Monday, April 16, 2012

Need to get Cooking over 150 - Which trainer?


My cooking is stuck at lvl 150

The cooking trainer at the Inn in SW doesn't have anything for me except a recipe I can't learn until my skill is 200

Where do I go to learn the next level of cooking so I can get my cooking skill over 150?


NidanOne|||You need to buy a special cookbook to be able to learn up to 225. For alliance it's in Ashenvale, from a vendor in the Silverpoint Refuge. For horde it's in Desolace, from a vendor in Shadowprey Village.|||Shandrina if you're Alliance or Wulan if you're horde|||Buy book at ah|||The book is a base of 1g from the vendor, so only buy it from the AH if it isn't being marked up by a disgusting margin.

...Ren|||Uhm, both of these questions have been answered in this thread already...

EDIT: Okay, upon further "investigation", you seem to have spend the last few hours posting useless replies to random threads in some botched English, accompanied by your own smiley (while we have enough available).

Technically you haven't done anything wrong yet, so I am giving you the benefit of the doubt for now, but this bottish behaviour looks very fishy. Somehow I am expecting you to snap at any moment and start advertising some gold selling sites... My warning flags have been raised.|||BTW that smiley forces a security alert everytime it loads. I for one would be very happy if you at least nuke all the smileys, its driving me insane.|||In case you are wondering, i used the "delete all posts by this user" option on a post in the raid forum, so now his posts are gone here aswell.|||thank you - that guy was getting to be an irritating troll.

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