Saturday, April 14, 2012

tailoring at 375, and what tailoring items sell well? farming locations?

[:1]so i finaly hit 375 tailoring and I'm able to use frostweave now.

What items at 375 on up sell well for tailoring? besides the frostweave and glacial bags? I want to make back some of the money i used on getting my professions up.

also what places do you fellow tailors farm for frostweave?

i read on thottbot that Valkyrion Aspirant's have a good drop rate.|||They all seem to de into the same table, so make the ones that level you cheapest. Any price difference between the end items will be minimal and vary from server to server.|||I find the only things that sell well on my server are the ebonweave, spellweave and moonshroud items.

I don't really farm frostweave, I always have at least 100 bolts on me just from going about my normal business doing NR instances and questing. It's not exactly in short supply.|||As a tailor my favourite place to farm for cloth (as well as a reasonable amount of gold, greys and greens) is the Onslaught Harbour in Icecrown. There are probably better places to farm from a pure drop perspective, but I like this place becasue there are enough mobs to ensure you never have to go looking for them, and also it's fairly exciting as farming goes as you have to stay on your toes or you could end up over pulling and getting in to trouble. I also like killing the Scarlet Crusade, and there are three dailies you can do here.|||I have 200 bolts in my bank... You will get tons of FW running instances etc... don't worry about farming. If you need stacks quickly, check the AH. It's cheap on my server since te drop rate is so high and it might be more time-efficient for you to do dailies, get gold, and buy the FW vs farming it.

Once you can make Ebonweave/Spellweave/Moonshroud, do that at least for the one you are specialized in (TBC specializations carry over to this - Shadowweave Tailoring lets you make Ebonweave and get 2 pieces, etc.). If you didn't play TBC and specialize do that.

Once you can make the epic spellthreads, make them. Brilliant and Sapphire sell for 225-250g each on my server so even if you have to buy some of the mats it's worth it usually (as always check pricing on your server).

Make and sell things like Ebonweave gloves etc if the pricing works (mats < item) but I think the spellthreads are a better way to make gold.|||On my server the Ebon-/Spell-/Moonweave cloth items sell for crap, because everybody and their dead dog is using those to level up and are trying to sell them.

If you want to make gold, then go for bags and the spellthreads. Do realise that you need quite a bit of rep to be able to learn them: exalted with Kirin Tor for Sapphire Spellthread, exalted with Argent Crusade for Brilliant Spellthread, exalted with Sons of Hodir for the Glacial Bag, and revered with various others for the specific profession bags (and the Warlock's soul bag).

My suggestion is to start working on your AC rep (do the Argent Tournament dailies for that, as it nets both AC rep and a nice amount of gold) to get the Brilliant Spellthread; it's the most sought-after by both healers and caster dps these days, and it's really valuable especially compared to the pathetically cheap mats.|||Bags always sell on my server.

As far as cloth farming is concerned this would be my recommendation.

I assume you are @ lvl 80.

Fly to amberpine lodge in grizzly hills, just to the west by the stream there is a quest giver for a daily quest. He'll give you the quest to kill 10 horde (guessing you are alliance) on the small island nearby. Those 10 drop a good amount of cloth and are very easy to down as you have NPC help and some classes can aoe or dot/rot to down multiple targets at once.

I've tried cloth farming in various places and this seems to be the fastest/easiest just so long as this area isn't heavily contested on your server. The quest does set you to PvP and on occasion i've had issue but it has been fairly rare.

If you do have an issue just head south and pick up the 3/4 daily quests down there and do them. They don't take long and the gold you make will be good for the time/ratio involved.

Don't forget to have someone DE any of the green items you may loot as you will need the infinite dust at high levels of tailoring when at 440ish it becomes very expensive to level.|||Quote:

On my server the Ebon-/Spell-/Moonweave cloth items sell for crap, because everybody and their dead dog is using those to level up and are trying to sell them.

Yep, which is why i just sell the raw cloth. ON Alleria, the Ebonweave sells for 85-90g per, so that's about 175g every 2 days. It makes no sense to make the epic gloves or robe since they sell for mats cost, if that.|||Nice place to farm is in Sholazar Basin. right around 66,50. There are only about 5 undead mobs there, but you can kill them, loot and they have respawned. Actually I often get attacked by the respawns as im looting corps'.

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