Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Have 2 Gathering Profs - Any Tips?

[:1]I've currently taken up Mining & Herbalism (heard that they were more profitable than Skinning) and am finding it increasingly hard. The reason being, is because of the not being able to track more than 1 thing at once on your minimap. I have to keep choosing between Find Minerals and Find Herbs. I was worrying that if I was to level both up to max, and then go mining/herbalism'ing' in Northrend, it'd be a pain to have to keep switching between them all the time and I may miss important minerals/herbs if I can only use one type of tracking at one time.

Because of this I was considering dropping either Herbalism or Mining and taking up skinning instead, but then again I heard skinning was less profitable than Herbalism/Mining, so I'm not sure.

Do you guys who have experience with using these 2 professions at once have any tips for me to make it easier etc? I'd really appreciate it.

The only thing I could think of was clicking a Macro I made every few seconds, which basically switches between tracking types for me.

Thanks.|||It's easy to track them both at the same time.

Use Gatherer.

With the database addon included.|||Quote:

It's easy to track them both at the same time.

Use Gatherer.

With the database addon included.

I tried that and it basically covered my whole map with nodes, and most of the time there weren't any even at the locations it said.|||Lol. It tells you all the POSSIBLE locations, generally. It may miss a few though.

That's the reason why your map was covered.

Plus, I don't know who told you that Herb+Mining was better... At this point, Skinning seems to be getting more valuable than mining on my server, and nearly as profitable as Herbing.

The only way that Mining outdoes either is pre-Outland areas. You get 10 stacks of Gold ore, or Truesilver ore, or Silver ore, any ore just about (Including copper, yes.) and you probably just made more than 500g.|||The accepted wisdom does seem to be skinning + 1 other gathering if you want to go dual gathering profs. As you mentioned, tracking herbs and ores is awkward at best and you really do end up killing a LOT of skinnable mobs, or even come across someone elses' kills and (assuming that they don't skin them themselves!) get free stuff that way.

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