Monday, April 16, 2012

Problem using elixirs

Hallo all! I am a noob and after a lot of googling I decided to ask you about my problem. I am a 32lvl human mage Alchemist/Herbalist but I am not able to use my potions/elixirs. The only one I can use is that of minor healing obtained by monsters. Right clicking on the potion while in the inventory doesnot work. Left clicking on the potion on my action bar doesnot work. And I am not even getting a message saying something. It just doesnot work. Tried it with Lion strength, Trolls Blood, lesser potions made by me only(!). Is there any other way to use it or I am bugged? Any solutions?

Thank you in advance!|||Nothing happening at all or do they disappear? If they disappear you should see an icon next to your other buffs (mage/ice armor and arcane intellect). There's no reason rightclicking them them while they're in your inventory shouldn't work.|||It really does sound like it's bugged for some reason - at level 32 you should be able to use a lot more potions and elixirs. I haven't heard of people not being able to use potions before.

It could be that one of your addons is screwing up something. Try disabling all of them (you can do this through the "addons" button on the screen where you see your list of characters) and see if that solves it. If it does, then you'd have to try enabling one or two at a time so that you can hopefully figure out what addon is causing the problem. If it's still bugged, then you could file a GM ticket and see if they can help you.|||Quote:

It really does sound like it's bugged for some reason - at level 32 you should be able to use a lot more potions and elixirs. I haven't heard of people not being able to use potions before.

It could be that one of your addons is screwing up something. Try disabling all of them (you can do this through the "addons" button on the screen where you see your list of characters) and see if that solves it. If it does, then you'd have to try enabling one or two at a time so that you can hopefully figure out what addon is causing the problem. If it's still bugged, then you could file a GM ticket and see if they can help you.

Well thanx Marlous! I think I'll follow your advice and try them naked..

Otherwise I'll try a GM.

ps. The potions do not dissappear when try to use them. Just nothing happens...

ps2: FWIW The server I use is 'World of Chris' not the Blizzard's one...

Thanks again both of you|||Lol... Dumb thing to say but... Make sure you're RIGHT clicking, not left. I don't know, maybe you're thinking just because you have all the items that = potion, when in reality you have to make the potion? Lol, I don't know... Just thinking of the possiblities since I know I've done that once when I first started the game... "Right click each of these and it'll become a recipe!"... Nope.|||Private servers have bugs like that. If you dont want to play on Blizzard's servers then you just have to live with it.|||Quote:

ps2: FWIW The server I use is 'World of Chris' not the Blizzard's one...

Oh dear.

This forum does not support the use of private servers. This will most likely be whats causing your error. If u played on an official Blizzard server, I'm sure you wouldnt have this problem.|||Wow, I had this page open for like, 15 minutes before I posted so I didn't see his post... No, we cannot help someone who could have 8 million things wrong with their game simply because they're on a private server. There's too many things that could be wrong, most of which are probably internal problems, not something you can fix.|||Quote:

Otherwise I'll try a GM.

ps2: FWIW The server I use is 'World of Chris' not the Blizzard's one...

I guess you can't try a GM ticket since well, there are no true GMs on a private server. While I cannot even begin to understand why you're playing on one (the reasons to NOT are legion), I can tell you that now there's no way to fix your problem. Blizzard employs a ton of people to gm and code check their servers, your private server does not.

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