Thursday, April 12, 2012

Suggestions please :)

[:1]I’ve only been playing a few months and so far have only chosen the professions I wanted to try rather than the ones that might suit the class best.

But now its time for a change and I would like people opinions/suggestions on my planned changes.


Lvl 64 UnD Warlock - 350 Skinning 250 Herbalism.

Lvl 65 BE Paladin – 290 Enchanting 300 Tailoring.

Lvl 60 UnD DeathKnight – 350 Mining 225 BS.

Lvl 21 UnD Priest – 100 Skinning 100 Herbalism.

Lvl 1 Ork Warrior – Just started but initially Mining and Skinning.

I was thinking of:

1) Changing the warlocks Herbalism to Tailoring?

2) Dropping the paladins Tailoring and Enchanting for BS and Mining? (I had originally made this alt just to disenchant/enchant items for the Warlock, but prefer it after dying a lot with the Lock).

3) Changing the priests Skinning to Alchemy (as I have kept all the herbs collected by the warlock).

4) Change the DK from BS to Enchanting? (I prefer the pally over the DK so will probably leave it at 60)|||personally I would keep mining and BS on your deathknight, rather than changing it to the pally. this is simply because I found BS to be the hardest and longest of the professions to level, just from the shear amount of materials needed for each thing you make.|||Ty Mid,

I was thinking of changing them now, because I found was easy to train up BS to 250 but didn't wish to waste any more ore on an alt I was only going to only use for mining.


I have since found out that I need to be lvl 70 to get the flying mount in Northend, which has seriously curtailed my plans for the DK and Mining. Staying in Outlland is an option, but it'll be so slow getting mining to 450 :(

For the melee alts I was thinking of the profs that give the best buffs for the class and what prof suits the class best but also trying to find some middle ground for making profit too.|||I thought you could use a tomb of cold weather flying at level 68. Did they change it? In terms of stats, the best 2 professions to have (imo) are jewlcrafting and blacksmithing. The extra sockets from BS combined with the more powerful gems you get from JC make it a lethal combination (assuming you have enough ore to get them both to 450).|||If you don't have a level 80 on the server already (and on the same account), then you can't fly in Northrend until level 77. At 80 you can buy the Tome of Cold Weather Flying heirloom book for your alts which will let them fly from 68 in Northrend.

EDIT: 77, not 78 ...|||It is normal speed flying at level 60, epic speed flight at 70, and the cold weather flying tome is available at 68 IF an 80 is on the server to purchase it, otherwise cold weather flying kicks in at 77. So for a mining toon in Outland, you can have regular flight, slower than you might like but a lot faster than land speed when you consider the fights avoided getting to a mining node.|||Quote:

It is normal speed flying at level 60, epic speed flight at 70, and the cold weather flying tome is available at 68 IF an 80 is on the server to purchase it, otherwise cold weather flying kicks in at 77. So for a mining toon in Outland, you can have regular flight, slower than you might like but a lot faster than land speed when you consider the fights avoided getting to a mining node.

Sadly my highest toon is lvl 65 (I get bored doing Outland so I keep starting a new class/toon) so it might be a while for my 1st lvl 80, probably once my Warrior and Priest has hit 60.. unless I start a Mage or Shaman or... hmmm...

I have been mining and flying around Outland, but everything is either green or grey now so it's very slow training... ...still a good money maker (70g a stack for Fel Iron bars is good to me), but ever so slow|||i say drop skinning on your warlock and pick up alchemy. skinning is arguably the least profitable gathering profession and you don't have any characters that can use leather so skinning/leather working wouldn't be very useful. alchemy on the other hand has endless health/mana potions you can use(they never run out but restore little less than regular potions) also there are a few alchemist-only trinkets(+spell/attack power/+40% effect on potions) both great for leveling. at end game alchemy can make flasks you need for raiding, increase duration of flasks to save some gold, gem transmutes for your gear, and potions for every occasion. as for profession only stat bonus, alchemy has +47sp for your lock or 80ap for physical dps classes. 47 is actually more than what lw(46) gives but in general all crafting professions give relatively similar number in stat bonus so it's really not a huge deal. as for your other characters i would just keep leveling the professions they have. if you leveled them to 200+ then its kind of a waste to restart especially for crafting professions because they take gold to level instead of make gold from leveling up like the gathering professions. enchant/tailor on pally nice for ret/holy spec but not so much prot because tailoring doesnt have a bonus stat for tanking, just ap proc on cloak for extra threat i guess. bs/mine in dk is fine too. you'll be making gear you can use and mining is good if you plan to tank in the future or if not just to make gold farming nodes. if you're wondering what the profession bonuses are, once you leveled past levl 65 you can train to be a grand master(up to 450 skill) in professions.

thats the bonus for being grand master alchemy and if you go through the comments there's a post about other profession bonuses as well.|||TYVM Tioga :)|||Warlock - If you want tailoring on your warlock I would pick up enchanting as well.

DK - If you keep mining on your DK then keep BS also or go JC

Pally - This will depend much on what you have chosen for your DK

Priest - Herb and Alch would be great to have on at least one toon

A previous poster said to drop skinning simply because of lack of income. I'm not sure about his server but on mine (Laughing Skull US) Skinning and LW are a very potent combo. Stacks of leather sell higher than ore most days. LW epics stay at a premium along with Leather Enchants and Drums. Once you're in Northrend, any Borean Leather is going to make you a lot of money. So since you have 3 plate wearers, it wouldn't hurt at all to have one in the Leather and Skinning business. You might want to pick up a Druid, Hunter, Rogue, or Shammy for this at some point if you decide not to use it now.

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