Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gathering/Gathering Vs Gathering/Crafting?

[:1]I currently have 2 gathering professions, being Mining & Herbalism. I decided to level these as they'd help me pay for Gems, Enchants, Repairs & BoE Epics etc. This has made me quite a bit of money so far and has provided me with a steady income. I also use an addon called "farmer" which in theory allows me to use both forms of tracking at the same time, as it automatically switches between the two every 1-2 seconds, so when I'm out farming I don't need to just have ONE tracking form active at one time.

Anyway... I've heard conflicting opinions on whether the best money maker is 2 gathering professions or 1 gathering profession & 1 crafting profession. I'm very much in the business of making as much gold as possible right now, for Cataclysm & the fact that I enjoy it, therefore I was wondering what you guys suggest I do.

Should I drop one of the gathering professions & take up a crafting profession, or should I stick with both gathering professions? If the former, then which of the 2 gathering professions should I drop? I currently have around 29k gold, so powerleveling a crafting profession won't be a problem. It's just a case of WHICH crafting profession to take, which will complement my remaining gathering profession I decide to keep.

I always figured JC'ing might be a foolproof way of making money as I could just buy uncut gems from the AH & resell them as cut gems, but while this sounds good on paper, I don't know how it'd work out in reality.

There's a guy on my server who has 6 characters ALL at the gold cap, and is regarded as the richest player on all of Darksorrow. I noticed he has JC'ing & Enchanting. Having spoken to him before, the strange thing is he doesn't use any Auction House addons whatsoever, so I've no idea how he makes his money, and he seems reluctant to tell anybody, which is a shame.

Anyway, if you guys could help me out in regards to all this, it'd be MUCH appreciated.

Thank you very much.|||Just my two cents' worth, but I don't find the crafting professions make money at all. I have crafters and gatherers but the gatherers can make a lot of pure profit off what they gather and sell. I use my crafters primarily to make gear for other alts. Most crafting professions require a mass of materials to make the higher-level items and quite often there's no way to get them but to buy them expensively.

I do have a level 465 Gnome Engineer and the only reason I levelled him in that is that it's a lot of fun. But a moneymaker? Absolutely not. Much of what Engineers make can only be used by other Engineers.

So....... I am waiting to see what happens with Cataclysm and may very well make all of them gatherers only. I'll keep the Engineer as my only crafter.|||The profit garnered from crafting professions varies and it depends on when it is. Right now? Maybe with the exception of Alchemy, most crafting professions are NOT going to net you very much. Right now, everybody is embedded in their raiding, and the only gear that they get comes from their raiding, and that doesn't happen very often. At which point, they probably turn to their guild or friends to get the enchants, gems and anything else that they need for their new gear.

Come Cataclysm, or any new expansion for that matter, if you can capitalize on the chaos and plow through the new ranks in the professions very quickly, they might turn a fair profit as you may be able to make gear for yourself (depending on your profession and class) which in turn allows you to sell quest rewards, and maybe toss up a few of the hard to make purples at the cap onto the AH as people are gearing themselves for raids.

You're right about JCing though, it does sound really good on paper, and it would probably work fairly well during transition times (when new gems are made available and new gear) but as things mellow out, it will slow down.

To be perfectly honest however, if you're interest is strictly profit, then sticking with two gathering professions now and forever will be the best way to ensure that. The alternative might be alchemy as people always need flasks and the like, regardless of what's happening.

Although with Cataclysm, there will be a host of new goblin, worgen and old race with new class alts being leveled. You may be able to stockpile a host of old world crafted items and then toss them out on the AH and see what happens. But in truth, you'd probably make more profit by stockpiling old world crafting mats and floating those out onto the AH, as there's Heirlooms to consider (although I have no idea how Cata will affect those).|||That's great, thank you very much guys, I guess I'll stick with my 2 gathering professions :)|||Quote:

That's great, thank you very much guys, I guess I'll stick with my 2 gathering professions :)

On my realm, while minerals and leathers sell steadily, herbs seem to be the winners. High-level herbs sell for a bundle.

As I said earlier, I am waiting to see what Cataclysm brings, but am seriously thinking of giving up Leatherworking on my Hunter (he's got to level 431 but it's been a struggle and has cost a lot) and making him a Herbalist for the income.|||I just wanted to add here that one profession I find useful that I have on a character is Alchemy. It is worth levelling, I think. You can make potions and elixirs for your alts and they do sell very well on the AH. I will keep my Alchemist working on her profession.

\i've tried Inscription twice and given up since it's the most tedious and boring thing imaginable. Jewelcrafting likewise.

Again, just my thoughts.|||Being a self-confessed altoholic, it's nice to be able to make whatever you want without having to rely on others or hope that the things you need are in the AH (and at a sensible price).

For example, my scribe has all recipes and can make any glyph for any alt. The JCer has all epic cuts and gets a daily mail from the alchemist (transmutation), with uncut gems.

Depite this, when levelling alts, I always choose skinning + either mining or herbing. The gold that this brings while levelling is more than enough to power level a raiding profession if needed.|||Yes, it's worthwhile and simple to equip your alts with what they need if you have a character who is skilled in a profession. I'm lucky enough to belong to a guild where people are happy to swap their skills at no charge. That really helps.

And yes, a gathering profession is good (or two) while levelling that character. He can improve his skills almost incidentally as he goes from zone to zone. He can sell his gathered materials to support his progression.

It's very much simpler to level a high-level character in almost any profession. I levelled my Engineer when he was about 78 and it was incredibly easy. He made enough gold with quests to buy the needed materials and could mine in areas that gave him other things he needed.

I don't think I'd ever level a crafting profession again (except my Engineer and the Alchemist) but if I did, I'd wait until almost 80 to do so. It's that much easier.|||tried Inscription twice and given up since it's the most tedious and boring thing imaginable. this is a most exciting thing to me

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