Thursday, April 12, 2012

JC cata, enabling the daily

[:1]I finally got around to visiting the JC trainer, learned the new stock 450 recipes and trained so I could hit 525. I quickly noticed that most of the recipes were through tokens just like in wotlk.

I then noticed something odd... I didn't see an available daily quest. After some research I learned that one needs to have the skill of 475 before the daily becomes available.

My method:

I bought obsidium ore by the stack and prospected it. I cut what I thought would sell the best to recoup some of my $ and started skilling up. I made some necklaces and a couple of the "claw" items along the way just depending on what gems i received from prospected.

Out of about 8 stacks I received 2 blue gems. I also got lucky with one of the necklaces I created as it turned out to be a blue. I sold it in trade for 400gold pretty quickly to recoup some of my $.

I think I spent around 1100 gold for those 25 points. Once I received the daily the quest asked me to cut 3 of the "nightstones" I had just cut them all to get to 475 *disclaimer here, hold onto nightstones as one of the daily quests asks for these to be cut (i don't know what all the daily quests are at this point).

I had to go buy more ore..i had a run of bad luck and actually spent about 800 or so gold buying ore until I had enough nightstones to complete. It wasn't all bad, I just continued cutting some of the gems that popped and ended up at 480. In a couple of days i'll be able to get a blue cut and start skilling up from there.

just my 2 cp, but it took me around an hour or so and 1kish gold to open the daily quest.|||just a clarifiying point (if I may). The dailies require you to cut and hand in 3 gems - buying the gems, or using previously cut ones can be used for the hand in, but you also need to cut them. This was useful before they patched the perfect procs. A perfect cut counted as a cut, but not for handing in. Since the daily cuts no longer proc perfect, there is no real benefit in keeping them for the daily

Hope this made a bit of sense :-)|||Quote:

just a clarifiying point (if I may). The dailies require you to cut and hand in 3 gems - buying the gems, or using previously cut ones can be used for the hand in, but you also need to cut them. This was useful before they patched the perfect procs. A perfect cut counted as a cut, but not for handing in. Since the daily cuts no longer proc perfect, there is no real benefit in keeping them for the daily

Hope this made a bit of sense :-)


However, my point was that I cut all my nighstones leveling to get the daily quest only to find that I needed to cut more, which forced me to buy more ore.

Had I known the daily quest, I could have cut other gems thus averting the purchase of more ore once the daily became available.|||There are dailies to cut the green, blue, and purple uncommon gems, so those are the ones you want to keep uncut versions of. Use the red, orange, and yellow ones for leveling jewelcrafting and alchemy.

I've actually been skipping the Goo daily. It's too hard to do on a level 80 character, and really much too time consuming. (The one time I did it, I actually dualboxed since my priest was high enough level to handle the mobs in Uldum. It still took forever. The drop rate sucks, and I had to of course spend some extra time killing the terribad hunter who though I'd be an easy honor kill. My point being any mobs that drop the stuff for the quest also drop volatiles and are heavily farmed right now.) They either need to up the drop rate or reduce the amount of stuff you need to find. (I think the biggest indicator that this daily is an issue is the fact that when someone complained on the forums about it, the "solution" another player gave was to do an instance, because the droprate was much higher. You shouldn't have to do an instance to do a profession daily. That's just dumb.)

On the other hand, I love the Stardust daily. Takes about 30 seconds, and all those big tough orcs over by the jewelcrafting trainer end up looking fabulous!|||Quote:

There are dailies to cut the green, blue, and purple uncommon gems, so those are the ones you want to keep uncut versions of. Use the red, orange, and yellow ones for leveling jewelcrafting and alchemy.

I've actually been skipping the Goo daily. It's too hard to do on a level 80 character, and really much too time consuming. (The one time I did it, I actually dualboxed since my priest was high enough level to handle the mobs in Uldum. It still took forever. The drop rate sucks, and I had to of course spend some extra time killing the terribad hunter who though I'd be an easy honor kill. My point being any mobs that drop the stuff for the quest also drop volatiles and are heavily farmed right now.) They either need to up the drop rate or reduce the amount of stuff you need to find. (I think the biggest indicator that this daily is an issue is the fact that when someone complained on the forums about it, the "solution" another player gave was to do an instance, because the droprate was much higher. You shouldn't have to do an instance to do a profession daily. That's just dumb.)

On the other hand, I love the Stardust daily. Takes about 30 seconds, and all those big tough orcs over by the jewelcrafting trainer end up looking fabulous!

I'm on a low pop pve server so that i can avoid these issues, which works well.|||Quote:

I'm on a low pop pve server so that i can avoid these issues, which works well.

The random PvP was really the least of the issues. The real problem is an undergeared level 80 character and a crappy drop rate. Even with 0 competition, it's still more time than I want to spend on a daily.|||My JCer is only lvl 80 and when the goo daily comes up, I just pop over from Org to the Hyjal starting area and wallop the elementals there.

Need about 30 kills to get the 10 goos, but I think of it as free exp :-)

Haven't had the stardust one yet - weird ...|||Quote:

My JCer is only lvl 80 and when the goo daily comes up, I just pop over from Org to the Hyjal starting area and wallop the elementals there.

Need about 30 kills to get the 10 goos, but I think of it as free exp :-)

Haven't had the stardust one yet - weird ...

That's what I did/do too.

I've had the stardust one a couple of times. I hate the gem cutting one because it costs $$|||I love the gem cutting ones because I can just cut the gems on the spot and be done with it. The other ones can be annoying since I have to actually go do stuff and that alt is mostly just for JC.|||either it's my lucky day, or they've changed the drop rate for the elemental goo - just got all 10 quest items in 10 kills.

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