Saturday, April 14, 2012

Schematics and recipes

[:1]Several professions offer you a choice of specialties when you reach a certain level (Blacksmithing and Engineering, for instance). But you often see vendors or the AH offering schematics and recipes that only say 'requires level XXX profession' to be able to use them. Does this mean, then, that you can learn and use them regardless of your choice of specialty? It's only your level in that profession that counts?|||Elaborate question with a simple answer: yes.

More specifically, recipes which require a specialization will indicate that on the recipe scroll ("requires Gnomish Engineering", for instance).|||Quote:

Elaborate question with a simple answer: yes.

More specifically, recipes which require a specialization will indicate that on the recipe scroll ("requires Gnomish Engineering", for instance).

OK, thanks. Sorry if the question was too elaborate.|||I didn't say "too" :)|||Quote:

I didn't say "too" :)

What I am trying to do is level him up in engineering in the fastest possible way at the least cost and it seems........ that buying various recipes and learning them is the fastest way. I did print off a suggestion list of how to level to 375 'fast' but it requires masses of Khorium and at the current rate I'm gathering it I'd never get enough. And as a consequence of this, the AH cost is out of sight. If anyone has any good suggestions, I'd be very pleased to hear them.|||with most (all?) primary professions, in the later stages, there is no cheap and easy way. I found inscription to be relatively easy, and have all the recipes available as well. Stuff like BS, engineering and enchanting are known to be costly.|||Quote:

with most (all?) primary professions, in the later stages, there is no cheap and easy way. I found inscription to be relatively easy, and have all the recipes available as well. Stuff like BS, engineering and enchanting are known to be costly.

I know Engineering is costly (my other Gnome character is a Gnomish Engineer) but I find it the fun-est of professions. I tried Inscription when I first got a Death Knight but (maybe it's just my realm) I couldn't sell glyphs at all well and finally the only thing that sold was the inks I could make. So I swapped that for Mining, which is again hard to level (you get to certain points where the necessary minerals are almost impossible to find - Gold, for instance) but a moneymaker and useful as well.|||You will never find a cheap and easy way. You will find yourself spending 1,000s of gold. Don't expect spending around a 100.|||Quote:

You will never find a cheap and easy way. You will find yourself spending 1,000s of gold. Don't expect spending around a 100.

No, I realise that. But I find Engineering to be real fun and so far it's the only crafting profession in the game I like and enjoy. Tried and gave up Enchanting, Jewelcrafting (now there's an expensive one!!), Tailoring, Leathercrafting, Inscription - all I kept was Alchemy. Alchemy seems to be the only one that has any real use to it.|||They all do, though it's more the 'personal priviliges' than anything really. That said, most all professions have stuff that sells.

Glyphs do sell. Just not in tremendous amounts of one glyph. Carpetbomb the place with 100s of glyphs and it's a different story altogether. However, I can imagine people not wanting to bother with that. I don't. I mostly picked up Inscription because I *really* didn't feel like getting yet another char exalted with the Sons of Hodir. That was okay the first time round, new and exciting with unfolding phasing quests. On the fourth character, you just want to shoot the person who came up with that moronic idea.

Enchanting and Jewelcrafting are the two professions that earn me the most money though.

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