Saturday, April 14, 2012

would like a list of high selling enchants

[:1]so i have my enchanting to 446, so i have access to many enchants, i just need to get a load of dreamshards so i can buy the ones i can use on me, my alts, and the ones that sell good.

for example so i sold 3 scrolls of enchant gloves armsmen for 117 gold each.

i made 10 scrolls and it took me about 740 gold to buy the mats.

they sell anywhere from 130-110 gold. so if i sold all 10 at 115 i would make

1150 thats 410 profit if i sell them at this rate.

what are some good selling enchants in your server? that are in high demand? and where do you get them.

i thought about getting mongoose but its almost a wild goose chase trying to get all the chain quests done so you can get to karas for that like 1% drop chance for the recipe.

i might have to poke around in my realm forums and see if i can buy the recipe for a high price (might be my only chance at getting it) would that be wise?j

also, give me your info !|||You don't need to do the chain quests to get into kara anymore as they dropped the attunement ages ago. You just need to find someone with a key to let you in and be in a raid group with.|||As for Mongoose, besides what Erinion said, it's also now a 100% droprate. So, the only trick beyond finding someone with a key to let you in is not taking anyone else who wants the enchant. All it takes to kill him at 80 is a healer and someone in plate. (I'm also sure it's soloable by some classes, but not mine, so I don't pay much attention to such things. )

As for which enchants will sell well, its really hard to predict. I made a bunch of Resilience to Chest scrolls while leveling (back at the start of wrath) thinking they would sell well since that enchant was popular in BC. I couldn't even make my mat cost back on them. So, unwilling to sell them at a loss (heck, I might need that enchant for one of my characters someday) I held onto them. Just recently I looked at the AH prices again and was able to sell them for a nice profit from my original costs.

Unless you have a rare enchant (and neither mongoose or any of the shard enchants are rare these days) you generally won't make a good profit on the higher end stuff. People buy mats and go to friends and guildies for that. You are more likely to do well with the more common enchants that have a lower cost. For example the mats for +63 spellpower to weapon would cost about 700g on my server. Even selling an enchant at cost at that level has a lot of sticker shock, leading people to see what they can do to get a better deal. The mats for Defense to Shield run somewhere around 60g, and I've marked that one up to between 100g-200g depending on the current market. Because of the lower price, people are more willing to do the "quick" thing and grab it off of the AH.

Obviously, every server is different, and you will have to adjust depending on what other enchanters are doing. If something is flooded on the market, it will usually end up being a money loser.

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