Thursday, April 12, 2012

Herb Pricing

[:1]I just dropped lworking and picked up herbalism. I'm planning on selling everything in the AH but sometimes there are no other products of similar herbs to base my price off of. Anyone know standard buyout prices for herbs?

Thanks!|||It's different for every server. You should have stuck with leatherworking. Made an Disenchanting alt and disenchant all your crafted items, great way to make money :D|||So is Herbalism, eggo. And this may come out quite more annoyed than I intend it to be... But why is it that almost every time someone asks a question, someone else feels a sudden obligation to dismiss the question entirely and go for what they think the OP should have done instead. Especially on this part of the forums, this happens quite often. "Excuse me, where do I find this or that recipe for Blacksmithing?" "Blacksmithing? Bah, that's rubbish, in order to make money you should have chosen this or that profession!"

Sorry, bit of a rant. Anyway, eggo is right in saying that it depends on the server a lot. I also don't know any "standard" prices. I just had to rant a bit, I guess.|||if you are trying to sell herbs and you dont know the price, wait until someone puts the same herb on the AH, throw yours up at a slightly lower price, undercut the other player, gives you a better chance to sell, and to top it all off, the price will fluctuate and you may sometimes get more than the herbs is usually worth if you are undercutting players who overprice their herbs by a large amount.

You dont have to be cheap on AH, just gotta be cheapER :P|||Sometimes you don't have to even be cheapER!

I usually aim to have mine at the top fo the list even if my B/O is higher than the cheapest, but sometimes if I see competitors "too cheap" but not cheap enough for me to b/o and resell I will list mine at the price I want, fully expecting the ones before me to sell out leaving me as the cheapest.|||Quote:

Sometimes you don't have to even be cheapER!

I usually aim to have mine at the top fo the list even if my B/O is higher than the cheapest, but sometimes if I see competitors "too cheap" but not cheap enough for me to b/o and resell I will list mine at the price I want, fully expecting the ones before me to sell out leaving me as the cheapest.

Indeed, the median price is often the best. For instance, if a stack of whatchamacallit is for sale in a range from 80s to 1g50s, 1g is a nice BO price. Provided that there are not too many 80s BO's, of course...

This also prevents undercutting too heavily, resulting in an overall price drop, which is not good if you are regularely selling the item.|||I would suggest throw it on the AH for a few gold. If it does not sell, you can always do another auction tomorrow for less. Remember, there is usually a reason that something is sold out. If you can wait to sell stuff on the weekends too, in my experience even though there is more supply, the increased demand seems to get me higher prices. Good luck.|||Thanks everyone for the advice. I've prett much been doing what people suggested (undercutting the lowest auction out there) but was confused when I saw grave mossx20 going for 15g...I put mine at 10g but that price that I put on still felt to be way too high (I was right!)

Got one more follow-up question. Should I always sell herbs in stacks of 20 or are some buyers out there looking for smaller amounts? Should I split up herbs into stacks of 10? 5? Or just keep them all at 20?

Thanks again everyone for your help and advice, I really appreciate it|||I put my herbs on the AH in odd/mixed lots all the time. But I look to see what the full stacks are selling for to determine the avg. price for one herb. Then charge a small markup to squeeze a little more silver out of the buyer.


Goldthorn has 10 full stacks of 20 available on AH for buyout between 2.5g-3g. So the average herb is 12.5s-15s. If I only had 2 Goldthorn to sell, I would set the bid at 35s and buyout at 40s.

Basically this does two things:

1. Gives me a much greater profit than trying to compete selling full stacks.

2. Frees up my bank/bag inventory.

I am basically trying to make a profit on players who are cheap and/or only need a few herbs and those who are bad at math and think they are getting a deal.

Last night I made a mistake with Heavy Hides, I had a full stack to put on the AH, and there were not any others. I could not remember what a fair price would be, so I put them all out there at a buyout of 4.5g. It was gone in 5 mins.

Good Luck|||OK a little advice (oh and my first post btw). I'm going to try these forums for a while as I can't cope with all the nerf Warlock/Hunter posts on the official forums!

Amounts for herbs vary wildly both from server to server but even more so from week to week. Anyway here are a few guide prices of what I normally get for some of the herbs. I've not listed the highest level ones as I've never sold enough to really be able to help you - you will have to experiment with these. Oh and if in doubt; sell high as herbs cost very little to list.

This prices represent amounts that will usually sell. A lot of people seem to put herbs on very high prices. Also I don't recommend selling in full stacks. Most people do this, but few players, except at higher level potion makers, want full stacks. A lot of sales go to people that want to try out new potions. As a rule of thumb selling in stacks of 5 for a little over a quarter of a full stack works well. Why 5? Because many potions require two of each herb meaning they will come back for 5 more, rather than wasting the extra.

Peace bloom: trash,

Silverleaf: trash,

Earthroot: trash to 50s a stack (mostly trash),

Mageroyal: around 50s - 70s a stack,

Swiftthislte: 4g to 6g (your first real money maker, the rouges need it for their tea)

Briarthorn: 2g to 3g

Stranglekelp: 3g to 5g (harvest it from underwater coast of westfall, wetlands are great places. Get an underwater breathing potion and you can collect a couple of stacks, great money maker).

Bruiseweed: trash to 50s on my server.

Wild Steelbloom: 6g to 8g (a very reliable money maker) used in some very nice mid to low level potions

Gravemoss: 4g to 5g but very hard to sell. List lower if you like.

Kingsblood: 2g to 3g.

Liferoot: 50s to 1g tends to be flooded - easy to find.

Fadeleaf: 8g to 15g (yes really!) rouges eat through this at an incredible pace. One of the top money makers for herbalists. Easy to find in SV or badlands. Look for steathed mobs. Watch out for them too!

Goldthorn: 3g to 8g - used in good pots.

Khadgar's Whisker: 1g to 2g - used in the level 35 healing potion but never seems to sell well.

Wintersbite: 6g to 10g - I think this might be higher on some servers.

Firebloom: 8g to 10g

Purple lotus: 3g to 4g - not a great herb but always pick it as it might drop wildvine.

Wildvine: 14g to 20g (he he) very hard to find, easiest to get off Warlocks in SV as a drop :-( Used in a number of profs.

Ghost mushroom: 8g to 10g

Sungrass: 6g to 10g. Sells very well. If the AH is out stick it on higher!

Dreamfoil: 20g to 30g - the older the server the better this one sells as the raiding guild need it badly. This one is really worth farming.

Black lotus: you wish :D ... lots and lots.

I've missed some out but I'm a bit bored now and having trouble remembering everything.

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