Does anyone have and is willing to post the Requirements for learning the "Smelt Dark Iron" talent form the dwarf in BRD?|||to copy/paste entry on thottbot about it:
in order to learn Smelt Dark Iron, you'll need to talk to Gloom'rel (one of the seven ghost) at the summoner's tomb in BRD before you start the event. you'll need:
230 skill in mining, 20 x Gold Bar, 10 x Truesilver Bar, 2 x Star Ruby
talk to him and he'll spawn a bowl. click on it and give him the mats. talk to him again and he'll teach you the skill.|||I couldn't remember the mats to bring except the 2 Star rubies.|||That has to be one of the worst phishing posts ever in the history of ever.|||
This skill is learned in Blackrock Depths at the 7 ghosts.
Bring 20 Gold Bars, 10 Truesilver bars, and 2 Star Rubys to Gloom'rel there before you start the fight, and he will learn the skill to you.|||What? Why phishing?|||unless a ink has been tanken out, there was no phishing|||Quote:
What? Why phishing?
Don't worry about it. Just something that got hard deleted.
Aerath isn't one to cry wolf for no reason afterall.|||furrymuff...
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