Saturday, April 14, 2012

Profession that make you rich?

[:1]What combi of profession that can make you rich? I'm skinning/LW and i bought my Epic Riding mount when i reached lvl70.

What's yours? Please send your idea on what is Best Profession that can make you rich and also this will serve as a guide for those newbie.|||Leatherworkers who manage to get the latest high level recipes from top instances can make a lot of money, but as with all crafting professions the money comes at the end of a long, long path of making little (or losing money) to level.

I still think mining is great. I often pull 500g in an hour in my favorite mining area, sometimes a lot more if I go at quiet times and the nodes spawn good stuff.

But, forget all professions including mining, if you want WoW gold, play the AH. Once you have some working capitol, 15 minutes a day can bring you 10000g a week easily.|||really? 10K in a weak? How did you do that?|||There is no great secret to using the AH to make money - you just need to learn the markets, though one good tool is essential - download Auctioneer.

Two key things to remember:

First, some people will list things at the wrong price - too cheap - and when they do you need to buy them and re-advertise.

Second, some commodity prices vary over the week or month by up to 100%, so you buy when they dip and sell when they peak. The volume of usage of the servers changes mid-week and weekends, and so does supply/demand of commodities, so prices fluctuate.

By running regular scans of the AH with Auctioneer, you gain an insight as to �normal� prices, but experience is key. Auctioneer can be 'tricked' by crafty sellers. I trade epic armour mostly so it�s easy to make a few thousand a week when I�m constantly listing maybe a dozen items at 1000-6000g each.

I also buy and sell some of the more costly consumables, but you may not yet be able to buy 20 stacks of an item that costs 400g a stack.

Start small just with ores and leathers � because they always sell fast. Scan the AH regularly and look for listings which are too cheap, buy them before somebody else does, then relist them to very slightly undercut the other sellers.

There are lots of guides to trading on the AH available on the internet, so I suggest you do some searching and reading, but it�s not hard. Don�t rush into buying things until you�ve watched the market for a while, and been scanning with Auctioneer for at least a week

When I started playing the AH I more than doubled my funds in the first week � later when you have tens of thousands to play with in stock and cash, 10k a week is simples.|||Best way to make gold with professions is definitely skinning/mining together.

and getting a grasp on the AH is definitely the best way to rake in gold.|||I just want to share what my RL friend did to get...

First he choose Mining/JC, after the JC was maxed and already farm tons of mats. He change the JC to Enchanting and now he's in demand for crafting stones and Enchanting. Earning 350g for tips per day.|||Skinninng + Mining/Herbalism.

I'm pulling down around 1000-1500g a day by farming everything while questing at level 80. As a side note, when I was 1/3 through level 79 I stopped questing in Scholazar basin and went back through lower level zones and finished off the quests that still gave me exp. I was fully rested up to 80. This meant that once I'd hit 80 every single quest was giving me max gold.

I've been level 80 since Sunday and have been able to kit my DK out in several pieces of ilevel 200/213 already. At this rate I'll miss all heroic 5 mans and go straight into Naxx :)|||All the mats that you get from mining and skinning go all to AH? Never plan to use it for craft and sell it for better price? I bet your bag is always full and always hearting back to city to post what you farm. lol

Its nice that you get 1K+ everyday.. Thanks ill try it at my alt ;)|||Quote:

All the mats that you get from mining and skinning go all to AH? Never plan to use it for craft and sell it for better price? I bet your bag is always full and always hearting back to city to post what you farm. lol

Its nice that you get 1K+ everyday.. Thanks ill try it at my alt ;)

I do keep some low level mats for alts. I also never sell anything unitl I have a full stack of it.

I have 96 bag slots on my DK, all my alts have 70 bag slots (even the very, very low level ones), my own guild bank with 3 tabs - which is 294 slots and I park my bank alt in SW by the AH and send everything to them. This mean I never have to run back to the AH/bank.

I only keep 50g on a char at any given time and use the bank alt to put excess cash into the bank. I also use the bank alt for the majority of AH purchases (Carbonite keeps track of whats equipped on each char which makes the whole process of buying gear for another char so much easier).

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