Thursday, April 12, 2012

Engineering suggestion I thought of...

[:1]Name: Lightcycle upgrade kit

Type: Upgrade/modification to Mechano-Hog/Mek-chopper

Materials needed: TBD

Engineering skill: TBD

Requirements: Having either bike

Special perk: Engineer only item

Effect: Increased speed on land (150% 200%??)

color trail behind moving Lightcycle: Red for Horde, Blue for Alliance.

Comments/thoughts?|||Instead of making a joke about QQing, i'll have to legitimately point out that this wouldn't be fair in pvp situations where you can use mounts.

also, I just don't want to see it :/|||I like it. I've always thought any sort of mount enhancement you could buy/win/make and apply yourself would be good. Mount armour, mount decorations, alterations in functions of mounts, bring 'em on. Good for you, Gorny.|||on a related note, I am glad we can now use our old non-epic mounts at epic speed. Sometimes I don't like the livery on it and I just want to see the animal.|||We could always fix this so they can't be used in BG's or Arenas.|||Quote:

We could always fix this so they can't be used in BG's or Arenas.

What many want, I think, is a unique mount that other players will admire and wish they had too. Just like driving a really splendid car. I don't see why we can't have an option to make them look different, more or less customised, and not have it affect using them for things other than transport.

I'd like smiths to be able to shoe horses for better performance. Maybe your mount goes lame because of a shoe and you need it replaced before you can go on. There could be equivalent footgear for other mounts.

Horses currently look chunky and clunky, like they should be pulling a plough. And they don't have hooves, they have what appear to be solid paws. Nothing magnificent or charger-like about them at all. Elekks are downright embarrassing as they trundle along the roads. You work hard to get a mount and you don't want something that you'd rather hide than show.|||Quote:

Effect: Increased speed on land (150% 200%??)

Only if my Alchemy dragon mount form gets to fly at 600%.|||Yes, but only or those of us who have been alchemists all along, and not the flavor-of-the-month club.|||Quote:

Only if my Alchemy dragon mount form gets to fly at 600%.

Alchemy Dragon???|||Quote:

Yes, but only or those of us who have been alchemists all along, and not the flavor-of-the-month club.

I have to say, I've been very happy that when I rolled my new priest a couple of months ago, I went Herb/Alc. I did it because I liked how those fit in with the Witch Doctor theme I was going for. Since then, not only do we have the Vial of the Sands, but Herbalism's Lifeblood got buffed so it's actually in line with crafting professions for Utility. I love all my haste buffs. Troll herbalist disc priest FTW.

@Gorny: You can't tell me you missed Alchemy's new "mount"? Why have a dragon mount when you can be the dragon mount?

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