Monday, April 16, 2012

Fishing Level for Each Area

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is a listing of what level fishing is required for an area?|||Here is some information I found on the net. It was first posted by a guy named Draznar on Magtheridon server. I can't link to it as it would violate our forum rules, though.


Blasted Lands: Fishing skill needed is 235-265

Burning Steppes: Fishing skill needed is 240-290

Duskwood: Fishing skill needed is 95-150

Elwynn Forest: Fishing skill needed is 1-50

RedridgeMountains: Fishing skill needed is 80-120

Stranglethorn Vale: Fishing skill needed is 150-250

Swamp of Sorrows: Fishing skill needed is 175-225

Westfall: Fishing skill needed is 50-80

Khaz Modan

Badlands: Fishing skill needed is 175-225

Dun Morogh: Fishing skill needed is 1-50

Loch Modan: Fishing skill needed is 50-100

Searing Gorge: Fishing skill needed is none available

Wetlands: Fishing skill needed is 105-150


Alterac Mountains: Fishing skill needed is 150-170

Arathi Highlands: Fishing skill needed is 150-180

Eastern Plaguelands: Fishing skill needed is 265-280

Hillsbrad Foothills: Fishing skill needed is 100-155

Silverpine Forest: Fishing skill needed is 50-105

Hinterlands: Fishing skill needed is 200-245

Tirisfal Glades: Fishing skill needed is 1-50

Western Plaguelands: Fishing skill needed is 255-270

Northern Kalimdor

Ashenvale: Fishing skill needed is 75-150

Azshara: Fishing skill needed is 200-275

Darkshore: Fishing skill needed is 50-80

Desolace: Fishing skill needed is 100-175

Durotar: Fishing skill needed is 1-50

Felwood: Fishing skill needed is 175-250

Moonglade: Unknown

Stonetalon Mountains: Fishing skill needed is 75-125

Teldrassil: Fishing skill needed is 1-50

The Barrens: Fishing skill needed is 50-100

Winterspring: Fishing skill needed is 250-300

Southern Kalimdor

Dustwallow Marsh: Fishing skill needed is 150-300

Feralas: Fishing skill needed is 150-175

Mulgore: Fishing skill needed is 1-50

Tanaris: Fishing skill needed is 225-275

Thousand Needles: Fishing skill needed is 75-125

Un?Goro Crater: Fishing skill needed is 225-275

In addition to the starting areas mentioned above, ponds and rivers in main cities like Stormwind, Darnassus and Orgrimmar also require skill 1-50. And actually, the maximum skill is redundant, since you can skill up your fishing from 1 to 300 in the same pond. The area you fish in only determines the sort of fish you'll catch, and your skill of course determines in what area you can fish.|||There are some areas (Bay of Storms in Azshara for example) that the skill required is higher than 300. You have to have lures, plus a good fishing pole to fish those waters.

-Bullvye|||Ya there is a great guid listed on this site as well, just do a search on proffesion will take you from 1 to 300 with the greatest of ease and lvl you cooking for you to!|||Quote:

Ya there is a great guid listed on this site as well, just do a search on proffesion will take you from 1 to 300 with the greatest of ease and lvl you cooking for you to!

That guide is in our stickies and now that we have found the author, we will probably enlist it in the guides section on the website as well.|||soooooo good. Thanks so much Snow!

ps - if theres anyone I hav't thanked for an answer, its beause I usually don't want to post just to thank someone, putting the message up artificially. THis one was near the top, and REALLY REALLY good|||No worries, and about those thank you posts... We do forbid artificial bumping, but posting "Thank you" is not really what I would call artificial bumping. ;)

And uhm, it was just my googling skills coming up with this information.|||whiy is this not a sticky?|||Basically, Bigairbrucey, because I don't want to change this forum into a sticky heaven. There are hundreds of guides about WoW professions to be found on the internet. If I would search around on Google a bit, I would be able to fill the entire front page (probably the first three or four pages of the forum) with loads of stickied guide threads. But that is not the intention of this forum. People ask questions, other people help, that is the intention.

If you want guides, we have a guide page at the main website ( with an entire section dedicated to professions and ( I am also in the process of making an inventory of this forum to increase the number of guides on that page section and at the same moment decrease the number of stickies here.

If you write or find a good guide, you are more than welcome to submit it to (make sure first that you have permission from the author when you didn't write the guide yourself, though). Overloading this forum with stickied guides would just be a tad bit redundant, and even more, it would actually create a competition with the guides page.|||Thank you so much for the response! It helps tremendoulsy. Now, I can go to a specific zone to get what I need!

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