Saturday, April 21, 2012


Lo all

i just hit 300 tailoring

learnt master tailoring i followed the guide on wowwiki

now it says "As noted above, these recipes can only be bought by someone Neutral or Friendly with Scryer, but a Scryer friend can buy them for you."

how do i get freindly with Scryer? where is Scryer?

Also it said at 375 i can choose 1 of 3 clases? i think it was Spellcloth,Shadowcloth,Mooncloth im atm a Fire based mage but once i hit 60 im switched to frost and staying frost based so which do i choose if any?

Lo all

i just hit 300 tailoring

learnt master tailoring i followed the guide on wowwiki

now it says "As noted above, these recipes can only be bought by someone Neutral or Friendly with Scryer, but a Scryer friend can buy them for you."

how do i get freindly with Scryer? where is Scryer?

Also it said at 375 i can choose 1 of 3 clases? i think it was Spellcloth,Shadowcloth,Mooncloth im atm a Fire based mage but once i hit 60 im switched to frost and staying frost based so which do i choose if any?

Well, I can only help with a part of this sadly. To get Scryer (or for that matter, Aldor) rep, you need to do quests and turn in various items for rep for whichever faction you choose (which by the way you won't even choose until 60 anyway, you can't). By the way, you are neutral with both factions as soon as you go to Shatt I believe, you probably have already ended up in both the Aldor and Scryer sections already and just didn't know it by meandering around the city.

I found as soon as I chose an Inn to use on either side, that side became neutral, so, perhaps visit both Inns and bind yourself to them one at a time and get neutral that way? I'm not sure what items to turn in for Scryer, for Aldor, a guildie saved a ton of Bog Lord Tendrils and something else so I could get a head start on rep when it came time for me to actually choose my faction. Hope I've helped somewhat.|||Aldor and Scryers are two factions in shattrath. You choose allegiance to one given in a quest in the Terrace of Light, and then hand in items (for scryer its sunfury signets,arcane tomes and firewing signets) /do quests etc to get rep with them. Getting rep with scryers decreases it with aldoe and vice versa.

When you get to 350+ tailing and are level 70 you can choose a specialisation - spellfire tailoring, shadowweave or mooncloth.

If you are going to be frost specced - choose shadoweave, it gives you +frost dmg and the 3 piece set is very nice for PVE.

Hope that helps as a brief overview - there is more info on wowwiki if you type in any of the things i mentioned.

Also, I just made it to 375 spellfire tailoring :D

+make sure you have someone who can disenchant all the stuff you make. You will need tons of arcane dust, and from the imbued netherweave stuff you can get large prismatic shrads which somewhat negate the cost of making them.|||I was able to choose specialization at lvl 68. 350 tailoring.|||If I remember correctly, the minimum level to get the specialization quest is level 62 (and 350 tailoring).

You can pick up the recipes from the Scryer camp in SMV.

Basically, if you decide you want to go Aldor, you should pick up the recipes before you actually do any quests for the Aldor. The only real issue there is that is can be a bit of a challenge to get through SMV at the level you would be at before you chose a side. It's easiest to just have a Scryer friend with the flightpath pick up the recipes for you.|||thnx for the replys :)

so Aldor and Scryers which do i choose? im guessing Scryers but why?

do i need to go to Aldor other than to pick up the recipes? are the recipes available on the AH?|||For a comparison of both check this link:

It shows quest rewards, rep rewards, and the patterns for various professions.|||You have to be 60. My priest was 60 when she made her primal mooncloth belt.

Aldor tends to lean towards "defense" and scryer towards "offense". Aldor tailors can make the healing spellthread for legs and Scryer can make the dps caster spellthread. It is more a matter of preference then anything.|||Aside from the spellthread there is also the shoulder enchant and scryer has a nice ring at exalted. The honored aldor enchant is dmg, the scryer is spell crit. The exalted Aldor has more dmg, while the scryer splits it between dmg and crit.

Pick your faction based on which enchant you want and which items they have. Visit the quartermasters in both banks to see. (i don't think aldor has any good dps caster gear). You'll probably only make 5 or 6 spellthread for yourself in your career ever and you can get them made for 50g +mats, so that's moot. You can make money crafting either one. If someone in your guild can already craft one, you might consider getting the other, if no one has it yet.

As for your other question about spec. Shadow tailoring if you intend to play as a frost mage, spellstrike for fire.|||There is the aldor robe at honored which is not bad but will be replaced by several in the 5-man instances - my warlock wore it for a while. I agree with XCompanion and it is what I tell guildies and friends who ask me....look at what is available from the quartermasters (or better yet get Atlas and AtlasLoot Enhanced) and see what they have...make your decision there based on your professions or which shoulder enchants seem more appealing to you.

Swapping from LW/Skinning to Eng/Mining?

I'm considering switching from leatherworking and skinning on my hunter to mining and engineering. What are people's opinions on this, particularly when comparing the end LW and engineering recipes that you can only make for yourself?


I really think that it's class specific. The mail you can make as a max level LW for a hunter is very good. Are there engineering things you can make that *for a hunter* is better than the mail you can make? Is the mail easily replaceable with drops that are easily obtainable? What level is your LW? it cost me about 1500g to skill to 375 from zero.

For my rogue, LW was a great crafting profession - I could make 3 T4 level armor pieces, Engineering would have given me.. one, the Deathblow Goggles. Simple decision, esp since the "of Second Sight" helms are very good.

One thing to consider is keeping skinning (if you've skilled it up) since you can make money with that. Yes, you can make money with mining... but you need to skill it up first. What money could you make playing those same hours and killing/skinning Clefthoof Bulls in Nagrand, etc.? Too often you find people taking the gathering profession that complements their crafting profession - but that's the purpose of money. It's a way to translate value from one skill to another. Put more simply - skin, sell and use the money to buy what you need for Engineeering if you go that way.|||Engineering does go very well with hunters for example a combination of FD and XL jumper cables can often save a raid/dungeon from a wipe if you are on the ball. Also if you are into raiding the repair bots are useful (if somewhat expensive to craft).

I have just dropped BS for eng even though i was 375 BS simply as i didnt see it going anywhere and engineering although it has some annoying features (when the device you are using blows up in your face) it is probably the most fun profession imho.

The other great thing about Eng is in effect 2 more hearthstones with the ultra safe transporters available (for gnome its Gadgetzan & tooleys station) no sure about Goblin.|||Quote:

no sure about Goblin.

Everlook and area 52. You'll find engineering has alot of fun/helpful features, but dont start without a money maker. I dropped skinning/LW for mining/engi and am enjoying it to the fullest, BUT(!) I'm running short on money for the simple fact that I either use my ore for engi or dont mine it at all cause I dont have "find minerals" activated. So just a little heads up. You could (without another source of gold) run into serious trouble. I know I did...|||I am trying out skinning and mining and mailing everything to my bank alts. I now have a crapload of bars and skins and eventually will switch over to eng./lw. Best of both worlds!

AH profession - mild rant

I've been playing AH for the last month because I got tired of grinding.

It isn't like it was 18 months ago when I was playing my priest and the money was REALLY easy, but i've made ~1800g in the last 4-5 weeks mostly by controlling markets. Thats starting with ~200g seed money...its going much faster now.

What is increasingly irritating is the undercutters. I don't understand them. I can understand wanting to sell quickly and undercutting someone by a bit, maybe 20 or 50s on a 20g item. Thats enough to make the difference to a buyer. What gets me is seeing my price - then 1g lower, then 2g lower than that, then 3g lower than that. It makes no sense. I don't mind in part because it just means more cheap stuff for me, but sometimes the volume of stuff I have to buy is HUGE. Don't these people value their time at all? When I was out farming for hours at a time, I wanted every last copper I could get...

The other thing killing me lately is Xmute products (mostly because I bought up 2k worth of primal might at a great price, but i want a premium). On my server people are selling primal might for 10-20g less than the raw mats recently...I don't get it...same for cloth's|||That's the risk of playing with AH, you might find your market completely becomes a mess. But it's their item. They can do whatever they want to.

for Primal Mights, you might know that transmuting alchemists sometimes get multiple items out of a transmutation. They can afford selling at a price that is lower than the raw mats. I see that as a great idea. You work hard to get to the top. You shall get something in return. Same goes for high-end clothes. You get two out of one set of mats if you're specialised in those type of clothes. I'm a shadow-spec'd myself and I can say after all the set and pieces, those clothes are money maker!|||I have had the same experience with undercutters. It makes no sense at all. And it's exactly like real life.

In my business, I have competition who does work for 20% of what I charge. I just don't get it. If you know that the market will bear such a higher price, why would you do it for so little? If people are willing to undercut so badly in RL, with real money, you know they'll do it for WoW gold.|||I undercut people all the time (by many Gold) because they have put the items up at a ridiculously high price trying to control the market. I've been on my server for about a year and a half so there's certain prices that really kind of stay the same, seeing some dude putting ton's of items up for several more gold then standard prices, just makes his items the most expensive and least likely to sell b/c the rest of us are posting at the new middle point that has been created.

Item ASDF usually sells for 2G a piece

AH player #1 buys out all the ASDF's on the AH and posts them all for 4G a piece in an attempt to make some money and slightly control the market.

Now the rest of us AH players see this, and we go get the ASDF's that we have in the bank and post those for 2.5-3G a piece. Now ours sell (we make more than what we thought) and AH player #1 just helped us do it. His do not sell and he is forced to lower his price thus resetting the market, and we're the ones making the profit (even if our buyer is AH player #1 buying out our items to resell for higher amounts). We still make the money we wanted and then some and his items will go un-purchased for a week b/c everyone knows the standard price.|||I am a tailor and use all my CD's whenever they're up. I always sell all 4 for as much as possible.

Our market has been really crazy lately, but I don't put things up for insane prices.

Ex. Primal water sells from 15-22g. So i will buy out whatever i can under 17 and list at 20. The next day i'll check and some guy listed 18 singles for 13g when the lowest price was still 18.|||I hear you. I often make flasks and sell them for profit. Usually flask of relentless assault sells the best for around 40g. Lately someone keeps putting them up at 30g. As you said I could understand if he undercut by a few silvers but 10g? These things sell all the time for 40g+ why list it at 30? I know I could just buy the cheap flasks but I prefer to make my own since I get the chance for an extra proc.

I haven't gotten into controlling the markets much - if you don't mind sharing what items do you find to be the best? Enchanting mats, tailoring cloth, and primals? I guess I know the theory just afraid it will backfire on me. I'm worried about people like xDark I guess - of course the enchanting mats have no deposit unlike the flasks.|||Quote:

I undercut people all the time (by many Gold) because they have put the items up at a ridiculously high price trying to control the market.

That's different than what XCompanion is complaining about, though. Lots of players seem to put stuff up at much less than the standard price, just to sell quickly. On my server, for instance, copper bars used to sell for 3g for about a year (when the expansion and jewelcrafting was introduced) and having 3 low level alts with mining I made some insane money... until some numbnuts kept putting it up for 1g. Now you're lucky if you can get more than 1g50s for a stack of copper bars.|||Theres a misunderstanding here , the whole undercutting principal grows from 3 beliefs:

- what the origional seller wants to sell the item for

- what you think you can sell the item for

- what the item is actually worth

Most people belief that what they sell it for, is what the item is worth.

Just becouse an item is on the AH for 4g, doesnt mean its allways way overpriced.

I love controlling the market, and thus i buy up the undercutters amass. They get the money they want, but in the end i make profit of their items.

Dont ever undercut yourself, instead buy up the bunch and put them back up.

And dont forget, theres never just 1 person looking for an item.

Someone will go to the AH, buy a stack of copper ore at the cheapest price on there. Hey looksyloo, the undercutters item has been bought, your items are the cheapest now!

So the next 50 people will see your items, and if they are in need of it, will buy it.|||I've been working on the markets I know which are primals, cloth and gems. I also make netherweave bags everyday and a mooncloth or ebon shadow if i can get enough mats cheap. I look for epic patterns that are relatively cheap too.

I always list my mats at the high end of the "accepted" price range

You can exploit the cloth markets when there are big differences in price. Ex: 10 spellcloth for 300g while mooncloth is selling for 45g a pop. Buy the spellcloth and trade it for moon.

Wesje - what you just described is usually exactly what I do. I just overinvested this round... This was my first time buying that many primal mights and i just ran out of cash.

The good news is the market is rebounding and i bought up 20 primal mights for an average price of 65g each. I anticipate it should be back up to 100 by the weekend, so I guess the name of the game is patience.|||Also keep in mind that from what I read most of you have been on a server for more than a year. Over a year the community of a sever grows quite a bit. As its growing more people need more mats to craft, quest, whatever. All the early comers to that server reap rewards in easy selling of mats at good prices. But a year and a half later your sever gets less and less new people crafting. Plus now you have a mid-high pop sever which means a ton of people farming, getting tons of mats and not as many low to mid range crafters to buy it up. Its a supply and demand thing IMO.


Ok, just a quick thing.

Firstly, Where do all the really good elixirs (the 2 hour stuff etc) drop? are they from instances or raids?

And Secondly, Anyone know what the most valuable alchemy specialisation is? elixirs, potions or transmute?

Jammel|||ok forget my first question. I've just realised that they are discoveries :)|||I think i can bump now cant i?

*bump*|||No bumping, but I'll answer yer question anyway.

They're all about equally valuable.

Transmuting is more bang for your buck if you hit the jackpot, but Elixirs is just as good in the long term.

I think it mostly depends on what you yourself actually need.|||what about Potions?|||People will always need mana and healing potions, before you go down that route I would check the AH though. If theres 47862435125 pages of super mana/healing pot listings then I wouldn't bother...|||Quote:

People will always need mana and healing potions, before you go down that route I would check the AH though. If theres 47862435125 pages of super mana/healing pot listings then I wouldn't bother...

Yup, and since you get quite a few of 'em when grinding/questing etc, I didn't find it as interesting. Especially not since none of my characters are likely to use a lot of 'em.

It's not bad though, if you can get a few of the more interesting recipes.

On a sidenote, if you do go take the Transmute mastery... Don't do the quest. Get potion mastery instead and then ditch it and get Transmute Mastery for 120g. Far cheaper than shelling out 5 Primal Mights.|||oh righto

dont you think its a biit stupid that you have to go to a level 70 instance but you can get the quests at level 68?|||Quote:

oh righto

dont you think its a biit stupid that you have to go to a level 70 instance but you can get the quests at level 68?

Druids can enter Botanica at level 68. Everyone else can other the BM at 68.|||Quote:

Yup, and since you get quite a few of 'em when grinding/questing etc, I didn't find it as interesting. Especially not since none of my characters are likely to use a lot of 'em.

It's not bad though, if you can get a few of the more interesting recipes.

On a sidenote, if you do go take the Transmute mastery... Don't do the quest. Get potion mastery instead and then ditch it and get Transmute Mastery for 120g. Far cheaper than shelling out 5 Primal Mights.

IMHO, I think doing TK (Master of Potions) or BM (Master of Elixirs) is more tedious than just handing in 4 primal might (Master of Transmutation). When the transmute proc, you will get your 4 primal might back....

Selling Fish?

So, quick guidelines - how much does Golden fish sticks sell for on your servers :)

Im EU-Scarshield Legion for ref.

I was thinking about 15 gold for 20?


Any other fish i should sell (spicy crawdads?)

If so - cost......

Only asking as Im now 375 fishing and, pardon the pun, the world is my oyster ;)

Kev|||Have you checked the AH to see what other are selling the same thing for? Do you use Auctioneer to scan the auction house?|||Quote:

Have you checked the AH to see what other are selling the same thing for? Do you use Auctioneer to scan the auction house?

Occassionally ;)

I wanted a feel from other people.

I dont scan everything ;)

Kev|||The problem is that the economies can be very different across servers. It would be interesting to start a tracking system for specific items across severs just to see how wildly things fluctuate. If I remember, I'll check my AH tonight.|||Quote:

So, quick guidelines - how much does Golden fish sticks sell for on your servers :)

Im EU-Scarshield Legion for ref.

I was thinking about 15 gold for 20?


Any other fish i should sell (spicy crawdads?)

If so - cost......

Only asking as Im now 375 fishing and, pardon the pun, the world is my oyster ;)


When I was just able to make Golden fish sticks a month ago, they were like 5 for 8g. Now, it depends on how many ppl are selling them on AH. If not many are listed, I would list 5 for 9.95 g. If there are too many listed or someone undercut to below 20g, I would just wait.

spicy crawdads is about 20 for 20g - 30g.

I would advise to list 5 a stack not 20.

PVP servers' (mine) AH price are usually higher than PVE servers.

|||i list them for 1g bid 2g buyout (stacks 20g bid / 40g BO)

ether they don't sell or someone pays buyout. my server must be full of "right now" ppl, because 99% of my auctions are buyouts... nobody bids on any of my other auctions either.

A question about Gatherer (addon)

I wish to know the locations of all the herbs and mines throughout azeroth and outlands--

is there anywhere that has this data readily downloadable which can be applied to gatherer?

thx|||The addon itself can provide you with a database of readily available locations. In-game, type /gatherer options - the list on the lefthand side should have a word like 'download' or 'database' at the top - click it and you'll get the option to import a databse from the Gatherer site. It takes a short while, and then you'll have a lot of information to start with.

BC First-Aid Trainer

Anyone found him yet?!?!

Thought there was meant to be one in Honor Hold but I cant find him anywhere?!?!|||To get First Aid above 300 in TBC you need to:

Alliance - Buy the First Aid manual from Burko in Temple of Telhamut, Hellfire Peninsula

Horde - Buy the First Aid manual from Aresella in Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula|||Nice one....

Thanks for that...
|||Also, make sure you got a couple of Runecloth stacks (6-8) to get your skill to 330, which is the skill needed to train netherweave bandage.|||Quote:

Also, make sure you got a couple of Runecloth stacks (6-8) to get your skill to 330, which is the skill needed to train netherweave bandage.

I did three toons up to 330 FA skill in the beta, and it took around 100 runecloth for each.|||Where do you learn 'Heavy Runecloth bandages' from?

I'm at first aid lvl 307 and the highest recipe I have is for the regular runecloth bandage (which is green and I'm barely getting any skillups anymore).

I already bought the books for Neatherweave and Heavy Neatherweave. but the vendor I bought those from didn't have anything else (other the the first book 'doctor in the house' or something which I already 'know')

Maybe there's another book before the Neatherweave books for the heavy runecloth bandages and the vendor was all out?


nidanone|||You can learn the Heavy Runecloth Bandage (290) from the person you learned everything else from and who gave you the Triage quest - Dr. Gustav in Theramore for the Alliance, Dr. Victor in Hammerfall for the Horde.