Monday, April 16, 2012

What is the Best Profession for Hunters??

Hey all i just want to know, what is the best profession for hunters? Currently i have Blacksmithing and Mining and if it is the best one what should i do? Armorsmithing or Weaponsmithing??? Please Help!!|||Quote:

Hey all i just want to know, what is the best profession for hunters? Currently i have Blacksmithing and Mining and if it is the best one what should i do? Armorsmithing or Weaponsmithing??? Please Help!!

It's all a matter of opinion and what you want to do, i thinkt he best professions to have is mining/skinning or herbalism/skinning, simply because those are great money makers and you don't have to drop any gold to bring in more gold, know what i mean? I think crafting professions are for higher levels. Unless you have a main that already provides gold for your hunter, then i say drop blacksmithing and go into another gathering profession. Unless you don't care about getting your mount at 40 and whatnot.

But like i said, matter of opinion only.|||I agree, for an initial main character while leveling up take 2 gathering professions, make lots of gold selling - find out what it takes to power level the crafting profession you want and save up those mats and then when you hit 70, drop one or both and level up the crafting.

As always it is a good idea to have an Auction house alt on the side just buying low and selling high.

GM12|||In terms of utility in raids and instances... engineering. For the jumper cables. You have a good chance of rezzing your priest / pala / shaman on a wipe. Feign Death + jumper cables is very good utility. A lot of hunters are miner / engineers or herbalism / engineers

Mine isn't - mine is LW / skinner. Skinning makes some cash, leatherworking, well only plan on making items that you are going to use.|||Thanks all for the info!! Because this is my main im going to drop blacksmithing and take up skinning!! and plus i do need gold!! lol|||Herbing may make more than skinning|||You're a HUNTER!!! Hunters kill stuff. theres something laying dead at your feet, what do you do?

You skin it for crying out loud lmao.

I cant fathom how this is complicated. The hunter and skinning are like peas in a pod. If you go mining you need to change the detecting to mining and so risk missing kills, if you changed detecting to detect beasts/etc you miss the ore deposits. Same with Herbalism.

By all means take 2 gathering proffs, and run the risk of missing something when one is turned off and the other is turned on, but for all thats holy, take skinning.|||Just a tip, you dont need to track beasts to skin them. They are not that hard to find.|||Quote:

Just a tip, you dont need to track beasts to skin them. They are not that hard to find.

True, but as you ought to know the last thing you really want to do is go wandering somewhere, kill 1 beast then find 2 or 3 attack you when you come within agro range or they run past|||Can one believe it...? Here I am wondering about professions, too. And that on my 10th character. No brainer indeed, up to lv 40 - I am herbing and skinning. But since my main (warlock) tailors and the endgame tailored items are so awesome, I wonder if letherworking becomes an option (especially since some of the LW endgame items are mail?)

Hmmm hmmmm

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