Thursday, April 12, 2012

thinking of taking up JC - opinions please!.

[:1]im going to power level it to the point where i use thorium (thats what 260-70ish) maybe even to 300 (costs 500-750g im assuming) anyway do you make much profit after 300 with the gems (uncut/cut uncommon/rare designs)

also heard prospecting Adamantite Ore in bulk can turn in a nice profit too, whats the experience any of you have had with this

currently have 364 mining and 375 skinning, but i also have a hunter with 375 skinning, which is way better in terms of killing speed than my dropping skinning on my pally.

opinions please

.|||I'm not sure about jewelcrafting, but on my realm Thorium brings in a steady income of perhaps 500 gold (plus more for the Dense Stone and the gems found with it) for about an hour and a half's mining in Un'goro Crater. It's easy beyond belief, spawns are numerous, some veins respawn as soon as you've mined them, and you have only to keep going round and round the periphery and hacking away with your pick. Deadly boring, yes, but it's financed a lot of my projects.

Adamantite sells well, but is scarcer and a bit more dangerous in terms of mobs to mine. Khorium, which appears at some veins as a rare alternate, sells very well. Fel Iron is another good seller and a little less rare.

Thing is, any mined ore will sell fairly well. I don't get greedy and set red or yellow prices, just greens, but it sells often before I've left the AH after putting it on. One other thing, ore will sell better than bars because jewelcrafters prospect it for the gems. Also, some people will buy ore so their characters can level up mining a bit by smelting it.

If you are high enough level to go to Northrend, Sholazar Basin offers Saronite in abundance and Titanium, as do Storm Peaks and Icecrown. Cobalt from Zul'Drak, Grizzly Hills, and Borean Tundra are good. All these come with various gems and crystallised substances that you can sell readily.

Gathering and selling is a good way to make gold. And don't ever dismiss the lower level leathers or minerals or herbs as not being worth anything. They sell quickly and soon add up to quite a few gold.|||On my realm, the ore itself is somewhat relative to the gem prices. Aquamarine, Blue Sapphire, Moss Agate, Jade, etc. usually sell the best (popular JC power-leveling gems). Since the Un'Goro change, thorium has decreased from 60g per stack to 20g per stack, and mithril is still about 40g a stack. Iron and tin are cheap, so prospecting them usually offers a nice profit, especially after some Thousand Needles circuits.

Post 300, BC gem cuts are not very popular, but Necklace of the Deep sells well. Most people grab the BC gem slot quest gear and put WotLK gems in them. So, you lose out on the cuts, but that necklace is great. The uncut gems don't seem to sell all that well either since its easy to level 300-375 these days. WotLK gems are where its at though, stuff with spell power, crit, strength, agility, etc. sells very well to a larger audience (BC and WotLK levelers and endgamers). The rings and necklaces early on are also nice, especially with the gem slots.

So, to summarize:

-check aquamarine, moss agate, blue sapphire, jade, etc. gem prices

-check necklace of the deep and uncut BC gem prices

-go for broke, WotLK gems/accessories are where the nice moolah is

-if the gems suck, sell the ore|||JC is definitely worth it. Gems are always on demand, and you can forge yourself some nice unique gems. I'm using JC and BS for my warrior, and man do they fit with each other.|||that is cool :) and it is usefull to everyone :)

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