Saturday, April 14, 2012

What tailoring specialization to pick?

[:1]Hi all, any advice on what tailoring specialization to pick? Do the patters out there now seem to use more of one cloth than another? Is one type of cloth selling more? Oh for my own toons I have a mage and a up and coming priest. My mage is the tailor. Well if someone could give me an idear that would be great. It would be nice to get some extra cloth when I make some.|||if you're really only interested in proccing extra cloth, then I would check the AH for the different types and see which selld the best on your server.

My impression is that many of the newer patterns use a combination of different cloths.|||I think most people used to go ebon or shadow or whatever it's called. If I were to do a tailor now I'd do the moon shroud one.|||It seems like most of the healing gear takes lots of Moonshroud, and the dps gear takes a mix of Spellweave and Ebonweave. (Just keep in mind that in some cases the "dps" gear is also very good for a healing priest, especially a disc priest.) So, Moonshroud is probably good if you expect you will be making a lot of the healing gear.

You aren't stuck with a specialization forever though. I think it's 150g to swap. I've swapped a couple times once I realize that I've got a good stockpile of my specialized cloth.

If you are just looking to sell it though, watching AH prices for which one is worth the most on your server is the best bet.

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