at least for anyone who wants to buy wool.

I've certainly played the AH before; I've done it with both the metals and cloth markets, but when I've done it, I haven't done a giant markup. There's a guy on one of the servers I play on who buys and marks up all "of the Eagle" newbie gear to ridiculous prices -- like 20-50g for level 10-30 GREEN gear. Bad part is is that probably, some idiot is buying it.

To answer your question of "can it happen" ... well, it DID happen, so obviously it can. But I've been doing it for years ... I am just not stupidly flagrant about it ... and I have never been banned.

...Ren|||What is wrong with doing this? Nothing. If you think you can get someone to buy your stuff for 10-20 times the normal price, then go for it. Everyone wins. The person who put it on for 2-3g was expecting to make that so he is happy, the guy who can resell it is happy and if someone has enough gold to buy wool for 200g a stack and is dunb enough to do it, he is probably happy too.

Whats nice about the AH is that there are so many factors in how it works. From how much of an item is on the market at one time, to the day of the week, to the time of year (school vs summer), etc etc. I hated the AH when I started, but once I learned what to look for, it's a blast.

Hint: Buy stacks of golden darters on monday or tuesday when the market for them is low and resell them on friday-sunday for an 80% markup. Deals like this are all over the place. Just start watching and learning the trends. Am I bad for doing this, no, just smart.|||Quote:

Hint: Buy stacks of golden darters on monday or tuesday when the market for them is low and resell them on friday-sunday for an 80% markup. Deals like this are all over the place. Just start watching and learning the trends. Am I bad for doing this, no, just smart.

Reminds me of the old days, bought the savioury deviate recipe and bought all the deviates for 1g, sold stacks for 40g, and they went like hot buns... In weekend I could buy up to 10 stacks of deviates for 70s-1.5g each, and sell em cooked for 2-3g a pop...|||Well Blizzard has a general catch-all prohibition against "exploitation of the economy." The only problem with using that is that any action of the auction house could be considered exploitation of the economy. Heck, thats the basic definition of commerce.

I think Blizzard might step in at the point it is clear someone is not just trying to make money, but also to harrass other players. Buying all the wool at 2 gold and then turning around and reselling it at 5 gold is definitely not harrassment: either buy it at 5 gold or go out and grind your own. But buying all the wool at 2 gold and reselling at 200 gold, a price that no reasonable person would buy a stack of wool for, might just do it. At that point you are just controlling one product for the thrill of it, since he knows very few, if any, of those stacks will be sold.

I think one way to battle people who post common items such as wool at ridiculous prices would be to change how AH works and make your deposit price relate to the total price you are placing the item up for, and not relate to the base value of the item as the current system works. If you had to pay a deposit of 25 gold just to place a piece of wool for 200 gold that might make you think twice before pulling off a stunt like this.|||i like the idea from tort to charge deposits at high end sale price. but i would fall down as epics sell for 1000's but sometimes it needs 2 or 3 trips to the ah to sell an item. if the deposit was 100+ then very few people would sell epics and this could cause a general drop in all sale prices making the ah struggle to work.|||Quote:

Hello guys,

I was wondering if it was possible to get banned for playing AH... By this I mean, for exemple, keep focused at the prices of the items in AH, catch the items sold under their usual price, buy them and sell them more expensively.

Any1 knows?


It is not a bannable offence to earn money that way.

BUT! If you put (example) 20 wool cloth for 700g it is a bannable offence, it is considered as scamming.

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