Saturday, April 14, 2012

lol Arcanite Rod - recipe for enchanters...

[:1]I have had an enchanter for some time now (lvl 71 lock) and have an alt with this profession (lvl 36 mage) and needed that formula... after remembering how to get it - going to moonglade... I took my lvl 36 mage all through Felwoods to go through that lovely mine of angry fuburs... We'll, I had forgotten all about their rep and died 3 times going through their cave to moonglade.

Now, one thing I learnt.... you can use any toon to pick up the damn recipe (as it sells for a quantity of 1) from a vender. I took me 45 mins to get there with my low level toon. *bows his head in shame*

And another thing I learnt, why are enchanter's recipes consist of tough mats as opposed to some other professions? Shouldn't this formula be learnt at a common enchanter trainer?|||I guess the large mats cost (and trek to get it) was because at one time it was the absolute top quality rod used for the highest end enchants.|||Quote:

I guess the large mats cost (and trek to get it) was because at one time it was the absolute top quality rod used for the highest end enchants.

You would think by now, this recipe would be available at a general trainer (enchanter). Seeing they made all those Uldaman recipes available now at any enchanter trainer. It's just a small rant.

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