Hey guys,
I am an alliance player. I presently have a 70 Shadow Priest with Tailoring, and Mining. I've been dabbling with wanting to create another toon, but the professions have been the hardest thing for me to choose. There are a couple of questions I've been having difficulty getting answered (haven't asked here). I also checked the FAQ to see if there was any listing on what I desire.
First and foremost, I'm tossing up between creating a mage and a warlock. I know I could create FSW for either, or go Spellfire for Mage if I go fire... what class would be ok to have, without tailoring? I kind of want to have an herbalist / alchemist somewhere. I don't want to have a gathering profession on one toon, and the creation with another like I do on my main. I have a rogue whom I know I will be giving engineering, but am unsure what else he should have... thought about Alchemy, but the aforementioned thing would happen, he wouldn't have the gathering.
What are your thoughts?
If I was to make either a Paladin or a Warrior, could I get along on those classes without needing blacksmithing? Will the mage or warlock, either of them, do ok without tailoring? The one that has tailoring will also have enchanting.|||i have 3 70's a warrior with b/s and mining, hunter herb and alch and priest with tailor and enchatning. this way i can provide pretty much every thing i need to all of my chars. i have fishing almost maxed on 1 char and cookig maxed on aother just to help the support.
in a way i wish i had 1 of these chars with herb and mining so it would be just 1 epic mount i need to save up for and i could gather more items at the same time and make more money. as mail is recieved instantly between your own chars its just a case of logging into a dif char for 2 mins to craft and send back.
with your lock/mage idea if you are in a good guild that is farming kara and heroics every day then dont worry about tailoring as getting good gear will be easy with just lvl 70 blues and crafted as starting gear for raids. my warrior has blacksmithing and though it has helped me get gear in the first place i have no bop crafted gear anymore .
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