I'm a level 32 rogue on the alliance side trying to level up my leatherworking and need some light leather to do so. I'm wondering what mobs are the best way to do so. Fairly easy to kill that respawn quickly or where there are a lot of. Hoping to stay around wetlands/ironforge/stormwind/duskwood/redridge areas if at all possible. TIA!
Also, to save another thread. What about medium leather/heavy? They don't have to be mobs I can kill quickly now, just to keep it in the back of my mind.|||you can...
run up and down the east side of loch modan, kill bears, boars, and crocs.
or run up and down darkshore, bears, sabers, and plainstriders everywhere.
for the higher leathers... best place is the excavation site in wetlands, along with the northern edge of wetlands where the raptors are. east of menethil will have raptors and crocs too. ashenvale has a lot of creatures but they're all spread out. in darkshore you will be able to skin the worgens in the cave south of darkshire, plus the camps right outside. all i wanna think of right now. this is more than enough. haha.
for heavy leathers, i found the best place is just right outside refuge point, also in hillsbrad inside the yeti cave and north of that, where the ice yetis are. i think those might be "thick" leather mobs, but i havent skinned in so long i get things mixed up.
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