It was suggested to me that Leatherworking/Skinning be my Druids profession, but I have a Hunter who is a Leatherworker/Skinner (albeit he's dragonscale).
Should I do engineering? Should I do Elemental Leatherworking?
Thanks.|||The main point to be LW (or Tailoring and other armor/weapon oriented professions) seems to be that you can make some nice BOP-items for your character. Youre not likely to make much money with these professions.
So the question really boils down to what you want your profession to do for you.
If you want to make money Id stay away from LW or Engineering. (This is from TBC-experience, not sure how this will change with LK). Same is most likely from Tailoring and Blacksmithing.
If you want your prfession to buff you with some nice purple items (engineering have those nice helmets, and LW should get a couple of nice mid/entrylevel sets for level 80. If you know youll do a lot of pvp or have a spot in a decently motivated raiding guild, I dont think those pieces will make a big difference after a few weeks of playing at 80.
If you want to sell your services enchanting, jewelcrafting and the new profession of inscription will be the way to go. This way youll make money, but unless you have some fairly rare recipes people wont come to you asking for your services. This means you have to spend time spamming trade-channels and such if you want business. Its also pretty expensive to level. Sometimes I wonder if you reakky make more money net that way than simply doing dailies or something else to earn money. Some undoubtedly make heals of money (through luck and hard hard work), but the majority would probably do better farming gold in other ways.
If you just want some extra money, gathering skills could well be the way to go. They dont cost anything to level, and they earn money from the start. Herbalism will almost certainly make herbs more valuable in LK. (On the other hand, the new potion sickness debuff, might reduce the demand from guilds making pots and flasks for their raids.)
For pvp, engineering has some useful (and fun) items. If you intend to pvp a lot, engineering is probably one of the most useful professions.
I know I didnt point out one or two professions for you, but I hope this helped you making a choice.|||Slightly off-topic:
One thing that will make hawking your professions far easier - the ability to link your profession in the chat window when the expansion hits. As I understand it, you will link your trade skills and it will pop up a little recipe book, similar to the one that you see when you open the page yourself - alongside the materials.
This should mean no more repeated 'Gif mongoose mats plz' spamming in trade! No more having to scroll up to see what friends have just said in chat because a huge list of someone's enchants available has just bumped it offscreen! Bliss.
I really hope I remember this correctly, as it sounds like a shiny golden dream to me at the minute...
Back on-topic:
You could always take LW with your druid, and use leather skinned by your hunter to create equipment if you are prepared to do that? Then take agathering profession - perhaps herbalism? With the new inscription profession using a lot of herbs, it could be a nice little money spinner in the long run...|||Quote:
You could always take LW with your druid, and use leather skinned by your hunter to create equipment if you are prepared to do that? Then take agathering profession - perhaps herbalism? With the new inscription profession using a lot of herbs, it could be a nice little money spinner in the long run...
If you do take LW, I would suggest that you do not take skinning with it, unless you just want to sell any left over leather. You would be better off with herb/mine though, since those materials seem to sell better (pots being used and always needing more herbs, and 3 professions need your ores). One thing about herbalism and druids however... you can pick while in forms. No shifting out of cat and losing your energy, just pick and stealth to pounce your next target. Raven flight form also, just land, pick and fly.|||Thanks for the responses, y'all. :)|||Quote:
You would be better off with herb/mine though, since those materials seem to sell better...............
Totally depends on your servers economy.|||Herbs and mining are a nasty combo, due to not being able to track both at the same time. Mining and skinning I find make good gold on my realm.|||Depends what you want;
If you just created your Druid, and you do not have any other main characters that can supply him with gold I would definitely go with a gathering profession. Gathering professions are professions that allow you to get stuff while questing. You can train Herbalism to pick up herbs, skinning to skin the mobs you kill, or mining to mine the veins while you quest. You can sell these supplies on the auction house because they are highly needed for crafting.
If you do have a level 70 on the server that can supply you with gold, I would go with crafting. By this I mean, Leatherworking/Skinning. That way you can level your profession every couple levels and create armor for yourself every time you need to update.
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