Thursday, April 12, 2012

Did you know? Gems.

[:1]Ok, firstly. Throw whatever you can at me for not knowing this about gems - yes rocks, solfuric acid, your neighbours ugly child ANYTHING you want!

I did know prior to last night that you can socket ANY colored Gem in ANY colored socket! Janfader = failure

I've been recently down on my DPS specs because I just couldn't hit that .5 extra K or sometimes a whole extra 1K dps to that of my other "same" class/spec guildies. Then I started looking closely at their gear and wondering to myself "holy @#$%, all +20str in every socket for the new tier 10 gear".... Must be really nice. Then I got my Teir 10 pieces and it wasn't all Red Sockets... WTF. How the hell does so and so have Red gems in different colored sockets?


Then I learnt alll about you can equip whatever Gem you want in any colored socket.

So far I've dodged Flames, gas can, bullets, dump truck, piles of poo, road kill, runescape the game, some guys girlfriend, tire iron, wrench and broken glass.

Please throw more stuff at me|||This is not exactly true. In a red socket, you can equip a red gem, or gems of the color containing red, ie. Purple and Orange. Or Prismatic, of course. But you can't socket a green gem in it.

Quick rundown:

Yellow socket: Yellow, Orange or Green (purple doesn't contain yellow)

Blue socket: Blue, Green or Purple (orange doesn't contain blue)

Red socket: Red, Orange or Purple (green doesn't contain red)

Prismatics fit in every slot.

Note that meta gem requirements are quite easily met this way. They don't require the actual gems, but more like the actual slots being filled. This means you can fulfill a meta gem requirement of two Blues with a Green and a Purple gem, for instance, provided that they are both equipped in a blue slot.|||Quote:

This is not exactly true. In a red socket, you can equip a red gem, or gems of the color containing red, ie. Purple and Orange. Or Prismatic, of course. But you can't socket a green gem in it.

Quick rundown:

Yellow socket: Yellow, Orange or Green (purple doesn't contain yellow)

Blue socket: Blue, Green or Purple (orange doesn't contain blue)

Red socket: Red, Orange or Purple (green doesn't contain red)

Prismatics fit in every slot.

Note that meta gem requirements are quite easily met this way. They don't require the actual gems, but more like the actual slots being filled. This means you can fulfill a meta gem requirement of two Blues with a Green and a Purple gem, for instance, provided that they are both equipped in a blue slot.

Sorry Snow, IF you have a Blue socket, you can epuip a Red into it. Meta's are different entirly. The only benefit of putting the proper colored Gem into the socket is for the bonus.|||Oh, right. Bah. What's the use of having different colors to collect then? Was it always like this, or is that another change to make the game easier?|||you can equip them into different coloured sockets, but as far as I know, you won't get any bonuses from gems that are in the wrong coloured socket.|||Quote:

Oh, right. Bah. What's the use of having different colors to collect then? Was it always like this, or is that another change to make the game easier?

I know for sure it wasn't always like this. I can't tell you when Blizzard decided to allow for a Red into a Yellow/Blue socket. Typicially the bonus will never be better than going all out I.E +20 Agil, +20 Str etc... Very rare you will find the bonus of the socket's out performing the above.

Essentially on my Ret Pally, all Sockets not red (+20 str) I would sub in the best gem of it's color being purple, green etc.

Now that my whole socket system consists of Red Gems @ +20 Str and a blue here and there to get my Helmet socket to kick in... I do wonders now in my dps. Currently at 5.1K on average over 10 instances (5 man roics).|||You could ALWAYS socket any colour gem in any colour socket. People don't becase they want the socket bonus but as the higher stat gems become more common, the bonus becomes less beneficial.

Don't forget that the epic gems used to be damn hard to get so +16 was the norm.|||Quote:

You could ALWAYS socket any colour gem in any colour socket. People don't becase they want the socket bonus but as the higher stat gems become more common, the bonus becomes less beneficial.

Don't forget that the epic gems used to be damn hard to get so +16 was the norm.

Odd Erinion, I remember "You cannot eqiup this gem into this socket" messages when TBC came out. Perhap I was doing something wrong.

However, now things a rolling much smoother. Dps is kicking, and now to re-gem my other 8 lvl 80's alliance toons... God help me.|||Quote:

Odd Erinion, I remember "You cannot eqiup this gem into this socket" messages when TBC came out. Perhap I was doing something wrong.

Maybe I'm wrong then - but I do think that now we can get epic gems much easier, the set bonuses are "diluted".|||I recall that also, and that it was quickly dis-proven by in game actions, i.e. socketing gems of the wrong color. I think in the original plans Bliz had intended to disallow the mis-socketing of gems but either when TBC was released or very shortly thereafter, that it was changed. That was how our Kara tanks got all their health, by stacking up stamina gems regardless of the color called for by the socket.

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