Saturday, April 14, 2012

Farming Borean leather?

[:1]Hi all,

Just wondering, where do u guys like to farm Borean leather? I am looking for a place where I can get a good group of mobs together so I can AOE them, make things a little faster. Thanks.|||That'd probably be Sholazar Basin, tons and tons of beasts there.|||As far as farming leather goes few places rarely provide the leather I'm getting from instances.

Dragon/animal rich instances (the normal versions) are recommended to get a lot of leather fast...

So doing Violet Hold LOTS is recommended (especially due it's location and proximity towards repair vendors and mailboxes). Drak'tharon Keep is also nice.|||Sholazar is very good but not as good as Storm Peaks just East of Dun Niffelem, which is superb. Best location is just outside the jormungar cave Loads of mammoths and jormungar, both drop borean leather and spawn very fast. They are much more densely located than Scholazar so you don't have to travel as much between kills.

Also, if you stand just outside the jormungar cave there are two 'circuits' of mammoth herds that run past you, one East and one West of the cave. by the time you've killed and skinned one bunch, the others will have respawned and be ready for farming.|||Farming the leathers is got to be the hardest profession in the game (to this date). I got all professions max'd out and I hate how long and painful getting leathers are...

Yes, Sholzar is very good and so is Storm Peaks. If you can get 100 Borean Leathers in 10 minutes your doing fine.|||Quote:

Farming the leathers is got to be the hardest profession in the game (to this date). I got all professions max'd out and I hate how long and painful getting leathers are...

Yes, Sholzar is very good and so is Storm Peaks. If you can get 100 Borean Leathers in 10 minutes your doing fine.

Hi mate thanks this is what I'm looking for too.. thanks

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