Saturday, April 14, 2012

New players - don't underestimate First Aid!

[:1]I find many new players when I'm online or in guild chat that don't seem to realise the great importance and usefulness of First Aid as a secondary. Many are surprised to learn how easy it is to level up, how easily you can gather the materials you need, and (most importantly) how much it can save you in potions and healing spell mana. I think this needs to be emphasised so more take it up right from the beginning.|||Agreed !

(PS: we DO have a Suggestions forum for this)|||Quote:

Agreed !

(PS: we DO have a Suggestions forum for this)

Sorry - I thought the Suggestion bit was for changes people wanted to see in the forum itself. Seemed to me Community Discussion was a nice catch-all for things.|||You were right, the suggestions forum would not be the right place for this.

The profession forum on the other hand looks perfect, so i ll move it there :)|||Great, thanks, TF, more crap to wade through... Uhm, I mean, more posts to read and enjoy!

Great, thanks, TF, more crap to wade through... Uhm, I mean, more posts to read and enjoy!

That's possibly the worst thing anyone's ever said in response to one of my posts. Why on earth did I think I could contribute anything to this forum?

God only knows. I give up. Back to lurking, if I come in at all.|||yeh nice move Snow. really mature. Frog makes a good point and it's crap you have to wade through? How about this? Quit. Don't be a moderator if doing it annoys you so much.|||Ahh, so I'm not the only one who gets annoyed by moderators over-doing their "I'm just a human like you, just I have a mod tag." thing? Good to know...

I think it was an informative post and I completely agree. Most people (including myself, playing for about 4 1/2 years now.) skip secondary professions (Which I believe you can get all of them? Skinning, Mining, First Aid and I THINK one other?) just because they think it'll take too long, or they just simply don't think about it.

I SHOULD have skinning on every single char of mine... Thing is... I forgot when I first made the char, and now I'm stuck with only 2 Char's able to skin out of 10... I'm pretty dumb for not doing it, as it's easily 100g+ just from leveling 1-60 and vendoring the stuff... More like 500g+ if you AH the stuff (Yes, absolutely you can make 500g.) then about 400g from 60-70, then I don't know yet for 70-80 =P Probably at least 1.2K gold since I was easily able to make 50g in 1 quest in Borean Tundra as Horde =P.|||Skinning and mining are primary professions. Secondaries are First Aid, Cooking, Fishing.|||i never bothered with the secondaries, takes too long to grind, and my first real character was my priest and i prefer to heal myself than to waste cloth on making bandages

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