Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mithril and Netherweave

Does anyone know any good spots to farm Netherweave and Mithril?

Im a 70 BE warlock just to let you know my class.

If you guys could help id be great|||Netherweave? Legion Hold in SMV. Maybe the Scryers in Karabor. From what I can tell NW is a % drop so you're mostly looking for places where you can kill lots of mobs without a lot of downtime, travel, etc.

Can't help on Mithril, not a miner...|||thank you very much

=]|||The Hinterlands has an excellent source of mithril, just make sure to take in the area where the world dragons spawn, the large troll city, and the cave with the oozes. One circuit of the zone (minus the coast) can equal about 2-2.5 stacks of mithril, usually 3-6 truesilver, 5-10 iron, possibly some gold, and rarely a few thorium. Tanaris also has alot, but the circuits are long.|||I always end up with a lot of Netherweave Cloth when I start killing Sunfury Elves in Netherstorm (with the added bonus of getting Sunfury Signets which you can either use for Scryer rep or sell on the AH), or Ethereals south of Area 52 (with the added bonus of getting Zaxxis Insignias which you can use for Consortium rep, as well as Ethereum Prison Keys which you can either use for Consortium rep or sell on the AH).|||Quote:

I always end up with a lot of Netherweave Cloth when I start killing Sunfury Elves in Netherstorm (with the added bonus of getting Sunfury Signets which you can either use for Scryer rep or sell on the AH), or Ethereals south of Area 52 (with the added bonus of getting Zaxxis Insignias which you can use for Consortium rep, as well as Ethereum Prison Keys which you can either use for Consortium rep or sell on the AH).

i was thinking along those lines too. why not work on rep while you farm?!!|||Dailies on IQD usually net me a couple stacks of netherweave|||A lot of mithril in badlands. A nice route too. basically a big circle around the outside and up in the mountains a bit and in the cave. After that hit ungor, epl, wpl, winterspring and silithus for thorium.

Seems like most humanoids in oultands beyond hellfire zone drop netherweave by the load.|||Quote:

Does anyone know any good spots to farm Netherweave and Mithril?

Im a 70 BE warlock just to let you know my class.

If you guys could help id be great

The ogres in Nagrand also drop a fair amount of netherweave.

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