Thursday, April 12, 2012


[:1]Hi all,

I was wondering, how do you all feel about archeology? Is it really worth it? Also, does it matter what toon you use for it? I have a bunch of alts and 2 or 3 toons I try to play as my mains. I think I saw alot of the archeology stuff is boa. So does it matter what toon I pick? If it does, does any class really benefit from it then more than others?

Thanks.|||mixed feelings ...

On the one hand, it's nice that they thought up a profession that can't be power-levelled with a rich char and the auction house. On the other hand, it's a pain to level :-)

Not quite sure, but I think that they really good items are BoP and some of the trinkets that you can get are currently considered to be the best ones available.

I tend to do archaelogy when I can't be bothered to do anything else.|||Terrible bore of a profession. I leveled it to 60, that's probably as far as it will get in 2011.|||if one of your mains is an alchemist, do archaeology on that one. the Vial of the Sands RECIPE is BOP but you can sell the vial itself.

Other than that, I don't think there's any money making going on. most rewards are junk and all are bop or boa.

here's the rewards list

lol i just thought, i have to go train up, i'm not past 75 yet. I decided that I'm not particularly interested in this grind but I am doing it a bit while flying around looking for Waterlogged Wreckage--something i will give up on before long if I don't find it.|||Addictive? Can be

Fun? When you find a rare certainly

Takes ages to find everything? Yes

Rewards? Level 85 epics which are actually very good ftw.

Oh and all rare rewards are Bind on Account :).

Common is Bind on Pickup.|||It's a huge time sink, and it gets frustrating once you've found everything for a race. (You still have to clear digsites for the race, but you get nothing out of it. You won't even be able to save those fragments for future items they release after the next patch.)

It's really not a good way to get epics. It would be more time efficient to farm stuff to sell and then buy BoE epics.

Still, if you are looking for something simple to do while waiting for queues and don't feel like farming or questing, it doesn't really hurt to pick it up and level it when you are in the mood.

I'm actually running 4! mods to make archeology a lot less annoying. Archy (with Tomtom) makes managing projects and moving between dig sites a bit nicer. Archaeology Helper (with Gathermate 2) makes it a ton easier to find the fragment nodes in dig sites. It puts a HUD display on your screen that is very helpful. Not only does it save the fragment nodes and pop them up on the hud (each site has limited nodes where fragments can spawn) but it also lets you hit a button that will show the possible area where a fragment can be based on your survey. So, basically, if I pop my survey down and its red, I turn my character in the direction it's pointing and hit the red button (or in my case the key I keybound to the red button). It then puts a red arc on my screen showing where the fragment can be. On my next survey, I repeat the process, but now I've got two arcs on my screen, and I know the fragment has to be where they overlap. It helps narrow it down so much faster since the survey tool has such a huge margin of error on the direction it points.

As for the rewards, the equipable ones are all BoA, but keep in mind that they aren't all level 85 stuff. Some is for lower levels, so you won't get a lot of use out of them. The rest of the rare items are soulbound, and really just pointless toys. (Things that turn you into a wisp or naga for 20 seconds, and stuff like that.) The commons are all pure vendor trash (and pathetic vendor trash at that. Like 20s to 1g range) with the exception of the Canopic Jar, which can have the Vial of the Sands recipe if you are an Alchemist.

If you are an alchemist, I would recommend leveling Archaeology simply for the recipe. In that case, level to 450 in Eastern Kindgoms. (Outlands at 300 is fine too if you are more interested in Orc/Draenai than Troll/Dwarf.) You won't have to fly around/over Hyjal and when you get to 450 and head over to Kalimdor where the Tol'vir sites pop up, you won't run out of Night Elf stuff as quickly. (Then only the Fossil sites will be soul crushingly pointless, instead of both Night Elf and Fossil. Trust me, it will make it much more tolerable.)|||thing to keep in mind is vial of the sands is this expansion's chopper. It takes so many expensive mats that building one to list on the AH is a questionable practice.

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