Saturday, April 14, 2012

Levelling up in Skinning

[:1]I have a level 71 Night Elf Hunter who is 432 in Skinning and I can't seem to get him any higher. He's much lower in Leatherworking, and I realise that to some extent that profession can influence the other (making Heavy Knothide Leather, for instance). I've gathered this weekend a total of 70 Knothide Leather (much of that, unfortunately, was gathered as Knothide Leather Scraps which I then had to convert to Leather). But he doesn't level up. I'm not sure what to do now, when getting that much Leather doesn't raise his level at all.

He can gather Borean Leather Scraps (never the Leather) and at his present Leatherworking level, can't convert them to Leather. And I see that ability doesn't come for a while yet. I'm really puzzled about all this. One website I looked at said he should gain a point for each ten leather he got, but it isn't working that way.|||At level 71, you'll be killing level 70-72 mobs. Mob levels translate to 'difficulty to skin' by multiplying their level by 5. So, that'd be skill level 355. With your current skill level being that much higher, at best you'd find them to be green if not grey in terms of skill.

Only rarely getting a point then isn't that odd. You should be doing fine when skinning level 76-77ish mobs. You'll get there soon enough.|||Knothide comes from Outlands animals. With your skinning at 432 you will not skill up trying to skin those animals. Oh found this:

Any skinnable corpse will have a color code on the "Skinnable" property when you move your pointer over it:

* Red: Not skinnable.

* Orange: Difficult to skin; high chance of increasing Skinning skill level.

* Yellow: Moderately difficult to skin; moderate chance of increasing Skinning skill level.

* Green: Easy to skin; low chance of increasing Skinning skill level.

* Gray: Very easy to skin; no chance of increasing Skinning skill level.

Up to skinning 100, you can find out the highest level mob you can skin by: ((Skinning skill)/10)+10.

From skinning level 100 and up the formula is simply: (Skinning skill)/5.


And dont forget to skin everybody elses mobs too lol!|||Borean Leather Scraps don't need the Leatherworking skill to transform into Borean Leather - 5 scraps can be turned into Leather by anyone.|||Quote:

Borean Leather Scraps don't need the Leatherworking skill to transform into Borean Leather - 5 scraps can be turned into Leather by anyone.

That's interesting to know. How, then, do I do this?

And thanks to all. I guess it's mainly a matter of patience, really, and just keeping at it. I'll try Northrend again. I'd gone back to Outlands because I thought I needed to level up on Knothide Leather.|||Quote:

That's interesting to know. How, then, do I do this?

When I started in Northrend I right clicked (I think) my stack of borean leather scraps by accident and it changed into Borean leather. That was before I even had the leatherworking abibilty to do it.|||Aye, just right-click the stack. I used to send them to a guildie who had Leatherworking until he pointed out that anyone can create the leather|||Err, why were you even doing that, is my question? You are level 71, do Northrend. Lol.|||Quote:

Err, why were you even doing that, is my question? You are level 71, do Northrend. Lol.

So your point is that you can't level up professions before reaching level 80?

EDIT: Then again, it's skinning (thought somehow that it was LW first) and that is always best to level up while just questing.|||Quote:

Err, why were you even doing that, is my question? You are level 71, do Northrend. Lol.

Been doing Northrend in terms of quests and all that. I see now (duhhhh!!) that I'm really working here on two things. I've got to continue getting Knothide Leather to work at levelling up Leatherworking. And I've got to start getting more Borean Leather to level up Skinning. So I'll get Borean Leather Scraps (thanks, guys for telling me how to make them into Leather) and sometimes I'll go back to Outlands to get Knothide. Or I'll sell Borean and buy Knothide if I see it cheap on the AH.

It's a good idea to keep your professions up to the same level. Makes a lot more sense when you need to gather to craft the other one. It gets very complicated when you need to travel between continents.

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