Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tailoring Question

Im currently 375/375 tailor/enchanter.

I have not used tailoring at all (hardly anyhow) since I made my fsw set, spellstrike set and belt of blasting about a year ago. Even shadowcloth isnt worth the time spent to farm the mats, at least on my server. The occassional tip I get from crafting spellstrike set or belt of blasting isnt worht keeping tailoring to me really. And for me to farm those mats and sell the items at ah is about a wash on time spent. I am considering dropping tailoring and pickiing up a gathering prof, probably herbs....unless with the new expansion coming there are going to be some new legandary quality recipes entering the game. Any news or insight on new recipes for tailors?|||Quote:

Im currently 375/375 tailor/enchanter.

.unless with the new expansion coming there are going to be some new legandary quality recipes entering the game. Any news or insight on new recipes for tailors?

I can guarantee you there will be no legendary quality tailoring recipes when the expansion is released. If they ever do have a legendary (orange) tailored item, expect it to be beyond the reach all but the top 2-3 PvE guilds.

Now as far as sweet epic tailoring patterns in the expansion, you can pretty much count on it. Blizzard has said they are pleased with the results of dedicating a couple of slots to each crafting profession as near best-in-slot gear. Don't know that anything as long-lasting as the frozen shadoweave set will be available at release, but there is 0 doubt in my mind that you'll be able to get at least a couple of pieces of level 80 epic gear quicker through tailoring than you would through raiding. How long those pieces will last before being replaced by raid gear and how long Blizzard takes to come out with patterns for a couple of pieces that surpass 95% of raid gear is still up in the air.|||Ok, thanks. Ill wait it out and see whats gonna be out there. thanks|||I know that all professions when at a certain mark in WotLK gain you some kind of stat. For example, mining = +35 stam at level 70-80ish.|||hopefully they implant more "tailoring req" from setbonuses too , like the Spellstrike setbonus (all can use the items but only tailors get the bonus) ... and buff it some more.

For me i never use tailoring at all , BUT i gatehrd quiet alot of epic patterns (for guild craft mostly) but it can be some of a profit to craft stuff for a fee to ppl ... and now i been doing it for quiet some time and got my own "customer base" and a rep as a trusty crafter (no mats stealer) , and ppl are actually willing to pay little more fee too :)|||I had a guild mate who made a ton of money selling micah's botanical bags & imbued netherweave bags in trade chat just by buying the matts off the AH. Might try looking into that if you want to make some money off if it now too.|||On my server that is possible from time to time, but usually mats are very close to the tailored product. If I see the mats at ah for a steal I do buy em up and craft and sell and few items.|||sunfire robe... !

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