Thursday, April 19, 2012

Need method of getting money!

I am an alchemist, but herbs I sell do not sell for much. I am lvl 39 and I can hardly hold onto 5g! My friend is my lvl and he normally has 80g. What can I do to earn money better, so I will be able to purchase my mount?!? What do you think?|||Unfortunately you won't be making much money out of herbalism at that level. What a lot of people do these days is take mining and skinning from the start until at least level 40.

Mining makes a lot of money right from the start with copper ore stacks selling for 1-2g.

I've been levelling a few alts recently, most with mining/skinning and a couple with herbalism/skinning and at level 20, the miners all have 40-50g (even after buying some gear) and the herbalists are having to borrow money from the miners because their stacks are selling for about 15s!

Herbalism does pick up in the later levels, especially in Outlands. As for pre-Outlands, I'm not too sure if it picks up in the same areas it used to. Before BC when my warrior was a herb/alch, I used to get a lot of money out of gromsblood, black lotus, goldthorn, mountain silversage, ghost mushroom, blindweed, dreamfoil. Not too sure if they still make much money but you will start to run into a few of those in a few levels time.

Alchemy won't start to make you money until you get much higher level healing potions and transmutes.

You also have to make sure that when you're questing, you save up all of those greens and blues that drop and sell them on the AH instead of vendoring them.

Seeing as though you're a druid, don't stress too much about the mount situation as you at least have travel form to help you out. Other classes have to run at normal speed until they get their mount!!|||If you're not too keen on changing professions, make an alt and level that one a bit and learn skinning and mining on the alt. I have a level 15 with 60g just from copper, bronze and silver bars and light leather.|||Quote:

Unfortunately you won't be making much money out of herbalism at that level.


Alchemy won't start to make you money until you get much higher level healing potions and transmutes.

I have to disagree here, and say that it mostly depends on the server. I also have herb/alch, and am making quite a lot of money. In the lower levels, my gold mines were Briarthorn and Potion of Minor Defense - each selling for a few g per stack of respectively 20 and 5.

Copper Ore, on the other hand, doesn't really seem to sell that well over here. I hope to have solved my overflow by picking up JC with an alt, because the bank of that particular toon is on the verge of bursting.|||I used to be herbalism and it was making me no money.

The only herb that did was swiftthistle (>40) have you tried selling that. It;s used for a pvp potion that sells well i think - on my server it was going for 7.5g per stack which was a huge amount to me back then :D|||I started with a druid and chose skinning and herbalism. This worked out great because you can gather both without changing forms. Unfortunately, the herbs you gather at the 40ish level will probably not sell for much. If you don't want to drop alchemy then make an alt, preferably a hunter, and make him skin and mine since all kinds of ore sells well. Additionally, you can level them up fairly quickly.|||Hmmmm. I took no profession while leveling. I didn't even loot until i hit ~17 because I had 10g seed money. I had almost 200g at 40 and made most of that between 34 and 40.

Make sure you're selling your cloth stacks and greens on the AH. Don't spend money on anything you don't NEED. That means no gear upgrades, no spending money to try to level up alch, nothing. You get plenty of quest rewards that will provide good enough gear to grind. The only exception I made to this was buying the shadow weave set and the dreamweave pieces ~44, but i had a mount and 200 or 300g.

More low levels take up a crafting profession early and then can't figure out why they never have any money. When you say "i can't hang onto 5g." where is your money going?||||||Markets are very server specific, and the important point here is to see what is local to your server and faction over time. To understand what sells and what doesn't on your server, you need to look at various things over a period of a few weeks. Best way to do this is to do frequent Auctioneer scans. When I start a character on a new server, I usually start off by making an auction mule whose job it is to do daily scans of the auction house.

Just to give you some examples of differences on servers:

On my home server and faction (Horde - PvE), light leather sells for about 20s a stack. On another server I play on (Alliance - PvP), light leather sells for (hold onto your hats) 1g 50s a stack. And yes, this is consistent over time.

On one server and faction, bruiseweed sells for almost 2g a stack. On the same server on the other faction, you're lucky to get 40s a stack.

Metals prices tend to be all over the place, and ore and bars may sell for very different prices. On one server, copper ore may sell for more than copper bars, but on another, the reverse may be true. On one server/faction I play on, converting copper and tin to bronze yields me considerably more money than selling either the copper or tin separately, but on another server/faction, selling the copper as bars and the tin as ore yields a lot more money.

Wool cloth may sell for 50s a stack on one server and 2g50s a stack on another.

The important thing is to learn what sells on your local market. People may tell you that skinning is lucrative, but this may be wildly untrue where you live. Or herbalism is super inflated on one server but not on another.

The other problem is that if you only look at the prices for a short time, you may get an incorrect idea of the true nature of the market. Maybe there is a temporary downturn because someone is out there trying to undercut aggressively, but in two weeks he'll be tired of it and the market will correct. There are also reasons why different things inflate temporarily. I've noticed prices for gathered goods tend to be higher during the week and lower on the weekends on one server, but the opposite on another. There is also seasonal inflation -- examples are goods suddenly in demand due to a new recipe (look at the prices of components needed for the engineered flying mount in the weeks leading up to 2.3 as an example) or due to a seasonal quest.

Auctioneer and auction scans are your friends. Use them early and often.


I am an alchemist, but herbs I sell do not sell for much. I am lvl 39 and I can hardly hold onto 5g! My friend is my lvl and he normally has 80g. What can I do to earn money better, so I will be able to purchase my mount?!? What do you think?

Stop spending money. Just play the game, quest and lvl up. Even if you blow money you should still have 50 gold at lvl 40...then another few few lvls to get the mount.

Best thing to do is keep lvling since you income grows exponentially with your level. Once you get one high level player...that character can finance your alts to have a mount at 40.

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