Saturday, April 14, 2012

Choosing A Profession

[:1]Ive recently created a new character, a Night Elf Hunter, i was wondering what profession would be best for him? Im new to WoW so i dont really know what fits who. Any help is greatly appreciated|||Quote:

Ive recently created a new character, a Night Elf Hunter, i was wondering what profession would be best for him? Im new to WoW so i dont really know what fits who. Any help is greatly appreciated

If you want money, get two gathering professions...If you don't care about money, and want to eventually make stuff to benefit your hunter, get skinning and leatherworking.|||There are several times in the game where you will need a big chunk of money. At 30, for your first mount, at 60 for your epic (fast) mount and at 70 or 77 for your flying mount (and at 77 Cold Weather flying).

The hardest to get is your initial mount at 30. There's not a lot of options to make gold from 1-30 so although the cost is trivial for a high level toon, it's a barrier for someone new to the game who's not GOT a high level toon. What I'd do in your place is this - grab skinning and either mining or herbing. Skin the animals you kill and gather ore from mining nodes or herbs from, well, the plants around. That will give you enough gold for your mount easily. Then, either keep doing that for your level 60 mount (which is several hundred gold, a non-trivial amount at that level) or drop mining (or herbing) and level another profession.

Personally I'd keep 2 gathering professions until you have an epic mount at 60. At that point you don't really need more big chunks of gold until 77 and you'll know enough at 60 to figure out professions on your own.

Why not Mining + Herbing? Simple... you can only track one thing at a time, herbs or ore nodes.|||I think the most important rule for a new player with professions is don't spend any money to level them until you are at a higher level. If you can level a profession by gathering the needed materials, that's fine. However, if you find yourself at the AH buying mats to level a profession, you will have gold issues as you level.

You also need to be careful about the vendor consumables needed for crafting professions at lower levels, although that becomes less of an issue pretty quickly. Just make sure you have enough money to buy your skills from the trainer.

Blizzard has made profession changes that make it so that there often isn't any clear "best" profession for endgame play. All crafting professions will give your character similar bonuses. (Gathering professions have bonuses as well, but they tend to be much more situational. You take a gathering profession to support a crafting one or to make money.)

For leveling, I unfortunately found that most crafting professions really were not all that useful. By the time you have managed to collect the mats to level your profession and make something useful, you are probably already getting quest rewards that are better. That's one of the reasons so many people recommend starting with two gathering professions. They help you make money, take very minimal money to keep up (just have to buy the training) and you wouldn't really benefit from the crafting professions anyhow.

Keep in mind that you can drop a profession and learn a new one at any time, so you aren't locked into a profession forever. You do lose anything you knew about a profession when you drop it (including any rare recipes) so you have to start over from scratch is you decide to pick it up again. However, the heavy investment comes much later on in professions (usually well past 200) when you will have a much clearer idea of how the game works and what you want to do with your professions.|||I grabbed Enchanting as my first profession, but my cousin told me it really costs a lot.

On the other hand, I don't wanna grab Mining as the second one though I know it will help with the money issue. The main reason is I think it's pretty boring to mine! >.<

Any suggestion for my second profession?

BTW, my character is Paladin.|||Mining and herbing provides a lot more cash than skinning as there's virtually no market for the things you can skin untill you hit Northrend and at that point herbalism and mining are still better. Even if you can't track both of the same time, mining nodes are usually easy to see. There are even addons that can help you out.

Jewelcrafting is currently the best profession in terms of boni and a lot of people at 80 level it to get them and need materials from copper ore and up. The boni the different professions provide aren't really a big deal untill you start raiding, so I wouldn't worry about that for now. Some perks here and there along the way, but nothing that will make a big difference. Getting your mount at the appropriate levels will however.

I'd say mining>herbs>skinning for the first part of the game with herbalism being the most profitable once you hit Northrend. If the tracking issue is confusing you could go for skinning, but don't expect it to make a lot of cash before Northrend. The mats you get on the way are only used for leveling leatherworking and LWers tend to pick skinning anyway.|||herbalism gives a nice extra heal and is almost as profitable as mining. i would suggest 2 gathering one that you will use later and the other just for loot. If you want fun enginering is cool lots of toys but you need a lot of items from other proffesions. goblin for the win.|||Quote:

I grabbed Enchanting as my first profession, but my cousin told me it really costs a lot.

On the other hand, I don't wanna grab Mining as the second one though I know it will help with the money issue. The main reason is I think it's pretty boring to mine! >.<

Any suggestion for my second profession?

BTW, my character is Paladin.

leveling enchanting can be done (like most professions) 1 of 2 ways; either buy greens/mats off the AH or grind instances of the appropriate level to get greens to disenchant. as for a secondary profession, since enchanting is self sufficient (i.e. doesn't need another profession to support it) you can pick any profession you like really. most people choose tailoring which is also self sufficient or a gathering profession. if however you have another character with mining, then taking jewlcrafting or blacksmithing on your paladin is also feesible.

also something to think about is the bonuses from the professions. each profession will give you something which isn't available to people who don't have that profession

blacksmithing - adds 2 more sockets to your armour

Jewlcrafting - allows the use of more powerful gems

Enchanting - allows you to enchant your rings

Tailoring - very cheap leg enchants, and back enchants, plus flying carpet mounts

Alchemy - additions/increased effect from using your pots

Inscription - the best shoulder enchants in the game

Leatherworking - more powerful leg enchants

Engineering - explosives, flying mount, fancy trinkets and special head pieces

Mining - passive stamina buff

Herbalism - powerful heal over time spell

Skinning - passive critical strike buff|||Um... new posters to this necroed thread should note that, if they're addressing the OP at all, he had a new toon with no high levels to help him.. So min/maxing, etc aren't concerns.|||TBH, I've found enchanting to be very profitable in the lower levels.

For enchanting though, I was less worried about leveling it up, and more concerned with money. If you save all your green items, and disenchant them, the dusts/essence/shards can sell quite well at the AH. Enchanting IS expensive to level once you reach about 300. But it can, like I said, be VERY profitable.

As others have said, be careful about BUYING mats. Enchanting is so expensive because it requires a lot of raw materials that are very expensive to purchase. If you keep half of what you disenchant, and sell the other half, you should be fine. I've managed to make quite a lot of gold off of it. My tactic was to disenchant everything I had and sell it on the AH until I got 30g. Then, I would buy very cheap armor/weapons off the AH and disenchant them to sell on the AH. Now mind you, in between you will have to level your enchanting so that you can disenchant higher level gear, to get better mats, which sell at an extremely better price...but that's why you're keeping 1/2 of what you disenchant. If you follow several rules you'll be fine - (a) only purchase CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP items on the AH to disenchant, (b) sell 1/2 of your enchanting materials to get gold, keep 1/2 to level up enchanting, (c) sell your enchanting skills to others, OR do it for free if they have their own mats, and (d) NEVER SELL A GREEN ITEM TO A VENDOR, ALWAYS disenchant any green/blue items you get.

You should be fine if you're careful with enchanting. Don't go overboard on spending.

The next profession I would pick is skinning. It's VERY quick to level..since you can skin any animal you kill, and leather (on my server) sells quite well...especially once you're skinning level 50 beasts. I've known skinning to be very profitable for many people. And it's very easy to get stacks to sell at the AH.

That's my advice.

If you drop enchanting, pick up mining. It might be boring to level, but it's a money maker...especially once you reach'll be diving into a money vault if you sell, save, and manage your money well.


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