Wednesday, April 18, 2012

if you're searching for herbs...

make sure you uncheck "usable items" in AH as the herbs may not show. I'm an alchemist so they should show for me--they used to, i'm pretty certain--but they don't anymore.

(I almost always leave that button checked unless i am selling ore or wands or something I can't use, which, as a high level warrior, is not very many items)

I thought there were no herbs at all on the auction house now i have to go back and make sure I didn't overprice by a ridiculous amount :/|||there probably are no herbs on the AH and you probably did overprice and they probably sold :)

Herbs are INSANE right now as everybody who didn't plan to go scribe and then decided to when the patch hit are buying up herbs like crazy.|||no there really were herbs showing after i unchecked the box.

some herbs aren't selling that much higher than normal, i actually canceled 2 auctions and didn't relist them.|||update after reporting this i was contacted by a GM today and he told me to reset my UI which of course didn't work.

raise your hand if you think this sounds remotely like a UI problem...

after talking to another alchemist it seems it checks the items in your inventory and then decides whether you can make use of the herb you are searching for. So if you don't have the other mats or the vials that the herb goes with it won't show as "usable"

This is obviously an intended change--someone had to write code to make it check those conditions--which makes it all the more disgusting that a GM would tell me to reset my UI.

I can't report is as a bug do you report something that is retarded?|||this problem sounds to me to be your problem as i dont know anyone with the same issues. try deleteing your wtf folder that might sort it|||no like i already said that didn't sort it. If other people are not having these problems it is because they are carrying a stash of the relevant herbs and vials. If you are talking about people you know personally I would advise them to compare the number of results with the button checked versus the button unchecked.

Again, someone had to code it to check your bags which means it had to be an intended change.

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