Thursday, April 12, 2012

Which professions are the money makers

[:1]i wanna know which professions make the most money not sayin i want a single combination like mining/blacksmith but which are the top money makers|||Mining/SKining/Herblism

I personally think Skinning/Herb is best combo, Level 20 and have 10g already just with them 2 skills|||enchanting is pretty good too, even if u dont enchant, u can get huge amounts of money if u disenchant smart and sell strange dust (stack goes for 1g easy on my server, and high lvl enchanting is great cash too|||I do well with mining and skinning lvl 30 have made close to 40g already. Fishing as well can make u cash, nothing like deviate delights!|||Steady stream of gold comes from Mining/Herb/Skinning... Fishing too is pretty steady once you reach level 300... But not a lot of gold in fishing really...

Engineering, Enchanting and Tailoring can make /some/ gold but they eat more than they make most of the time. Of course there are exceptions.

I recommend not levelling enchanting above level 1 (just DE stuff). People don't want enchants and when they DO they only tip like 5g, so it isn't worth spending hours grinding for X faction or Y drop.

Engineering isn't designed to make lot's of gold; however you can make some by selling bullets and guns. And tailoring won't make gold either because all the good stuff is BoP and everything else is too expensive to produce.

Alchemy can make good gold... But you need to be very market savvy, know what to produce and /when/ to produce it (e.g. When are raiders likely to be on buying pots? What kind of pots do they want? etc). It will take you a few weeks and a lot of wasted gold to figure out what is profitable and when to produce what... But once you do that can be extremely profitable and you never have to leave the AH to do it (buying mats on AH -> Making -> Selling has good returns). I don't recommend getting flasks and other hard to get recipes, waste of time, instead concentrate on the basics like resistance potions and mana pots. The top ten potions in the alchemy list are the most heavily produced, so ignore those and look further down your list *cough* Nature Protection Potion *cough*.

I'm no expert on blacksmithing or leatherworking so won't comment.

PS - When I use words like "steady" I mean that the amount you farm does /not/ determine how much profit you make. Primarily because of market forces (e.g. competition, diminishing returns, etc). You might be able to make like 20g in a day for example, but then it will stop shortly after that every day. The amount you can flood into a given market is more on weekends and national holidays for obvious reasons. That's one of the reasons primary professions are so good... You can flood multiple independent markets (e.g. Gold, Thorium, Milthril).|||Quote:

Steady stream of gold comes from Mining/Herb/Skinning... Fishing too is pretty steady once you reach level 300... But not a lot of gold in fishing really...

I make almost as much gold in fishing (stonescale eel, etc) as I do in Herbs (black lotus, dreamfoil, gromsblood). I make around 25g/hour herbing...More, if I get a black lotus...

So, maybe I'm missing something.......|||Oh yeah, I'm not going to argue with you on that. I believe you can make more or just as much fishing if you know where to fish and what to fish.

I just always found it quicker to run around a zone on an epic mount picking up all the herbs and or veins you run across than it is to sit by the water waiting for a fish to hook.

Maybe I should spend more time working on my fishing? Dunno.|||Herb and skinning are the best here is why.

You will run across herbs when you are traveling to an instance or elsewhere, you will kill beasts you can skin while fighting. These are two professions that basically just add to your cash flow. Yes, you can go farming herbs as well but you'll make a nice profit just picking up the ones you see while out and about. Same with skinning.

Fishing? eh.. not so much.|||I've made a good bit of money fishing as of late. You just have to fish in the right areas. The problem is how long it takes to get your skill up to a level where it is profitable. Where as with herbs there are even low level herbs that turn a fair profit.|||i chose alchemist/herbalist :D that was b4 u answered and it is hard :/ so much money on vials and such

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