Saturday, April 14, 2012

Compare all the professions in WOW

[:1]Compare all the professions in WOW, which one is the most interesting? So, which one is the most difficult? In my opinion, Rogue is the most interesting. Also, it�s really difficult|||Rogue isn't a profession. Its a class.|||Quote:

Rogue isn't a profession. Its a class.

Hello, thank you for your corrections. I'm a beginner, So please accept my apology. Yes, Rogue is a class. Such as Hunter, Mage, Priest and so on. Right?|||Yep that's right.

Professions are like Alchemy, Engineering, Blacksmithing, Inscription, Herbalism, Mining and so on.|||Quote:

Hello, thank you for your corrections. I'm a beginner, So please accept my apology. Yes, Rogue is a class. Such as Hunter, Mage, Priest and so on. Right?

Yes, you're referring to a Class. I think, though, that you would find people who like any one of the various Classes best and could put forward reasons why they think playing that Class is enjoyable and perhaps difficult. It's one of those things that again is a matter of personal choice.|||oh i'll bite

WARRIOR is most interesting and difficult because it can be hard to solo with no healing spells and no magic tricks to keep you alive. Being a really good tank requires quite a bit of skill. And I would call it interesting because while every move is just another name for a sword slash, there are subtle differences and appropriate times for each move.

With my priest, druid, and death knight, each fight goes pretty much the same way. It's a little dull. With my warrior i'm constantly trying a different rotation to see if it works better.

That said, it's not for everyone. Most of the time I would like to play a different character. I am a spell guy, and melee is okay but in WoW it lacks the intensity that you get in a game like Diablo II--I never FEEL like i'm smashing someone's face in--it's not very satisfying.|||I got a warrior too, lvl 41 atm main, making money and lvling it for my worgen druid, im gonna switch to druid cuz sometimes i just get bored with warrior, with druid u can tank, sneak, go cat, got other million forms so their very flexible. gonna make it my main so its a good class too. and this is the class for those who get bored with classes cuick, like me

So it really deserves a try :P|||I have a lvl 80 warrior and a lvl 80 druid (along with other lvl 80 classes). I love my warrior best! I have a lvl 64 rogue and yes, it is really difficult to lvl solo. I run my druid solo in cat form which has a lot of rogue qualities but even better in my opinion.

Each class has something to offer and I am currently leveling a paladin and priest. So far, I like the priest better. My goal is to have a lvl 80 in each class by the time Cataclysm comes out.|||Rogue is probably the easiest class to level.|||i think BM hunter is the quickest class to level..having the pet to hold the mobs and shoot it from far. :P

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