Monday, April 16, 2012

Blacksmiths - you've got mail! (no, you haven't)

My main is a blacksmith - he's a rogue, so it isn't THE most useful crafting profession for him, as there are only minimal items he can create that he can actually use. Aside from the self-socketting (which sounds rude) of bracers and gloves, which is kind of nice.

OT: This may have been answered before, but do self-sockets and belt sockets count toward meta-gem requirements?

Back on topic, Rev, you're muttering to yourself again.

ANYWAY. Does anyone know if there are any plans to implement any mail armour for blacksmiths again, post WotLK? It seems a little weird to me that it stops after BC completely, as I would have liked to be able to craft some mail armour for my partner - it would keep her safe, looking good and a nice walking advertisment for my services.

I realise that leatherworkers have taken over the mantle, so to speak, where it comes to crafting mail - does anyone else think this is strange? I mean, chainmail armour made from animal hides alone...wouldn't it kinda be like wearing armour made from tough noodles?

Do you think we will see any more mail recipes for the humbling, toiling BS, or will he only be able to craft the tough shell (to protect the soft, gooey centres) of plate when it comes to armour? I dunno, a smith that can't craft chain would seem to me like...a tailor that can't knit himself lovely crochetted bonnet to wear on Sundays.|||Yes, gems in BS sockets and the belt buckle count towards meta requirements.|||Lol, I agree totally with you that Blacksmith's should be the one's to create mail, but obviously it's all just another change in Blizzards master plan.

And yes created sockets count towards meta requirements, just to let you know.|||Excellent, thanks both - makes them all the more worthwhile! Now all I need is something with a meta-socket in it. And a meta gem. These are small hurdles, and my rogue has large boots!

I'd like to see a little more chain for smiths post-patch...something to keep our hunter and shaman friends happy. As for Leatherworkers making mail, I could understand it a little more if the actually used metal bars or ore in the later recipes...but then, what know I of the density of Borean leather?

Saying that, if I ever see a tailor knitting a sword, they will soon find themselves with a blacksmith's hammer lodged somewhere very uncomfortable indeed.

That's right, barrens chat.|||Hey have you ever heard of monofilament swords. All you need is rreealll hard thread(and a total suspension of disbelief).|||Keep in mind that in most fantasy based rpgs mail armour also covers scale armour, and not just chain mail. And iirc, the mail armour that leathermakers can make does requires scales.|||Quote:

Keep in mind that in most fantasy based rpgs mail armour also covers scale armour, and not just chain mail. And iirc, the mail armour that leathermakers can make does requires scales.

Turtle, Murloc, Scorpid, Heavy Scorpid, Dragon (red, green, blue, black and worn), Naga.

Yup, as someone who's farmed 40 scales for just one armor item, and a few hundred for the specialization quest, I can say leather mail armor is certainly scale armor. I don't remember the scales from outlands very well, but there were at least 2 if not 3 types, plus crystallized and fel hides too. Seems like that kinda stuff would be nearly scale like. There are also Icy scales, Jormungur scales, and chitin from Northrend for those patterns.|||maybe switch to leatherworking ?

you will be able to make leather armor for yourself, and mail for your partner :)|||Quote:

maybe switch to leatherworking ?

you will be able to make leather armor for yourself, and mail for your partner :)

It IS tempting...but then the thought of losing my mining for the nice money, or my extra sockets from smithing makes me do a cry. Handily, however, my partner is a leatherworker!

Hm...would the embossing from LW work if you had an extra socket put in from BS on bracers, or are they mutually exclusive?

And I'd completely forgotten about scale armour! I hang my head in shame, how could I forget all those days of tabletop roleplaying *hangs head* Point taken on that one!

Although it still seems curious that there are no mail recipes for the humble BS these biggie though! As long as someone can make it, that's the important thing, and I shall stop screaming 'INFERIOR!' at any mail made by LW now ^^|||You will make up the extra gem slots you loose from smithing with the better wrist enchants you can make from leatherworking. Just to tempt you some more :P If your partner is LW on the other hand it is less tempting again.

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