Monday, April 16, 2012

Vellum and Enchanting

So, I've got a friend that sends me a bunch of vellum to enchant. The problem is, I dont really know what to put on there. I've never really got into selling enchants before. What do you think? I have Armor Vellum 1 & 2 and Weapon Vellum 1, 2, & 3.

Thanks|||To sell low level enchants, a good tip is to go with your instincts: what would you pay for? What enchants have you already put on your own equipment? Also, check the auction house on your server to see what sells.

Apart from that, weapon enchants with glows sell rather well.|||the most common enchant to put on a scroll is mongoose, which require weapon vellum 2. they will sell for around 300g each. the rest, most people prefer to get the mats and do it in person than buy a scroll.|||Unless the enchant is well known and sought after (i.e. slightly rare) it might be a little tough selling the enchant in vellum form. You wind up with a fairly big opportunity cost for tying up your mats in vellums unless the enchant sells quickly. So unless you are swimming in mats don't tie up all your mats making vellum.

A few suggestions that I've found work well:

Weapon glows

Armor stat buffs (not even the top tier)

Armor +hit

fishing enchant for gloves (pretty cheap to get this recipe)

Remember you don't need to be selling top tier enchants either. I often find myself buying some of the "lesser" enchants to put on new gear even if I know that I will be replacing that gear soonish.|||See if you've got any oldschool enchants that people aren't likely to get anymore these days, but which are still in high demand. Mongoose is an example, but think also of the spellpower on weapon enchant that drops in Molten Core - with the introduction of heirloom items a lot of people are interested in non-twink enchants with no level restriction.|||I actually have been using the vellums as a way to "save" money while levelling enchanting. Since they have come out, I've always been able to sell any post-BC enchant on the AH. Most going for 50-100g. Sometime they go for more than the mats are worth, sometimes less, but it is a way to get money back.

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