Wednesday, April 18, 2012

List of Forges (Outlands also)

does anybody know of a list of locations for forges? I've found plenty of list of trainers and blacksmithing guides but haven't found 1 of them. I found a blank list in WowWiki but nothing in there.|||hmm well i think Blizzard's interactive world map will tell you when a town has a forge so if you're looking for the nearest that should help.|||Google is your friend. This is the first link that came up when I did a search for:

"wow list of forges",_Anvils,_and_Mailboxes|||cartographer should have it. just make sure you go to your options and have them show forges. cartographer will probably have it automatically on if you're a miner. but double check anyway. there's no list that i can think of, but the addon helps.

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