Thursday, April 12, 2012

archy, it isn't that bad.

[:1]I'm an alchemist, and I get really tired of questing. After leveling from 80-82 with nothing but questing (good quests btw, in hyjal) I wanted to do something new. The daily fishing/cooking/JC are great I wanted to play for another couple of hours and not read quest text or do instance etc.

So, I went to SW keep and picked up archeology. Then I exited out of wow and picked up the addon "archy" and i'm so glad I did, it really helps.

I have my hearth set in stormwind, which apparently is a pretty good place to keep it with this profession.

I'm not sure how many of you have read up on this, but it really helps to google a video of how the telescope works but i'll try to describe it here:

When you train archeology you gain the ability "survey" bind it to a key. Then pull up your map (continent size) and look at it. You will see several small shovels, those are "dig sites".

Fly to a zone the dig site is in and then hit your map again "zone size" there will be a large red circle representing the "dig site" What you are digging for could be anywhere in that spot.

I recommend flying to the middle of the spot and hitting your "survey" key. Your toon will place a telescope and a small metal looking object on the ground. The metal "rod" for lack of a better word, will have a light on top of it. If it's red, then you are way off. If it is yellow, you are still a bit off. If it is green the dig is nearby.

Here is the tricky part, the telescope that deploys when you click survey has a large and small end. The LARGE END points in the direction that the dig will be located. Think of it like an arrow. Keep hitting survey until you get a sparkling item that you click to collect like a quest item.

Don't do any combines until you get to 100, just keep digging all over until then. I thought it would be very time consuming but it turned out not to be. I used the Eastern Kingdoms, I would do the northern dig sites and then if possible I would hearth to stormwind and do the STV/etc digsites.

I watched a movie on my Iphone while doing this which made it way more entertaining. The addon "archy" works with tom tom if you want to set waypoints, I found it fairly easy without waypoints and only used it once to check the functionality.

I'm sure there are a lot of guides out there that go from 0-100 in a much more complete fashion. I read a few, and they were a little confusing so I thought I would put the 0-100 in my on words. Once I pass 100, i'll post again on this thread to update the progress.

It really kind of feels like treasure hunting.|||I've spent some time doing it as well. I can see how the people who ground it out to 525 very quickly got burned out on it, but it's a nice diversion if you do a bit at a time. (Much like fishing, to be honest.)

If you are still leveling, it's actually good XP, and it benefits from rested if you have some built up. At level 83, I'm getting 11,000 XP per dig (so 22K if I've got rested) which is 33K per site. That's not too far off from turning in a level 83 quest.

One piece of advice I would like to add:

If you are interested in Dwarf or to a lesser extend Troll rewards, do a lot of digging in Eastern Kingdoms before you hit 450. (Since you don't lose any fragments and aren't getting skillpoints from digging past about 100, it's pretty easy to control. Just don't turn in projects.) The reason for this is that at 450, Vashj'ir gets added to the EK dig sites. These sites are Night Elf sites, which already have plenty of options on the other continent, so they aren't as useful. Vashj'ir sites are harder to clear due to the third dimension that is added. Basically, once you hit 450, your progress on Dwarf and Troll fragment collecting will drop significantly.|||And here I thought that this was a ode to archimonde, comforting him about losing the battle on mount Hyjal.|||I found starting out tedious, especially with the lure of Mt. Hyjal and I solved an artifact ASAP, just because I could (wasn't min/maxing).

and|||just remember, when in douby with archy...
|||I finished almost all of the hyjal zone before i checked into archy.

i also was unaware that we could link to curse.|||Quote:

I finished almost all of the hyjal zone before i checked into archy.

i also was unaware that we could link to curse.

Lol, I'm not sure if we can or not. I do know that certain previously forbidden links were un-forbidden when those sites received "official wow fansite" status despite their adds.

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