Thursday, April 12, 2012

professions for raiding

[:1]Hi all,

I was casually looking through the requirements for some of the more advanced raiding guilds and noticed that they insist on having 2 raiding professions.

Atm (for example) my mage has 450 mining/jc. I'm assuming that the mining isn't considered a 'raiding profession' and will have to be changed for something more useful, such as enchanting.

Is this true? and if so, isn't that an awful lot of hassle to go through for what essentially amounts to 46 SP on the rings? The mining benefits are extra life, which isn't really that important for a mage (or is it?). I realise that if everyone has that little bit extra, that it all adds up over the raid, but I just wanted to be sure that this is what is meant by "raiding professions".|||BS/JC is the top one these days i think, but all the crafting professions are pretty much equivilent for what you get out of em|||You're entirely correct in what you think are Raiding Professions. Skinning, Mining and Herbalism are for alts. Mining can be acceptable on a Tank, perhaps.

Is it required for success? No, especially not now with the 10% (soon 15%) ICC buff. Does it matter when you are striving for Server Firsts (or even World Firsts)? Heck ye.

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