Monday, April 16, 2012

Need some basic info. on enchanting / dis-enchanting.

Decided to pick up enchanting to try and recover mats from enchanted soubound weapons. Had skinning and Mining as prior profs. and it was always obvious when I could use these skills. I did a search on a few different sites looking for how to get started with basic enchants and found next to nothing.

Can someone tell me how to get started disenchanting some of my existing items? From what I read I need a runed copper rod at the novice enchanting level. I have a copper rod but not sure how to make it a runed copper rod? So where in the windows is enchanting and how do I get started?|||

WoWWiki has tons of info.|||Yeah I see info about the items and the recipes. I was trying to find the interfacer icons.

Found them in my abilities book. Thanks.|||you know... making money from skinning or mining is way better than trying to recoup what could be good enchanting mats from useless quest rewards. honestly.

but its your game and i'll help whatever i can. remember, in order to disenchant higher level items, your enchanting skill must be higher. so raise it by enchanting things. i spent half my early levels just enchanting +health to bracers and +spi to shields... over and over again, each time for 1 point of enchanting. where did i get the mats? from quest rewards and random green drops.... from 4 other characters. i have many characters. youre in for a ride. just enjoy mining or skinning. whichever one you kept. it will be your money maker all the way to 70.|||The enchanting and disenchant icons are in your general spellbook along with your basic attacks/cooking/fishing icons.|||Picking up enchanting and dissing items you've upgraded from used to be a good strategy when you didn't need a certain level of ench to go with it. You could drop an easy gathering skill like herbalism and just relevel it once you were done. It will take a lot to recover the costs of leveling it up now however and the main benefit would be enchants only available to yourself as well as possibly selling enchants. I don't think you need more than around 275 to diss level 70 gear, but getting there alone can be expensive.|||You guys were right and I dropped enchanting and picked up Herbalism to go with skinning which I have always had. My skinning is at 297/300 right now. I spent a few hours running the shore line between Origimar and Sin Jin picking up low level herbs. I only got the Herbalism up to like 89 right now but I have already made 11 gold selling the herbs I gathered. And like I said they were LOW level herbs like Peace Bloom & Earth root. I should have been doing this from the start.

I really had a hard time making enough gold to buy my 1st mount & this Herb selling on the AH would have made it much easier. I did allot of skinning & I would take the money from skinning and buy first aid books & bandage recipes from an obscure vendor. And I sold those on the AH to make my money for my 1st mount. It took a little while.

I still sell those bandage recipes and that master first aid book for 3 to 4 times what I buy them for. Its an easy one to make a few gold here & there.

I hope some other Newb reads this post and takes advantage of this info. early in their playing.|||hehe. most of my alts dont have time to run to a certain vendor to buy a certain book to learn a certain spell. so the AH is great. i mean i dont mind paying someone extra for the legwork. saves me my 20 minutes of traveling (sometimes more).

you'll make a lot more money once you get past earthroot i think. kadghar whiskars, goldthorn, fadeleaf, golden sansam, and on and on and on. you'll be making lots of gold pretty soon if you keep it up.|||Heck, even low-level herbs can go for a decent amount from time to time, since they are used to make pigments for inscription in addition to alchemy. Silverleaf/Peacebloom has gone for as much as 4-5 gold/stack on my server, which isn't bad at all especially if you farm a lot while leveling your skill. Then, of course, once you get to farming higher level stuff like mageroyal, etc., the profits keep going up. I <3 herbalism.

The way that I found to profit the most from disenchanting items was to create an alt with enchanting, who I send cheaply-bought green AH goods (plus drops) to for "processing". While I miss out on the mats from soulbound items, this way I don't have to sacrifice a more lucrative profession on my main.|||what's the new minimum level to DE things now that wrath is out?

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