Monday, April 16, 2012

Wool, where to find

I cant make anymore stuff useful with linen so does anyone know a good spot for a lv14-15 undead to find wool|||At your level, wool isn't easy to get at all. The first place I saw plentiful wool was killing the quillboars in the southern barrens near camp taurajo. They're all about level 18. Get the Consumed By Hatred quest in Crossroads and Tribes At War from Camp Taurajo. Those require that you kill a large number of them.

Alliance have it easier as you can kill sheep and skin them for wool.|||Quote:

At your level, wool isn't easy to get at all. The first place I saw plentiful wool was killing the quillboars in the southern barrens near camp taurajo. They're all about level 18. Get the Consumed By Hatred quest in Crossroads and Tribes At War from Camp Taurajo. Those require that you kill a large number of them.

Alliance have it easier as you can kill sheep and skin them for wool.

I've never found sheep in large groups together though. Running around from farm to farm for 1-2 sheep (possible chance of wool/leather scraps?) doesn't seem easier than grinding. Then again, i've never had an alliance =P|||Quote:

Alliance have it easier as you can kill sheep and skin them for wool.

Actually, 99% of the time you get "Ruined leather scraps" from sheep, not wool. :(|||I did a solo run of the Deadmines a few days ago and ended with almost 200 wool (plus some good disenchantables ).

Unfortunately it's pretty hard to solo till about lvl 35.

Tbh I haven't got a Horde character past lvl 15, but most humanoid mobs at your lvl should drop it.|||Quote:

I did a solo run of the Deadmines a few days ago and ended with almost 200 wool (plus some good disenchantables :happy34: ).

Unfortunately it's pretty hard to solo till about lvl 35.

Tbh I haven't got a Horde character past lvl 15, but most humanoid mobs at your lvl should drop it.

You're not getting much wool there if you are lower level. You do get a lot at the stockades, but the OP is undead so it doesn't help much. I think you get if of level 20 mobs.

To be honest, I don't know. This is why Wool is so expensive at the AH. And the fact that only a few levels mobs drop it.|||The venture co. guys in stonetalon seem to drop it quite a bit, can't exactly remember their level, as well as the pirates next to ratchet (I believe) who should be ~ lvl 15 or so.|||Basically any humanoid has a chance to drop cloth. Some humanoids, such as yeti, don�t drop cloth but you can skin them. I guess it�s a trade off.

What kind of cloth is dropped is dependent upon the level of the humanoid mob your fighting. Somewhere in the upper teens mobs will start dropping wool as well as linen. Early 20s the mobs will drop almost exclusively wool. Upper 20s they start dropping silk in addition to wool. Early 30s they�ll drop almost exclusively silk. It keeps on that way for the higher level cloth.

So if you want to loot wool you�ll have to kill humanoid mobs in the upper teens and lower twenties.

As for sheep, they are irrelevant for leveling tailoring. At best a low level character with skinning may be able to save up enough wool to get a tailor to make him an 8 slot bag a little sooner than most new characters get one. Of course, during that same amount of time it would be much easier to sell enough scraps and light leather to buy an 8 slot bag in the auction house.|||200 wool from the deadmines seems a bit much. I've cleared it a couple times, and it seems to me that I get wool between 100 and 150. I usually get 60-100 linen as well.

In the stockades I get from 80-100 wool. It's a much shorter instance with many fewer mobs.|||I cleared the stockades again today. I'm leveling up an alt, so not only do the drops provide decent green equipment for him, but he can use the wool as well. At level 20, turning in three stacks of wool for faction is worth 1000 exp, which is pretty good if you have a high level farm it for you.

Clearing the entirety of the stockades I gathered a total of 60 wool. I also gathered 45 linen and 10 silk.

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